Ya know the song:
"You always hurt the one you love"
I also think it's a false sense of security on the part of the hurter.
They think they can get away with it because of the "LOVE"
I get what you're saying.
2007-06-22 08:50:14
answer #1
answered by charlie B 4
It does seem like that, and to be honest I'm as guilty and maybe even more so than the average person. My damage
was done yrs. ago though. I think you just get to where you take each other for granted. Then you get your butt in a bind,
and lie under the pretext of trying not to hurt her. Sounds good at the time! But, men don't have the market cornered on this issue. Try to have a Great week-end!
2007-06-22 09:04:31
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I have asked myself this same question many times before. I think it comes down to the fact that we are so comfortable and feel free to be ourselves around those we love. That being said, our true 'bad' selves often come out when we're around those individuals. Personally, I have said things to hurt my husband that I wouldn't even dream about saying to other people who get me mad - ie my parents, friends, my bos, etc. because I don't want to get a bad reputation and to have a bad image. But when I'm with my husband, I'm not worried about those things. Luckily, I know no matter what, he'll always love me, and I'll always love him.
Just weird how it works! Good question.
2007-06-22 09:00:31
answer #3
answered by Cookie On My Mind 6
Beacause you let your guard down after they said "that they love you more than anyone on the Earth." You felt safe, secure. So, you technically got "blindsided" from someone you loved and never expected to be hurt from. That also explains why it hurts so much. Hope you heal quickly, if you haven't already. Best of luck to you!
2007-06-22 08:55:18
answer #4
answered by Andy K 6
Because we love them so much that it hurts the most when they let you down or dissapoint you. When you open your heart and put them on a pedestal... they hurt you and it's more painful than if someone you didn't love did the same thing.
However, if they really love you... they shouldn't hurt you. They probably don't love you as much as you love them so you should find someone else. You deserve much better.
2007-06-22 09:15:58
answer #5
answered by Me 3
Sadly that does seem to be the case. The more we care about someone the more they can hurt us. That doesn't always mean they will, but they can.
2007-06-22 08:49:20
answer #6
answered by Consuming Fire 7
Sweetie, you are talking about men.
I agree most men are real jerks. As soon as we let them in our lives and our hearts, we are asking for trouble. People keep telling me that there are good men out there. Maybe there are, but I guarantee you they are all taken.
2007-06-22 08:52:10
answer #7
answered by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7
Because they CAN hurt you. If you didn't love them, then you wouldn't care what they did so they wouldn't be able to hurt you.
2007-06-22 08:55:19
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Because the closer they are the more YOU care.
2007-06-22 08:49:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
They know you the best, so they know how to push your buttons. But I've often wondered the same thing myself.
2007-06-22 08:47:49
answer #10
answered by icemunchies 6