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Should we stop trying our best and simply be good enough?

2007-06-23 09:13:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

10 answers

Keep trying. When you're gone people will remember that you always tried your best even when it seemed futile.

2007-06-23 09:59:30 · answer #1 · answered by jsardi56 7 · 0 0

This is a good question.

It depends on what your best is not good enough for. If your best is not good enough for a low paying, dead end job, find something that's a better fit for you and don't sweat it.

If you have strived at some endeavor, or to do something to the best of your ability for quite awhile, and your efforts and hard work are not producing the desired results, you can do one of two things: Give it up and pursue a different course.. Or persevere---try harder if you really believe you have what it takes to accomplish your goal.

There are a lot of great actors and actresses who didn't get a break for years----I'm talking 20 years before they got that one role that put them on track. For instance: Dustin Hoffman. His first big break was in The Graduate. I've seen so many good actors, for instance Samuel L. Jackson, played a bit role in Goodfellas, and now he is one of the best actors around. Also, the actor who does the Allstate commercial and plays the President on 24, he had a role in the movie Heat, which I think came out in 95 and now he's doing commercials and is on one of the most popular shows on tv:24.

Then there's Stephen King. His first big break was "Carrie." He actually threw that manuscript in the trash. His wife Tabitha found it and encouraged him to finish it.

If your best is good enough for you, that's really all that matters.

2007-06-23 23:04:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It depends entirely on the person. For some people nothing less then perfection can suffice and they always seek to better themselves. This is to them something to strive for and although they may never be good enough, it is the driving force to their success. On the other hand, there are those who understand the futility of the subject and accept themselves as flawed and are willing to be good enough.

Thus the question is not whether we should stop trying our best and be good enough but rather are you willing to be good enough or do you have the need to keep trying?

2007-06-23 17:12:40 · answer #3 · answered by thed3r4n63dbr41n 2 · 0 0

Not necessarily.... with today's society if we stop doing our best and become good enough.... society with turn around and good enough wont be good enough.

2007-06-23 17:29:27 · answer #4 · answered by mommymanic 4 · 0 0


Your best improves if you push it. It becomes good enough.

2007-06-23 17:09:36 · answer #5 · answered by Born at an early age 4 · 0 0

Never. Always try your best reagardless of the outcome.

2007-06-23 17:59:12 · answer #6 · answered by Uncle Remus 54 7 · 0 0

Best is relative. We should be the best we can be.

2007-06-23 17:15:11 · answer #7 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

you're are what you want and want others to believe... you are the architect of your own life.

2007-06-26 19:08:28 · answer #8 · answered by awakenursoul 2 · 0 0

I would have to say to keep on going. We can always better ourselves and make life more woth while. I believe this can be done by asking the following question:

Can people make their dreams/visions a reality?!!

For the most part, I would have to say YES!!

After all, several inventions and ideas were dreamed up and made into reality by many imaginative/innovative people (Quite a few who saw life differently then others, who continued onward no matter HOW many times their attempts failed, no matter HOW many times other people mocked them and tried to put them down-THANKFULLY they continued onward and emerged triumphant through it all so that quite a few people now have many marvels and wonders to behold, thanks to them). WONDERS that would have been far beyond peoples expectation even a couple hundred years ago, and if they were to look at all the marvels of our world today, most if not all from that era would be left with feelings of total AWE, WONDER, and even HORROR (Which I TRULY believe will not be the case a couple hundred years or so from now, since EVEN through it all, I believe enough people will STAND UP for themselves. Like those many people who THROUGHOUT history have CHANGED the face of the world in which we now live-who I admire to NO END, since they STOOD UP for what they believed in and TRULY made a difference to do their SHEER PASSION and DETERMINATION. I am INCREDIBLY confidant that even though there are SEVERAL horrific things going on in our era, that with SHEER PASSION and DETERMINATION we WILL make it through this so that ALL future generations will live in a TRULY united world where differences are ACCEPTED and even EMBRACED, so that NO ONE will EVER have to live in fear, no one will EVER have to live with DISEASE, HUNGER and so on, with ALL the horrors of the past being NOTHING but distant memories. A WORLD that would leave the people of today in TOTAL AWE, WONDER, and TRULY bring tears of joy to our eyes).

People THROUGHOUT HISTORY have made MARVELOUS ACHIEVEMENTS that have TRULY changed the world that we live in. I will list but a few of the UNBELIEVABLE amount of wonders that have come from the INGENIOUS imaginations/thoughts, etc of some of these people that have made their ways into our lives; The wheel, Telephone, Light bulb, Television, Computers/Internet, Video games (YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!), many amazingly delicious, mouth watering foods/beverages (Bet I'm making you ALL quite hungry right about now!!), etc that have changed OUR lives!!

