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was president Clinton the best OR one of the best American presidents. asked by a (Canadian?)

2007-06-22 12:48:13 · 17 answers · asked by drlove020861 1 in Politics & Government Government

17 answers


Under President Clinton's leadership, almost 6 million new jobs were created in the first two years of his Administration -- an average of 250,000 new jobs every month.

In 1994, the economy had the lowest combination of unemployment and inflation in 25 years.

As part of the 1993 Economic Plan, President Clinton cut taxes on 15 million low-income families and made tax cuts available to 90 percent of small businesses, while raising taxes on just 1.2 percent of the wealthiest taxpayers.

President Clinton signed into law the largest deficit reduction plan in history, resulting in over $600 billion in deficit reduction. The deficit is going down for 3 years in a row for the first time since Harry Truman was president.

Fighting Crime and Restoring Our Communities
The President signed into law the Brady Bill, which imposes a five-day waiting period on handgun purchases so that background checks can be done to help keep handguns away from criminals.

The President's Crime Bill will put 100,000 new police officers on the street. More than 1,200 communities have already received grants to hire 27,000 additional officers.

The Crime Bill also punishes criminals by expanding the number of offenses eligible for the death penalty and implementing the "three-strikes-and-you're-out" provision.

And, the Bill banned the manufacture of 19 specific types of deadly assault weapons, while simultaneously protecting hunters' rights by exempting over 650 hunting rifles.

Strengthening Our Families: Security and Opportunity
President Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act. The law, which covers over 42 million Americans, offers workers up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-guaranteed leave for child birth, adoption, or personal or family illness.

President Clinton expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit to cut the taxes of 15 million working families with incomes of $27,000 or less.

President Clinton granted waivers to 25 states -- half the nation -- providing for comprehensive welfare reform demonstrations.

President Clinton ordered the U.S. Justice Department to conduct the first-ever crackdown on deadbeat parents who refuse to accept financial responsibility for their own children.

Signed an Executive Order cracking down on federal employees who owe child support.

Cutting Bureaucracy
President Clinton has already cut the federal bureaucracy by more than 100,000 positions. Under the recommendations of the National Performance Review, the federal bureaucracy will be reduced by 272,000 -- its lowest level since the Kennedy Administration.

And, he reduced the White House staff by 25 percent.

Making Education A Priority
Under the President's Direct Student Loan program, students can borrow money directly from the government at a lower interest rate and with many flexible repayment options, including the option to repay with a percentage of their after-graduation salary. Taxpayers will save at least $4.3 billion over five years.

In 1994, over 20,000 AmeriCorps members tutored students, immunized children, reclaimed urban parks, and patrolled neighborhoods. In return, they earned $4,725 per year of service towards college tuition or job training.

President Clinton signed into law Goals 2000, a national standard of excellence for our public schools. Already, 41 states and territories have received federal grants to raise academic standards and improve schools.

President Clinton's Safe and Drug Free Schools and Community Act and the Safe Schools Act provide funding to schools to fight violence and drug abuse. Schools can use up to 25 percent of their funds to purchase metal detectors, develop safe zones, and hire school security personnel.

The President's School-to-Work program provides venture capital to spark a nationwide system for moving America's young people from high school to a job with a future. In 1994, all states received planning funds for their school-to-work program.

Charter School legislation signed by President Clinton encourages states and localities to set up public school choice.

Expanding Markets for American Products
The Clinton Administration forged a bipartisan coalition to pass NAFTA, after concluding tough negotiations on side agreements covering workers' rights, the environment, and import surges. Exports to Mexico rose 23 percent in the first 11 months of 1994.

President Clinton led the fight to pass GATT, which lowers tariffs worldwide by $744 billion over ten years -- the largest international tax cut in history. GATT cuts tariffs on manufactured goods by more than one-third overall and eliminates tariffs in major markets in a number of sectors in which the U.S. is particularly competitive.

Protecting Our Environment
Under President Clinton, the EPA launched its "Common Sense Initiative" to make health protection cheaper and smarter by focusing on results rather than one-size-fits-all regulations.

The President's Northwest Forest Plan is putting communities in the Northwest back to work, while conserving ancient forests.

After decades of conflict, the Clinton Administration negotiated a consensus plan to protect California's most valuable natural resource -- its water. The San Francisco and Delta estuary supplies dr inking water to two-thirds of the state's people, provides irrigation for 45 percent of the nation's fruits and vegetables, and sustains 300 aquatic species.

