The progressive democrats, as they like to be called, feel guilty that America has prospered so well while the rest of the world hasn't kept up. They are forcing this guilt on the people of America so that we to can be politically correct.
Madeline Albrecht let this slip during her rein as Secretary of State.
The are slowly and systematically dismantling everything that holds this country together and makes it work.
Giving illegals amnesty will instantly bring in more taxes IF the illegals even come out of the shadows. It will also give them a bigger voter base since conservatives such as myself are dead set against another amnesty bill.
Talk radio isn't about the hosts. It's about the American people calling in to the shows. I stopped listening to Rush for this reason. There are not enough callers on his program. Talk radio is how the American people are informed on what our government is doing in these back room deals. Without talk radio this amnesty bill would already be law.
One more thing about this amnesty bill. Has anyone stopped to think about all the earned income credits we will be paying out to these illegals when they start filing taxes? They're STILL going to be taking more than they are contributing. We hear the left tell us all the time that they're doing jobs that Americans won't do. Well those jobs that they're referring to don't pay real well. Anyone with a couple of kids making less than $36k a year doesn't pay taxes they get a huge tax return.
Unfortunately President Bush is helping them with their quest. He's stomping his feet to get his way with the amnesty bill. He's even going forward with the North American Union essentially giving away our nations sovereignty to become more like the European Union... Has anyone paid attention to the EU? They're not doing so hot... They're also not getting along like they were supposed to....
For the 1st responder.. What she asked is 100% true and if you can't see that your blinded by party lines or you don't read enough outside of the beltway.
2007-06-25 07:31:53
answer #1
answered by noobienoob2000 4
I think you answered "why"..when you asked why are they increasingly becoming dictators ..All these things will add up to that ..if the benevolent illusions they promote at election times.. (to accomplish that) . .continue to razzle-dazzle and persuade the poor , and /or minorities , that - these so-called"saviors" (who do nothing more than keep the underprivileged that way) are not exposed in the light of day .
THAT is a key reason for the "Fairness Doctrine"..Notice the ironic illusion those words create ? How UNFAIR can you get if you take away America's right to choose to hear another opinion - other than the liberal bias mainstream media that has been all we had for years ? You are so right - THIS IS SERIOUS . These liberal democrats in office mean to clamp down on information getting to the public . Mrs . Clinton herself is on record saying "We have too much free speech" ; and she & other democrats on the left are working to stop the flow of information over the Internet as well . If they succeed in this "Fairness Doctrine" attack on the United States and's only a matter of time , I'm afraid -before we are all goose-stepping .
2007-06-26 12:37:41
answer #2
answered by missmayzie 7
On amnesty, this is a mixed bag. Republican President Bush is for Amnesty. Those that are for amnesty either think that the law is unjust or they don't care about the rule of law.
I would personally significantly increase the number of immigrants and guest workers allowed in this country, but I would make illegals leave the country and apply with no advantage to those who followed our laws and waited. I would also find and deport the current illegals and build a fence along our southern boarder.
I did not hear of abolishing the secret ballot for Unions. Do you have a source for this? This would prevent an organized opposition and is really a bad idea. Sounds great for a one party system.
Higher Taxes. Democrats in general are socialists. They believe that government should do good. If there is a problem in the country that a law should be written to solve it. Higher taxes funds the welfare state which they are fond of. It also funds the Iraq war which Bush is fond of.
Update: source from Yahoo news.;_ylt=AqMeeTTU9kswQTazKJlUWPGMwfIE
Quote: Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked a bill that would allow labor unions to organize workplaces without a secret ballot election.
An update to my answer. The Democratic party will support anything that would make it easier for unions to organize. Even if it strips workers of their voting rights.
2007-06-25 14:33:11
answer #3
answered by jacbob 3
These are some of the reasons that although I might not vote Republican, I will NEVER vote Democrat.
And for those above who think these items are made up, see:
1) the Amnesty bill
2) Fairness Doctrine
3) Employee Free Choice Act
4) Any Democratic candiadtes speech regarding the "need" to raise taxes.
2007-06-25 14:32:33
answer #4
answered by Time to Shrug, Atlas 6
I am not a Democrat or Republican, I try to vote for the individual candidate.
Amnesty for undocumented aliens that have lived in the country for a long time is based on complex moral, social, and practical issues. Many of them have children that were born here, and most are productive workers and pay sales and property taxes. There are a large group of people, however, who want to keep them illegal so that they be used as a sub-minimum wage labor force. The problem really is that the INS is poorly funded, and rediculously understaffed, to the point that it is nearly impossible to enforce the current laws, due to an insufficient number of border guards.
