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1- I don't wanna miss a thing
2-Making love out of nothing at all
3-A beautiful lie
4-Two less lonely people in the world
5-Don't let me be misunderstood
6-Rebel Yell
7-One more cup of coffee

These song titles are from Aerosmith, Air Supply, 30 seconds to Mars, Air Supply, the Animals, Billy Idol, and Bob Dylon respectively. Knock yourselves out.

2007-06-24 09:14:46 · 7 answers · asked by ROSE 5 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

7 answers

I eased my old Jeep into a parking space in front of Cobb's Diner. Cobb's was a little cafe on the east end of Sixth Street, the thoroughfare that passed for a main drag in Clay Center, Kansas. Cobb's specialty was chicken fried steak, which they served with a copious helping of gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls that had been bought packaged and warmed up. The real test of the cuisine of any small town restaurant is the chicken fried steak. Cobb's was the best.

I parked myself on one of the stools at the counter, partly because I was alone and didn't need a booth, and partly because Linda Sue Sorensen was working the counter. Linda Sue was a curvaceous girl, not exactly heavy, but what you might call rubinesque, with whatever might be "extra" distributed to all the right places. She always had a sunny smile, an outgoing, cheerful disposition. Big, full lips and blond hair.

"Hiya, handsome!" she exclaimed, wandering over as soon as I sat down. "What'll ya have?" I ordered my chicken fried steak and a cup of coffee.

I'd been flirting with Linda Sue for almost six months, since she broke up with Pete Debeers, her old high school sweetheart. They'd dated for five years, and I was glad she was available, but I was having a hard time reading her. She always acted real happy to see me. We flirted real hard, and she seemed genuinely fond of me. But whenever I tried to suggest that we go out on a date, she always put me off. She had to do something for her mama, or she had relatives coming into town, or she had to drive to Wichita for a doctor's appointment. Don't let me be misunderstood, they were all plausible excuses. She always told me to ask her out again, or asked for a raincheck. But when a fella gets turned down too many times in a row, he starts to suspect maybe it just ain't gonna happen.

"C'mon Linda Sue," I pleaded when she brought me my coffee. "You haven't dated since you broke up with Pete. Go out with me and there'll be two less lonely people in the world. You know I haven't been asking anyone else out since I started comin' in here to see you, but how long do you expect me to wait? I'm not getting younger, and I don't wanna miss a thing."

Linda collected the tab from two other guys at the end of the counter, and came back to me. "I'm gonna be straight with you, Ray," she said. "I like you. I like you a whole lot. I've been trying to wrap my head around this. I haven't wanted to discourage you, because I think you'd make a fine boyfriend. Under other circumstances, I'd be positively dying to go out with you. But I haven't really gotten over Pete. If I started goin' out with you, I feel like I'd be trying to make love out of nothing at all. It'd all be nothing but a beautiful lie."

I picked at my dinner, and Linda Sue brought me one more up of coffee. The disappointment stung at my heart, and made me feel numb at the same time. I'd been encouraged by her teasing and flirting now for some time, and I wasn't really prepared to be let down.

I thanked her for her honesty, paid my check, and walked out to my Jeep with an empty feeling in my stomach. On the way home, I stopped at Snyder's package store and bought a fifth of Rebel Yell.* I had a feeling that bottle and I were gonna be best friends that night.

*Author's note: There really is a bourbon named Rebel Yell, made at the W.W. Weller distillery. This was not just a lame way to work that song title into the story. And, thanks for your indulgence. :-)

2007-06-24 13:01:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I'll have one more cup of coffee before I head out Captain Pat told the waitress..The day before Captain Pat had taken the boat "Rebel Yell" out on a long fishing trip and had yet to finish cleaning the deck.
When ya gonna take me fishing? Charlie (the waitress) asked.
What??Captain Pat said.. now don't let me be misunderstood..you want me to take you out on MY boat,burn My gas, use My Bait just so you can catch some fish? Why don't you come and help me clean the boat and then I'll take you.Earn your way so to say.
Yes Captain Pat..that is a beautiful lie you tell. You would sooner walk off the Pier than take me fishing. You know Pat there would be two less lonely people in the world if you took me.
yea,yea Captain Pat said..I don't want to miss a thing..See you later Charlie
later charlie said. Charlie turned to Rosie the other waitress and said," You know I have tried and tried to get close to Captain Pat but he is just so cold. I mean I flirt and talk to him and its like talking to a a FISH!!!
Well Rosie said," you know ever since his "deckhand" left, you know that woman young enough to be his daughter..he has not been the same. I think he really cared for "that woman"
He must have,said Charlie trying to get close to him is as bad as making love outta nothing at all.
well, Rosie said that's probably all you would have Charlie,Nothing.
Well Charlie said I', outta here I think I am gonna pass by the Rebel Yell and help Cap. out. Maybe if I clean the boat a few times he'll take me fishing.Later Rosie!!!
Later Charlie.

