Maybe you mean wearisome?
Wearisome means boring or tiring.
2007-06-19 06:09:09
answer #1
answered by dee s 4
Wearisome means so dull, boring, lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness.
The root of this is from weary--O.E. werig "tired," related to worian "to wander, totter," from W.Gmc. *worigaz (cf. O.S. worig "weary," O.H.G. wuorag "intoxicated"), of unknown origin. The verb is O.E. wergian (intr.), gewergian (trans.).
HOWEVER since wearsome is not a word, it is easier for answerers to figure out what you mean if you use the word in a sentence the way you first heard it that provoked your question. That we our answers aren't all a shot in the dark.
After all, you could have just seen a typo with a dropped space: Beth likes to wearsome clothes, which is better than going naked.
2007-06-23 12:54:05
answer #2
answered by maî 6
I don`t think there is a word wearsome. But there is a word wearisome which means tired etc. I hope that this helps you
2007-06-23 07:23:48
answer #3
answered by Only Me 7
There is no such word as wearsome...but there is wearisome...the definition according to is as follows:
Main Entry: wea·ri·some
Pronunciation: 'wir-E-s&m
Function: adjective
: causing weariness : TIRESOME
- wea·ri·some·ly adverb
- wea·ri·some·ness noun
Hope this helps :0)
2007-06-19 13:31:36
answer #4
answered by lccscmaarschalk 2
what you do with the clothes in your closet
2007-06-19 13:05:28
answer #5
answered by shazam 6