Promoting Security and Freedom Abroad
President Clinton hosted the signing of the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles in September, 1993, and the signing of the Israeli-Jordan Washington Principles in July, 1994 -- historic agreements between the leaders of Israel and her Arab neighbors to settle differences by peaceful means.

To enhance European security and stability, the Clinton Administration proposed the Partnership for Peace program, offering former Soviet republics and Central/East European states closer ties with NATO. Already, 22 nations have signed on, since NATO's adoption of the program in January, 1994.

As of May, 1994, nuclear missiles in Russia and the United States are no longer targeted against any country. And, as a result of other Clinton Administration efforts, the Ukraine is ahead of schedule in reaching the goal of transferring 1,500 nuclear warheads to Russia for dismantlement.

President Clinton peacefully restored democracy to Haiti, curbing the violence that threatened tens of thousands of Haitians, securing our borders, and upholding our commitments and the commitments made to us in the process

Signed the Economic Package, August 10, 1993.
The economy created 7.7 million new jobs in the first 34 months of this Administration.
Passed the largest deficit-cutting plan in history -- saving more than $1 trillion over seven years.
On track for three consecutive years of deficit reduction -- for the first time since Harry Truman.
Cut federal spending by $255 billion over 5 years.
Made new tax cuts available to over 90% of small businesses.
Unemployment has fallen from 7% when President Clinton took office to its current rate of 5.6%
Lowest combined rate of unemployment and inflation since 1968.
1994 real GDP growth was the highest in a decade.
Proposed a plan to balance the budget while protecting critical investments in education.

Increased Head Start funding by almost $760 million.
Passed the Student Loan Reform Act, August 10, 1993.
Implemented the National Service Act, September 21, 1993.
Signed the Goals 2000: Educate America Act, March 31, 1994.
Enacted the School-to-Work Opportunities Act on May 4, 1994.
Signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Reauthorization

Passed the toughest most comprehensive Crime Bill ever, September 13, 1994
Signed the Brady Bill, November 30, 1993.
Enacted the Assault Weapons Ban as part of the Crime Bill.
Put 100,000 new police on the street -- nearly 31,000 more officers have been funded.
Signed the Violence Against Women Act as part of the Crime Bill.
Signed the Safe and Drug-Free Schools Act, October 20, 1994.
Issued Presidential Directive enforcing a "Zero Tolerance" gun policy in schools, October 22, 1994
Submitted and fought for the most comprehensive Drug Control budget ever.

Already cut the Federal Workforce by over 200,000 -- on the way to lowest level in 30 years.
Abolishing 16,000 pages of obsolete regulations and rewriting 31,000 more pages.
$58 billion in savings are already in the bank. $46 billion in savings are still to come.
Over 180 new recommendations will save $70 billion. Eliminated 284 federal advisory committees.
Developed government-wide Customer Service Standards for the first time.
Appointed the most diverse Cabinet and Administration in history.
Signed the most important federal procurement act ever to streamline government purchasing.
Reformed Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation to protect 8.5 million pensions.
Signed the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act, March 22, 1995.

Created nine Economic Empowerment Zones and 95 Enterprise Communities.
Signed the Community Development Banking Financial Institutions Act, Sept. 23, 1994.
Signed the Interstate Banking Bill, September 29, 1994.
Instituted the Defense Reinvestment and Conversion Initiative.
Reformed the Community Reinvestment Act to focus on performance rather than paperwork.
Made the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and Mortgage Revenue Bond Program permanent.

Issued a new executive order to require polluters to disclose information to the public and expanded the public's right-to-know about toxic releases.
Launched "reinventing environmental regulation" to cut red tape and better protect public health.
Issued a new standard to cut pollution from chemical plants 90% by 1997.
Signed executive orders to increase recycling and cut pollution in federal buildings.
Signed the California Desert Protection Act, October 31, 1994.
Issued a new standard to cut pollution from incinerators 95%.
Introduced comprehensive Safe Drinking Water and Superfund reforms.
Developed a plan to restore Florida's Everglades.
Ended decades of conflict over the allocation of California Bay-Delta water.

Passed the Family and Medical Leave Act, February 5, 1993.
Signed a comprehensive Child Immunization Plan.
Revoked the Reagan/Bush restrictions on abortion counseling ("the gag rule"), abortions in military hospitals, "Mexico City" policy and RU-486 imports.
Increased Ryan White CARE Act funding for outpatient AIDS care over 100% in first 3 budgets.
Put the Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC) on a full-funding path.
Increased funding 65% for breast cancer research.
As part of the balanced budget plan, introduced health care reform initiative which strengthens Medicare and expands coverage.
Proposed a $1.3 billion increase in veterans' benefits -- of which $1 billion will be directed to the VA health system to provide treatment for 43,000 more veterans.

Expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit providing tax relief for 15 million working families.
Introduced the Work and Responsibility Act - comprehensive welfare reform.
Passed the Family Support and Preservation Program.
Passed major funding increases for homeless programs in both Houses.
Approved 35 waivers to states permitting comprehensive welfare reform demonstrations.
Collected a record $10 billion in child support through enforcement in 1994.
Signed the Social Security Independent Agency Act.
Increased adoption and foster care funds by almost $600 million from 1994-1995.

Signed the National Voter Registration Act (Motor-Voter), May 20, 1993.
Eliminated the tax deduction for lobbying expenses.
Imposed strictest Administration ethics guidelines in history.
Barred top officials from becoming foreign lobbyists after leaving government.
Signed the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 -- the first overhaul of lobbying rules in 50 years.
Fought for passage of and signed into law the Congressional Accountability Act, January 22, 1995.
Fought for passage of line-item veto and campaign finance.

Signed NAFTA into law, December 8, 1993, which will create hundreds of thousands of US jobs.
Signed GATT into law, December 8, 1994, the largest trade agreement in history.
Secured free-trade commitments from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders.
Hosted Summit of the Americas and agreed to negotiate a Free Trade Area of the Americas by 2005
Developed National Export Strategy, eliminating outdated export controls on $35 billion in exports.
Opened 15 different market sectors in Japan ranging from telecommunications procurement to rice.
Reached historic agreement with Japan on opening its automotive market to billions of dollars worth of American cars and parts.
Reached agreement with China to provide intellectual property rights protection for billions of dollars worth of U.S. exports.

Helped Israel and Jordan achieve an historic peace treaty and Israel and the Palestinians fulfill their historic accord.
Contributed to an historic cease-fire in Northern Ireland.
Restored democratically elected Haitian President Aristide to power; will continue to stop the flow of refugees to Florida.
Undertook, with NATO allies and UN, military and diplomatic actions to alleviate the suffering and lead the effort to broker a comprehensive peace agreement in Bosnia.
Russian nuclear missiles are no longer pointed at our cities.
Persuaded Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan to give up the nuclear weapons left on their land when the Soviet Union collapsed.
Agreed to framework with North Korea that freezes and leads to the eventual elimination of North Korea s dangerous nuclear program.
Led the international effort to secure the indefinite and unconditional extension of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) further reducing the danger of nuclear proliferation around the world.
Working to prevent nuclear weapons from ending up in the hands of terrorists or international criminals.
Air-lifted more than half a ton of vulnerable, highly enriched uranium, enough to make dozens of nuclear bombs, from Kazakhstan to safe storage.
Assisted South Africa's transition to democracy, providing support for elections and development.
Bringing the nations of Europe closer:
-- Modernizing NATO;
-- Working with Russia;
-- Reforming the former Soviet Union economies

Waging a tough counter-terrorism campaign with stronger laws and more training for law enforcement.
Maintaining strong sanctions against states that sponsor terrorism and defy the rule of rule, such as Iran, Iraq, Libya and Sudan.
Sent our planes, ships and troops to turn back a new Iraqi threat to the Persian Gulf

2007-06-22 13:02:15 · answer #1 · answered by crossingover 4 · 2 3

I think to a certain extent, it is difficult to tell. Most Americans acknowledge that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a great president, but at the time and for years after, he had furious detractors.

My sense is that thirty years down the line his legacy will be mixed. On the one hand, he was a polarizing figure, he had an illicit affair, and he subsequently lied about it. On the other hand, he had a number of substantive foreign policy accomplishments (including Northern Ireland), he instituted fiscal policies that encouraged growth, and he was arguably one of the smartest presidents we've ever had.

My own opinion is that he was a near great. Had he been able to control his sexual appetites and the political problems that with it, he might well have gone down along with Roosevelt and Reagan as the best presidents of the twentieth century.

2007-06-22 13:43:20 · answer #2 · answered by blueevent47 5 · 1 1

On a scale of one-to-ten (#1 being the very best), I respectively submit my list of America's best Presidents:
10. Harry S. Truman
9. Dwight D. Eisenhower
8. Theodore Roosevelt
7. John Adams
6. John F. Kennedy
5. George Washington
4. Jimmy Carter
3. William Jefferson Clinton
2. Thomas Jefferson
1. Abraham Lincoln

-RKO- 06/22/07

2007-06-22 13:51:09 · answer #3 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 3 0

Actually, Clinton was a middle of the road president.

