Totally agree with you.
I'm an ex smoker now but I agree that smokers get a hard time.
When was the last time any of you saw a smoker pissing in your garden, throwing up, having a fight and jamming Accident and emergency rooms every friday and saturday night (and yes I appricate that lots of drinkers smoke, but its not the cigarettes that cause the anti social behaviour is it?)
I hate drunks...they are rude, ignorant, lewd, violent and smell worse than smokers!!!
2007-06-20 01:19:50
answer #1
answered by Amanda 6
Because alcohol and alcohol abuse are two different things.
I occasionally will have a glass of wine with dinner, a cold beer with a pizza, a hot port in wintertime, and a gin and tonic when the mood is upon me.
I have never in my life indulged in gormless violence or domestic violence. I don't drink enough to kill my brain cells or distort my judgement or decisions. When used in moderation, there is nothing wrong with alcohol.
On the other hand, smoking tobacco products will never do my health any good... ever, no matter how I use them.
I think tobacco products should be banned as Class C drugs - and I'm a smoker! I know that won't happen while the government are profiting so handsomely from my addiction, though. They know they can get away with huge budget hikes and paying lip service to the idea of people giving up, laughing all the way to the bank.
2007-06-20 01:37:30
answer #2
answered by RM 6
First of all, what is "gormless" violence? Second, maybe those who drink are treated all right, but where do you live that people who take drugs are accepted and treated nicely? I'm really not in favor of banning alcohol; didn't they already try that during Prohibition and it didn't work? Besides, how many other laws do we have on the books that already aren't enforced, so why put up another impossible-to-enforce law? I don't think there's anything wrong with an occasional beer or glass of wine; yes, some people are stupid and get drunk and then go out on the roads and kill people, but I don't think making alcohol illegal is going to change that. Drugs are illegal, and people still get them, get high or stoned and commit crimes.
And no, I myself do not drink, so I don't have anything to lose by alcohol being outlawed.
2007-06-20 01:22:49
answer #3
answered by Starfall 6
First off, smokers DO smell. Sorry if you didn't know that already. It seems that you are chiefly upset over the restrictions placed upon smokers, and seek to restrict alcohol consumption similarly. A ban on drinking was tried in the 1920's. It didn't work at all.
Last time I checked, taking drugs was viewed as a negative too.
FYI: Anything done irresponsibly will be seen negatively. So concerning alcohol, drink responsibly. It is up to the person to monitor themselves, not society to babysit people and wipe their bottoms.
Remember, alcohol doesn't get people drunk; people get people drunk.
Proof: Place a bottle of your favorite beverage on the table. Okay, look at it. Is it getting you drunk yet? Is it using Jedi-alcohol mind powers? No. --Only when YOU open it and consume it, will it.
Have a nice day.
2007-06-20 20:00:11
answer #4
answered by Patrick P 2
i agree that alcohol certainly can be linked to a number of problems on the other hand also think that there is a big enough part of the population that uses alcohol recreational and don't have problems,we should crack down a little on multiple drunk drivers and multiple wife/husband abusers while under the influence but dont feel like society as a whole should pay for the misdeeds of the few.
as well as many big business deals are closed over a glass of brandy.
and the money it would take to shut down the alcohol business as well as the thousands that would be job displaced we could use this money for other things education and help for those who do need to get away from alcohol
where do we as adults draw the line we are loosing so many rights every day because of the negligence of others
2007-06-20 09:43:25
answer #5
answered by getbyone 3
Maybe complete ban wouldn't work as it creates a lot of underground crime, people trying to smuggle it.
However, I hope that alcohol will become as socially unacceptable as smoking is nowadays.
A lot of fun things are associated with drinking these days and I find it sad to see that many people cannot relax or have fun unless they've been drinking.
Also, sitting down at dinner parties is almost unheard of without drinking, almost if people cannot talk to each other in a relaxed way and enjoy their meal without a glass of wine at least.
Social occasions should be fun on their own merits.
Also, I find the stories about what drunk people did, how they fell over, lost their pants, etc, etc - not funny at all.
You cannot make anyone do anything by prohibition, it just makes people want it more. But you can make it an uncool habit! Hope that happens
2007-06-20 01:54:08
answer #6
answered by Anna 4
That was already tried back in the 1920's and was known as Prohibition. It didn't work. People drank anyway. All Prohibition did was make the Mafia wealthy, and guys like Al Capone heroes. It did this country more harm than good.
Banning things like alcohol doesn't work because people who have a propensity to addiction are going to find a way to get it regardless. Alcoholic drink is too much a part of our legitimate culture to ban it - there is no Biblical prohibition against drinking, just drunkenness.
2007-06-20 01:18:38
answer #7
answered by the phantom 6
Some people do drink sensibly. Even when I was 14 and could pass for 18 to buy drink I never done anything stupid.
And sorry but smokers do smell of smoke. You can't deny that. And we're not trying to make you look like nerds by standing outside. Its actually a good way of talking to people you wouldn't normally (I don't smoke but I have friends that do)
2007-06-20 01:19:36
answer #8
answered by sparkle 5
IT"S YOU....I don't know of anyone that accepts and treats nicely someone who takes drugs. I also don't know of anyone who accepts or treats nicely a person who abuses alcohol. As far as people blaming smokers for killing others I think that is a pretty broad brush stroke....there is a big push to stop people from smoking because of the fear that second hand smoke may cause cancer. Face it in todays day and age if your a smoker your going to have to deal with the fact that alot of people don't like you smoking around them.
2007-06-20 01:21:13
answer #9
answered by markm30 1
This won't work. What you are saying is true, I think, but unless you can get people to agree with you, it just won't work in practice (the drug war isn't going too well is it?) Ever heard of mooshining? The only real way to effect this would be to have laws like Saudi Arabia with death as the penalty, and frankly, I don't even think that the most maniacal teetotaler would agree to that.
2007-06-20 01:31:58
answer #10
answered by Runa 7
I agree that it is strange that one harmful drug is accepted in society and another not.
But I personally would like to see the opposite and have illegal drugs legalised. There is nothing wrong with drugs (ok, obviously they are bad for you and I know this, but so are most things), the problem is when people abuse them.
Banning alcohol to curb problems would not be fair
Cars kill people but should we make them illegal?
Knives kill people but should we all use our hands to butter our bread?
and by the way...
Your witch-hunt theory is highly flawed with your own hypocrisy. You say it is a 'witch-hunt' for making smokers stand outside. But why are they making them stand outside? Because THEIR actions are harming OTHERS...and that is exactly the same reason why YOU say alcohol should be banned
2007-06-20 01:31:55
answer #11
answered by zeppelin_roses 4