2007-06-24 17:16:57 · answer #2 · answered by little3nikki 3 · 2 0

Don't let me be misunderstood, this is not a beautiful lie. There were two less lonely people in the world who said they would be making love out of nothing at all after just one more cup of coffee. All the while they were giving out a rebel yell of I don't wanna miss a thing.

lol, sorry, my answer is retarded

2007-06-24 18:04:55 · answer #3 · answered by Brittany2010 3 · 0 0

She danced around the room,in her flowing robe and nightgown,her eyes closed, her arms extended as if dancing with someone she loved. She smiled and giggled, as if he were whispering something in her ear. She was dancing to the tune "Making love out of nothing at all". Soon, the music stopped, she continued to dance, swaying back and forth across the room, and smiling. She was still living "A beautiful lie," that she chose, to have and to hold.
Finally, she stopped dancing,she looked up and said, won't you have "one more cup of coffee?" Tell me everything my darling, she said"I don't wanna miss a thing". She sat on the couch, drinking her coffee and continued to talk, smile and giggle. After her cup was empty, she leaned over ever so gently, as if to embrace her imaginary lover,her eyes closed, her mouth puckered, she was kissing him passionately.
Several moments passed, slowly she opened her eyes and stood up.....she let out a blood curdling "Rebel Yell"!
Don't let me be misunderstood,"she laughed....We happen to be "Two less lonely people in the world"....don't you agree my love...

2007-06-24 19:02:05 · answer #4 · answered by kayboff 7 · 2 0

(Edit: Keeping with the theme of honouring our most beloved Sunshine with "Ole West" themed offerings... I submit the following story)

The Yankee line was a solid mass before him, a wall of blue bodies that the Texans would have to smash through top get to their objective. He had been leading this offencive for ever it seemed, the casualties had been adding up and the supply of manpower was all but spent. It was now or never. He thought about those last moments of peace, an age ago it seemed... that beautiful lie they had been told, that it would be easy, grated on his mind...how many had he lost so far? How many broken bodies and broken minds?

"Please God, give us victory this day..." he prayed one last time.

He cast his eyes about the bloody field, the opposing generals were standing on there respective sides of the battlefield... if there were two less lonely people in the world he'd be surprised, The hopes of tens of thousands rested on those two sagging sets of shoulders.

"oh hell, why do I do it to myself..." the Texan leader moaned as he hunched over before the charge, his ulcer screaming at him, always One more cup of coffee then was a good idea, but he had needed to be sharp this morning... the south demanded victory this day. Images of General Lee and General Hood filled his mind only to be replaced by the images of that woman with golden hair and eyes the grey of the sea that he had laid down with last night... they had been making love out of nothing at all, a last brief moment of human tenderness before he faced this last battle. He didnt even know her name.

he yelled out his last orders...

"Give em Hell Boys!"

A resounding Rebel Yell filled the air as the gentlemen of the South prepared for the clash... The yankees knew the were about to strike, they had prepared their defence well, this was going to be pure murder.


The New York defensive line smashed the Cowboys offence in seconds, before he even had time to throw the Cowboys Quarterback was buried under a mountain of 360lb bodies...
His last thoughts before darkness overcame him were that he rearly ought to have considered taking medicine rather then that football scholorship...

2007-06-24 21:34:41 · answer #5 · answered by Zarathustra 3 · 4 0

One more cup of coffee should get me up and going I thought. The strong aroma of the coffee beans and with a tiny dab of moonshine sure smelled good. I filled two cups and carefully took then back into the bedroom. There, still sleeping was Matt Dillon, yup; the good ole cowboy was out tomcatting behind Miss Kitty and Miss Sunshine’s back. I’m not really sure how we got to this point as I’ve never had an urge to get frisky with him, and I certainly don’t make it a point to go after other peoples boyfriends. Maybe it was the Rebel Yell that got me going, hell I don’t really know, all I know is that the Marshal and I had a wonderful roll in the hay, so to speak.

It all started when Ms Kitty had left town to try to get her drinking problem under control. She had been drowning her sorrows in liquor ever since Matt had taken a shine to Ms. Sunshine. Silva one of the dancers at the saloon had told Kitty that she was going to quit working for her if she couldn’t get her act together. Customers were not coming in as regularly as they had because Kitty was getting mean and nasty. Without customers, Silva was not getting any “special” attention that she has come to rely upon. Silva was Kitty’s biggest attraction as most of the men in the town loved to watch the pretty lass dance and entertain them. In order to keep Silva, she had agreed to go to her sister’s house in California to “rest up a bit” as she had put it.