He had little to do with the peace and prosperity, he just rode the wave bubble economy brought about by the dot.com revolution.

He squandered the golden opportunity to pass any meaningful reforms, like Social Security Reform, solving Global Warming (his VPs pet issue), or to pass any new blockbuster government programs.

Pretty much any president could have done as well given the circumstances

2007-06-22 12:57:13 · answer #4 · answered by Uncle Pennybags 7 · 3 0

Yes but his trade deals with China sold us up river. The fall out was felt after he was gone but it was his policy. Remember the end of the 90s everything you bought said made in China? Today China makes almost all the aluminum on this country & most of the plastics. The deal said they couldn't use slave labor but China never actually stopped but Bill and those after where in so deep they didn't pull out. Slave labor is something not only horrible to the slaves but we can not compete with it so China always have the bottom price. Good bye jobs created. I was very pro Bill Clinton until i looked into the China deal. It was perfect....for him but no one after. Obama signed a trade deal also that we are yet to see (nuts) and won't feel the effects of for a while. Fingers crossed it will fix the China Clinton deal issues but I hate the secrecy & think for that alone it should have been voted down before we got to see it. Congress was allowed to view parts of it. The text is released now

2016-02-18 06:19:31 · answer #5 · answered by Jade 3 · 0 0

Was he the best American President for Canada? Heck yeah, canada hid him during vietnam, like the spider-hole Saddam was captured in.

He was great for foreigners, but Clinton is the reason why America is having so many problems in foreign affairs now. During his second term in office, he became what's known as a "lame duck" president. Which means, "He can't get re-elected, so why do anything at all, besides have affairs with under-secretaries?"

No pun intended.

2007-06-22 12:54:36 · answer #6 · answered by thunder01 2 · 3 1

He was politically a giant "non-event." He has done better out of office. Sadly for him, he will forever be remembered for his cigar lovin ways.....
And Mrs. C. will always be judged....should she have stood by him? should she have dumped him? did she stay just for her own political gain?
Isn't it about time the "perfect daughter" get into some trouble? She has been way too good all these years!!! Maybe a night out with Lindsey or Paris would do it? Come on..one night???

PS while I may joke - Dear poster above, I find relating to 1994 most perfect !!! So easy to go right down that list and pick one off at a time, and see how useless each effort you purport to have been some grand lasting effort really was!!!! Thanks for the cut and paste! Proves MY point!!!!!!

2007-06-22 13:19:37 · answer #7 · answered by susie 3 · 1 0

NO one our worst. Self gratifying, self promoting, deceiving, manipulative and many more words ... and then he did manage to lie. As a lawyer he knows better. He was being investigated for a sexual harrassment suit. He lied to a Grand Jury and to a nation. He is arrogant and was a cheating foolish husband with a daughter who got caught in the mix.
IN my opinion I can not excuse his crimes for being popular. His efforts usually backfired and left the next President a beehive of problems. Thank you.
* Above is very impressive. I am capable of padding my resume as well. For each of these there were consequences that defeated the gain. NAFTA for goodness sake? The gains they $ were personal as the Clinton's had considerable stock in Wal-Mart Mexico. If you print that up, research the cause and affect you will see it is all propaganda. But it sure looks pretty doesn't it. I like the detail and no disrespect intended to the poster.

2007-06-22 13:04:52 · answer #8 · answered by Mele Kai 6 · 2 2

invoice Clinton, probably, on the grounds that he's been there and executed that. certainly, the 1st females interior the previous have not taken an extremely widespread place, aside from being hostesses interior the White homestead while vacationing dignitaries come to call. As for invoice, i ask your self how he could be addressed? First husband? First Mate? guy in waiting?

2016-09-28 07:57:14 · answer #9 · answered by merkl 4 · 0 0

Great president. Bad husband. The republican-controlled house (but not the senate) impeached him for it. The democrats gained seats in the next mid-term election in an anti-republican popular backlash. That kind of gain is very unusual for the party who holds the white house.

2007-06-22 13:06:05 · answer #10 · answered by John's Secret Identity™ 6 · 1 0

Though most people remember his presidency for the impeachment, I'd say he was a pretty good president. the Best, in no order, are Washington, Lincoln, and FDR. I'd say Clintion is in the top 15. He really lowered our national Debt and did some great foreign policy work.

2007-06-22 12:54:16 · answer #11 · answered by gregthenerd121 1 · 1 1

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