Not to mention beautiful/innovative speeches, poems/poetry, books/novels, music, art and so on that have YET AGAIN been created by several people who have ACTED upon their DREAMS and VISIONS and came through it ALL with VIBRANT colours and have TRULY opened the HEARTS and MINDS of COUNTLESS people throughout HISTORY, the present, and yes the future as well (Embrace PEACE, LOVE, and UNDERSTANDING for a BETTER TOMORROW!!).

If ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE has ANY visions/ideas that can help bring forth a BETTER LIFE (PEACE, LOVE, and UNDERSTANDING) for themselves, and others, then WORK TOWARD THESE VISIONS/IDEAS AND SO ON NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS TELL YOU AND NO MATTER HOW HARD THEY TRY TO PUT YOU DOWN!!!!!!! VISIONS and IDEAS are what have bought SO MUCH UNDERSTANDING, AND WONDERS INTO OUR LIVES that our dreams MUST BE ACTED UPON, so I urge ALL OF YOU to reach for the stars and beyond, SUPPORTING OTHERS and HELPING those with BRILLIANT, IMAGINATIVE IDEAS (Even if they may seem odd) so that we can ALL move forward and create a world of TRUE AWE AND WONDER FOR MANKIND, the CREATURES, PLANTS AND PLANET ITS-SELF (I have SEVERAL helpful tips that are LITERALLY just a click away which will be GREAT for our planet!! Just click on the "SOLUTIONS FOR OUR PLANET/ ENVIRONMENT" heading in my list of blogs and there will be links with several tips, many of which, saving money and the environment "Others that are more costly will also save money in the long run-with all of this leading to a healthier planet for us all). I urge ALL of you who are wanting a better life, STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN!!!!!!!, DEFEND AND COMFORT THOSE WHO ARE BEING ABUSED, MISUNDERSTOOD, AND MISTREATED. After all, there are FAR MORE KIND HEATER PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD then there are cruel ones, so for those of you with KINDNESS, GET TOGETHER AS A GROUP WHEN YOU SEE OTHERS WHO NEED A HELPING HAND, OR JUST SIMPLY NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO, AND COMFORT THEM AND PROTECT THE INNOCENT FROM THOSE FEW THAT TRY TO PUT THEM DOWN!!!!!!! TOGETHER WE ARE STRONG, and TOGETHER we will make an AMAZING FUTURE with SEVERAL POSITIVE CHANGES creating a NEVER ENDING SUPPLY of LOVE, PEACE AND UNDERSTANDING FOR US ALL!! LET us strive to make these changes so that they can take effect even in OUR lifetimes. KEEP UP THE FAITH, and NEVER, I mean NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS, TURN TO OTHERS FOR COMFORT AND FOR SUPPORT ("ALL FOR ONE, and ONE FOR ALL" as the Musketeers would say!!), and we WILL EMERGE THROUGH THIS LIFE, TRIUMPHANT, making future generations look upon this era with PRIDE and NEVER ENDING GRATITUDE (For what we WILL accomplish!!). Let us ALL set a SOLID foundation so that ALL future generations may build upon it!!

I believe that in the distant future (Around a thousand years or so from now-Perhaps even sooner then that) this will all lead to a world that is SOOOO WONDERFUL and AWE INSPIRING that it will TRULY be BEYOND, ANY OF OUR GREATEST IMAGINATIONS, VISIONS and HOPES!!

So I can say FULL HEARTILY that YES I believe that for those who believe in THEIR DREAMS, AS WELL AS BELIEVING IN THE DREAMS OF OTHERS, AND ACTING UPON THEM, that THEY along with embracing PEACE, LOVE, and UNDERSTANDING, that they and us will be the MAIN driving force for an ever so WONDERFUL future.

SO MARCH FORWARD, be sure to SPREAD the word to as many people as possible, and CONTINUE TO REACH FOR THE STARS AND BEYOND so that we may ALL live in a world of NEVER ENDING BEAUTY, WONDER AND MARVELS!!

If you would like to use any of my works to inspire yourself, and others feel free to do so:

2007-06-23 20:01:17 · answer #9 · answered by Qweemawva Anzorla Qwartoon (Male) 3 · 0 0

can't win,don't try........becaues it's mine............

2007-06-23 16:16:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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