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2007-06-23 15:17:40 · 7 answers · asked by BELINDA B 4 in Entertainment & Music Movies

He is very sensitive. Cried at the end of Charlotte's Web--alot. We just had a death in our family. According to the post so far, Maybe I should wait????

2007-06-23 16:01:49 · update #1

7 answers


i say this is not the time for him to see it.

i'm going to anger a lot of people by saying this, but i went to see the movie based on the trailers. the trailers, by only picturing the fantasy element, made the film seem like a fantasy film along the line of Neverending Story. but this film is not really a fantasy film. the majority of the film deals with the death of a main character and the realities of a young boy dealing with problems at home and school.

i was actually angry after watching the film because it was not what the trailers portrayed. younger kids in the audience were bawling uncontrollably at the death of the young girl while their parents (who obviously were misguided by the inaccurate trailers also) tried to console them.

though i liked many of the performances, the young man and the dead little girl in particular, this film is not my idea of a good time, and i dont think younger viewers will find it fun either.

2007-06-23 16:44:42 · answer #1 · answered by michael p 3 · 1 0

It was graphically beautiful and the two kids were adorable.

I found some parts to be too sad for a G movie. Someone cute and adorable dies and then there is a person left with guilt, which is left unresolved at the end. Didn't seem fair.
There was also an uncomfortable scene where after the person dies, the boy didn't know what "paying your respects was". So he asked what it was(in a humorous manner) in the middle of a tragedy which didn't seem right to me.

Also, there was a small theme of either being a nerd or a bully. And that didn't mix in right with me.

The ending was terrible. They created all of that, but they couldn't make the person that died to reappear in that world.

I say no to buying it for him, that's my opinion. But the way to know for sure is to watch it for yourself first.

2007-06-23 15:29:39 · answer #2 · answered by Jessica S 1 · 1 0

I haven't seen the movie, though I am familiar with the story from the book, which has become a modern classic in children's literature since winning the Newbery Award in 1978. Some parents may not realize from the promotions of the movie that this is a deeply emotional story about friendship and loss. One of the main characters does die, and the story also includes issues of bullying and child abuse.

2007-06-23 15:22:58 · answer #3 · answered by DrJonClark 3 · 1 0

I had mixed emotions about the film. I watched it with my stepson who is 7. (he lost his mom a few years ago) The movie was good but it was also heart wrenching because of the child abuse, school bullies and loss of his best and only friend. I would watch the movie first and see what you think before letting your 7 yr old watch it. It really was not what I expected at all.

2007-06-24 05:20:20 · answer #4 · answered by Evil Ejade 4 · 0 0

yeah, i think so. when you're young you always think older guys are cute. for example when i was 10 i thought high school guys were cute even tho you know that you'll never have a chance with them. dont say anything about it to him because little boys never get up the courage to ask an older girl if they like them. and if they do, they're pretty stupid to think the girl will say yes!

2016-05-18 22:51:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

looks amazing. i would definately buy it for a child that age.. as for characters dying and strong storylines.. you could say the same thing about harry potter or other stories like it, that faired well with children and adults across the board.

2007-06-23 15:26:26 · answer #6 · answered by Scandalous 3 · 1 0

Good movie, and better book by the time you reach 5th grade. It was my favorite book in 5th grade, and I loved the movie when I saw it this year...it was amzing and you have to use your imagination, so I would recommened it.

2007-06-23 15:21:54 · answer #7 · answered by Nicole D 2 · 1 1

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