Sunshine was thrilled when she heard the news. Although Matt has been dating her exclusively for the last several months, it’s always been somewhat of a thorn in her side to see Kitty mopping about looking like someone skinned her dog. She certainly didn’t hate Miss Kitty she just wanted her to forget about Matt Dillon and move on to someone else. Now that she had Matt all to herself, she was planning on doing everything in her power to get him to say the magic words that she wanted so badly to hear - I love you.

As all people know, sometimes the best laid plans fail. That’s what happen when Sunshine got notice that her mother was sick and need her to come home and take care of her. Being the loving daughter that she was, she kissed Matt goodbye and left for New York, thus leaving me to move right in.

It would be a beautiful lie if I told you that Matt was interested in me more than Kitty or Sunshine, but he’s not. It was like making love out of nothing at all so that there would be two less lonely people in the world. Don’t let me be misunderstood, Matt likes me and cares for me, but I think his heart belongs to one of the other ladies.

It was another night and Matt has once again paid me a visit. Tonight he does not appear to miss either of the other women. We cuddled by the fire and he leaned over to me and said just a loud as could be I LOVE YOU. I couldn’t believe I heard him right and in my daze didn’t handle it right as I started gasping for breath. As quickly as it occurred, it disappeared. Marshal Dillon was no longer looking at me with his soulful eyes; instead, my husband Howard was shaking me awake. “Wake up Marilynn, he said. You’re having a dream.” I groaned and turned over and hugged the pillow. I wanted to go back to sleep because I don’t wanna miss a thing that was going on between me and the good Marshal, but sadly, it wasn’t to be. The magic moment has escaped me and all I’m left with are fragments of what occurred. Of course tomorrow is another night so maybe I can once again find Marshal Dillon in my arms again. The End.

Note: Please breathe Ms. Sunshine – It was only a dream. LOL

2007-06-24 20:10:16 · answer #6 · answered by marilynn 5 · 3 0

Dodge City, Kansas
Circa 1876

" I'm That Kind Of Girl"

As Matt and Sunshine started getting dressed for the town meeting, Sunshine was aghast at her reflection in the mirror.
Sunshine:"Oh my GOD!!! My hair looks like a rat's nest!"
Matt:"What are you talking about, sweetie. You look beautiful."
He kissed her on her cheek .
Sunshine:" I do NOT look beautuiful, though that was (3)A beautiful lie. Thanks babe."

When they arrived at the meeting, everyone was milling around. Festus was deep in conversation with old Doc.
Festus: " Doc? It would be wrong to tell those younguns in the choir that violins are not allowed....Don't ya see?"
Doc :" (5)Don't let me be misunderstood,
you lamebrain. I said we have to get rid of the VIOLENCE, not the violins." He rubbed his face as he always does and shook his head.
Off in the corner was Newly with his new friend, Tubalina Thompson. Everyone just called her "Tuba," for short. They seemed to be hitting it off very nicley:http://www.painetworks.com/photos/hr/hr0121.JPG
Just before the meeting got under way, someone yelled out, "Where's Miss Kitty?" Ma Smalley fired back:"Last time I saw her, she was out back getting a snortful !!" She opened the backdoor and peeked out. "She's still there."
Sam The Bartender, Kitty's faithful manservant, went to get Kitty a cup of coffee. Festus got (7)One more cup of coffee just in case.
Matt and Sunshine were oblivious to anyone else in the room.
They had their heads together. Occasionally a little giggle could be heard. Doc, to no one in particular ....... "I declare, those two are (2)Making love out of nothing at all....Just sitting there on that bench. ......Yes sir, There are definitely (4)Two less lonely people in the world. Hmmmmm.....Reminds me of my younger days."

The meeting soon got underway. Councilman Warner was discussing ways to keep visitors from littering the streets of Dodge.http://www.skyways.org/orgs/fordco/graphics/frontst1874.jpg
It was a very boring meeting. At one point , Sunshine had to nudge Matt....He had begun to snore!
The councilman finally told everyone that the business part of the evening was over.....Now it was time for the FUN PART!!!
Councilman Warner: "Ladies and Gentlemen , Dodge City's answer to Annie Oakley, wanted: dead or alive.......MISS SUNSHINE MACGILLICUTTY!!!!"

Matt had no idea she was to going to entertain.
He proudly watched her take the stage. One of the "Christian " ladies in the crowd whispered:"She's just a woman in red."
Festus:"Pardon me maam, but you're wrong. She's just the girl next door.Now hush ......... (1) I don't wanna miss a thing
Miss Kitty: "I hope she doesn't howl like an alley cat........

Sunshine just smiled and let out her famous, (6)Rebel Yell.
"Hit it, guys!!!"

2007-06-24 16:40:38 · answer #7 · answered by I am Sunshine 6 · 8 0

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