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18 answers

Is there some kind of urban myth or superstition behind this? that's the only reason I can think of for this being posted here.

2007-06-20 05:14:18 · answer #1 · answered by James Melton 7 · 0 1

Cuz chances are that you are doing something stupid and needless. I give the little tap of the horn if i want the person to go say at a stop light that's has turned green. The stupider the action the driver takes the more rude the honk. I drive in the city all the time and if someone just blatantly cuts me off and in doing so almost causes accident for no other reason then just to get one car ahead then i LAY on the horn i mean lay on it. Ill ride behind them and honk my horn for literally 30 sec to a minute. Just to tell the world that the guy ahead of me almost killed somebody just for the sake of being one car ahead. Or say you are on the fast lane of a major highway and you decide to go the spped limit then im gouing to lay on the horn as i pass you.

2007-06-20 11:22:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To beep once signals a polite warning, or perhaps hitting the horn accidentally. To beep twice signals a warning that you or someone else is behaving inappropriately on the road, or that the person is desperately trying to make a lane change so they don't have to get off at an inappropriate exit, etc. To beep more than twice signals that the person is just plain angry! (lol)

2007-06-20 10:19:32 · answer #3 · answered by Celestia X 2 · 1 0

From experience I generally give two short little blast rather than a long hard earth shaking get the hell out of my way honker. The short blast is more courtious. Now if you disregard the two short ones and are still holding up traffic then comes the harder longer multiple blast. Then you should ask yourself why are people honking at me? Is there something you are doing wrong to annoy other drivers? If so, is it something you could change as to not get honked at?

Before getting upset ... determine what the honking is for!

2007-06-20 10:28:27 · answer #4 · answered by david a 3 · 1 0

My horn went off accidentally and got stuck while following some bikers once. The fact that the windshield wipers went on simutaneously prevented serious damage by those awfully sinister-looking chain belts they wore.

2007-06-20 15:43:28 · answer #5 · answered by Dances with Poultry 5 · 0 0

Personally, I think Road Rage is just people being frightened by almost having an accident. Thier adrenaline pumped up! But most peoples Egos won't let them admit they get frightened, and they try to act like they are a Bad-Asss after they get scared!

2007-06-21 17:31:12 · answer #6 · answered by THE NEXT LEVEL 5 · 0 0

you were more than likely first car turning at an intersection but neglected to GET INTO THE MIDDLE and so were putting the car behind you at risk of being caught by the lights: one toot,'hey...move up,it's what we do'..two toots or more: ' move into the middle you dumf***,go! go!'..

2014-08-29 20:52:46 · answer #7 · answered by c0cky 5 · 0 0

Wake up Joanne! Beep beep beep beep!

2007-06-20 10:18:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because they are truely butts. Keep your horn to yourself, unless I'm heading straight for you.I might move a little slower but I will get there alive!

2007-06-20 12:12:59 · answer #9 · answered by cgs4420 2 · 0 1

there may be some who honk more than once as a signal to others they want to talk with them. there are certain signals which members of different Fraternal Organizations give each other even from their automobiles which alert other members.

2007-06-20 10:18:42 · answer #10 · answered by Marvin R 7 · 0 1

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