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2007-06-22 04:45:45 · 4 answers · asked by McKintosh 3 in Travel Argentina Other - Argentina

4 answers

It has to do with the grass they graze there. Lots of fresh air, nice estancias with fresh grass and best quality of grains. The cattle has lots of space and fresh high quality food, therefore they produce the best meat. Brasil also has terrific beef, I would venture and say equally best with Argentina's beef.

2007-06-22 04:55:06 · answer #1 · answered by Love thy neighbour 7 · 0 2

It has nothing to do with drugs as Argentinian cows get shots too, it also doesn't have anything to do with being out in the open. Most all cattle are raised in fields and ranges, however Kobe beef are raised in barns and pens and considered the best in the world. Argentinian beef isn't special, it just tastes different. Now most consider this a better taste but not all. The taste of beef comes from what the cow eats, and they eat different grasses and plants. Those grasses are what you are tasting and think is special.

2007-06-22 13:17:16 · answer #2 · answered by Just a friend. 6 · 0 0

Grass fed in the open range vs corn fed in the barn

2007-06-22 11:48:14 · answer #3 · answered by patrick 1 · 1 1

because our cows can eat grass and only natural products ...we dont use drus like in other couyntries to make them fat ;)

2007-06-22 12:57:02 · answer #4 · answered by miliscal123 4 · 0 0