I felt like I was an average.
BUT NOW!!!!!
It's kinda different.
I 've seen the popular people now and I think I turned out alot better than them.
So who's laughing now?
ha ha ha ha ha
2007-06-20 00:36:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I was just average, but I did have a few popular Friends. A few of the popular ones I hated turned out to be LOSERS LOL
2007-06-21 02:07:41
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I used to be in nerd when I first started, but a later made best friends with the popular girls.
Before I knew it, everyone knew me.
2007-06-20 07:02:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well before i moved i was average, but some of my friends were freinds with the popular crowd. Now im the nerd. But it's cuz I'm shy and don't talk alot to people here. Not cuz I'm weird. (i hope ^^)
2007-06-20 06:58:14
answer #4
answered by Emma 3
I was a little bit of everything. I was in the band, hung out with the jocks, ate lunch with the popular kids, was nerdy enough to be in the advanced classes...but still had my freaky colored hair and wore leather mini skirts.
2007-06-20 06:59:52
answer #5
answered by Masha 4
Is there such a group as a 'drifter'? 'Cos, like, I don't think I could ever be categorised into just one group... I 'drifted' around, doing my own stuff my own way. Y'know? Like a lone wolf of sorts, but hey! I got along with everybody! That's the best part of being a 'drifter'... Muahahahaha!
2007-06-20 06:58:07
answer #6
answered by Sophomore 1
My school doesn't really have any cliques because it is so small. But for the most part I am average. I truly get along with everyone.
2007-06-20 06:58:12
answer #7
answered by ♫amazing♫ 3
Average. i had friends but i wasn't friends with any of the popular kids
2007-06-20 06:56:51
answer #8
answered by Nikki 6
Average - the one where all the good looking guys came to me for help; and the badas**s stayed away cause they don't know what to expect.
2007-06-20 06:56:57
answer #9
answered by Brown'n 5
None of the above. I was a greaser. In plain english I was in the auto shop, and we were our own group. You didn't mess with the greasers as we were known.
2007-06-20 07:06:56
answer #10
answered by GRUMPY 7