As for free speech, free speech is being thrown out the window as corporations like Fox increasing censor the news with a Republican slant.
I don't think anyone wants to abolish the secret ballot. However, problems with the last two Presidential elections has indicated that we need a means of insuring the accuracy of the vote. Simply putting a journal printer in the electronic voting machines would go a long way. Also a federal mandate that would prevent arbitrary disenfranchisement and reduce pandering at the state and local levels would help immensely. There are many stories of the voting machines malfunctioning that it makes one wonder if your vote was counted to your candidate. An audit journal would not include identifying voter info, but could be used to verify the results if a recount was needed.
I don't know if the Democrats actively favor unions, but I have heard that the Republicans favor the interests of the corporations who dislike the unions.
As for taxes. Taxes usually increase under Democrats who generally balance the budget, while government debt increases under Republicans while they increase spending. It's like the Dems pay cash while the Republicans put it on their Mastercard and hope the Dems are in charge when the bill comes.
It seems to me you have fallen prey to the Republican spin doctors.
Now before you start calling me a @#$@$# Liberal, you should understand that ther are many planks in the Democratic platform that I also disagree with. Every 4 years I find myself more and more tempted to cast a write-in ballot for Harley Williams (my dog, named after the character in "Golden Years")
However, I dislike the use of F.U.D. (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) tactics by anyone.
Seek your own truth. Anyone with eomething to gain may lie to you to get their way.
2007-06-25 15:19:19
answer #5
answered by Niklaus Pfirsig 6
The more cogent qustion on the Amnesty deal is why Republicans started resisting it. The Congressional Leadership and the president are both strongly pro-Amnesty, and it's supported by powerful lobbies, as well. Business interests who contribute heavily to Republican campaign coffers desperately want the cheap labor that illegals provide, and know that Amnesty would draw tens of millions of them across the border.
I think the Republicans in Congress are so desperate to win back some shreds of respect from the American people, that they've actually resorted to supporting what they know the people want. It's fairly safe to stake out such positions, since the Bill will eventually be passed, anyway.
2007-06-25 14:26:51
answer #6
answered by B.Kevorkian 7
democrats do not all want the same thing. the immigration reform is being sponsored by democrats And republicans (including a republican president. they are not offering amnesty--but a path to citizenship for millions of hard-working families here in the u.s., while simultaneously providing for an ongoing pro-business temporary workers program to keep agricultural economy competitive, AND provide greater border security.
i believe there is a small faction that are trying to sponsor a bill that would not stifle but attempt to equalize points of view over the heavily conservative talk radio networks. as a liberal, i do see that the radio hosts are oftentimes, misleading, erroneous, self-serving and definitely biased--BUT in a free-market, i think it is mis-guided to try to have the government correct the problem. i do see the talk show hosts as dangerous--fascinating to hear callers line up to self-congratulate and repeat the hosts--still, they have the right to listen to what they want. so, not all democrats or liberals want the same things.
abolishing the secret ballot sounds so un-american. look, in the real world, lots of businesses place a great deal of pressure on employees to vote against the unions. still, there are other ways to address this issue than doing away with the secret ballot.
why would someone, a vice president, who has hidden behind executive privelage so often, announce he will not comply with an executive order because he is not just a member of the executive branch?
why would a president undermine hundreds of laws that were passed by congress AND the executive branch?
so many questions...
2007-06-25 14:42:44
answer #7
answered by quiet 3
First of all, it's Bush that's pushing the amnesty bill.
And what commentators are being deprived of their free speech? Please give an example.
EFCA (and if you don't know what that is, why are you asking the question?) is about a transparent process for union membership. It should have a built-in protections, yes, but bottom line it's better for the workers.
And it's semantics to say we want to "raise" taxes; we want to put back the taxes that Bush cut, the vast majority of which went to the top 2% of the country.
2007-06-25 14:29:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
President Bush is the one that keeps the amnesty bill alive
me=liberal I hate anmesty deal
face it after this administration has spent us ito oblivion
the next person in will have to raise taxes to clean up the mess of the last 6 yeras
2007-06-25 14:21:56
answer #9
answered by Deidre K 3
Iam very familiar with the employee free choice act. It WILL get rid of secret ballot voting if passed.
2007-06-25 15:28:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous