Definitely the music...and I can't name just one. It's funny because I don't listen to the oldies station, I listen to the classical but whenever I hear Chubby Checker, Martha and the Vandelas, Smokey Robinson, Elvis, Mary Wells...oh, there are so many, I start singing like I can actually still carry a tune.
2007-06-20 16:26:40
answer #1
answered by gldnsilnc 6
I don't think any teenager from the 40s or 50s know how to use a computer. LOL
2007-06-20 16:27:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Furioso, I'm so sorry to read about your experience. My uncles were Zoot-suiters in East L.A. around the time you wrote about. I even have pictures of them. One of my uncles had a son -Bobby Chacon, the boxer. Too bad he wasn't around at the time to whip those bad sailors.
2007-06-21 06:32:16
answer #3
answered by DeeDee L 2
(Coughing twice) When i was 17 in 1943 June 3, America was at war with the japs & nazis however, America was at war against itself.
I remember I was at a tatto parlor down in East Los Angeles, with my esperanza (Wife) & was very proud being a Zoot Suiter however, one horrible night I will never forget to this day, I can't forget what those racist anglo navy sailors, local police, & U.S soliders did that night..
I'll tell you what happen..okky.
It was June 3, 1943 & I was at a tatto parlor downtown East Los Angeles.
My vato amigo who was with at the time seen a bunch of anglo navy sailors running towards the tatto parlor which, we were in their. The last thing I remember was a door poped open & a bunch of anglo navy sailors saying "Look theres the mexicans!" so my friend swung a left hook punch & landded on the stupid sailor after that over 30 navy sailors dashed in & jumped my vato friend & eventully came to me... I tried to fight all of them but, it was just to much of them (sobbering) & mi esposa, mi espereanza was taking from my hand but, I tried to hold on to her but, the anglo navy sailors seperated us & took me outside to the streets filled with my people getting striped naked & beat up in front of mothers, children, crying on the sidewalks. My esperanza was getting raped & here was I a proud Zoot Suiter laying on the streets getting beat up......
In memory to my esperanza :Gloria Ana Gonzales....Mi esperanza.
2007-06-20 16:47:40
answer #4
answered by Furioso Lion88 5
Senior cords -- they don't have this tradition anymore -- sad to say
2007-06-21 02:54:42
answer #5
answered by Marvin R 7