I like Senator Clinton very much. I had to present a research paper on her for my Current Issues in America class at my university. There are many domestic and international social programs that I never knew she was involved with and she usually doesnt advertise. I was amazed and impressed. I agree with many of her view points on issues.
When I presented the paper in class, more than half my classmates began an uproar about how much they dislike her and she will ruin the country. I asked a simple question to them: "Why dont you like her?" Do you know that in a class of 45 students they all were quiet for about 3 whole minutes???? Not ONE could come up with a vaild reason WHY. They just propaged an "image" of her as someone to hate. Not because they disagreed with her on any issue... just b/c that's what they had heard/learn to believe and continued with it.
Needless to say, many Americans ability to form opinions of policy and politicans without research before hand scares me.....
Look at who's in office now.
2007-06-19 05:53:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
1. No, she will not be the first female president. The closest she'll come to the WH is as someone's mistress. We know that runs in the family.
2. What position on the Iraq war? She's not even sure where she stands, maybe she'll ask Bill this week what she should think. After all, almost every sentence she speaks starts with "Bill..." She and her husband both admitted that Saddam had WMD's in Iraq in the late 90's, so she voted in favor of the war as a Senator. Now she's saying everyone else is a liar, she didn't vote and speaks adamantly against it. Flip flop flip flop.
3. Last time I checked, women were declared equal many years ago. I don't see any rights that men have that we don't have. Anything more is feminism.
4. Despite popular belief, her health care plan will not be free. She seeks to tax us into the poor house in her attempt to make all things equal. They'll be equal all right - we'll all be poor, as the rich take their money to other countries to avoid her socialism. She'll also cut military funding to bare bones, per Clinton style, in order to pay for other equally outrageous ventures - which will put us at great risk. Anyone remember the violent video game study that she spent millions on?
5. I have no opinion on energy, other than I can agree that we need to find alternative ways instead of relying on oil. But, again, this should not be at an extreme expense to taxpayers or our military.
2007-06-19 13:03:29
answer #2
answered by Karma 6
I think Hillary is a scheming manipulator. Sorry if you like her but she gives me real bad vibes. She has from the beginning. Its not that she's strong or smart - that's fine. Through and through she's a political animal. That makes her and opportunist dangerous. Given these characteristics, I wouldn't vote for her if she were a man either. That doesn't matter. As a person she gives me the creeps. I think she would be dangerous as a president although how much worst can it be than Bush? Believe me it can be worst. Why New Yorkers voted her into office is beyond me. She's all about power not doing what is right. She's a globalist and a world-improver. The problem with world improvers is they always want to fix things even when they work fine. They just make things worst but will NEVER admit to it. They just throw more money at the mess and complain that it still isn't enough money to fix what they messed up. World Vision people need to keep their visions to themselves and leave the rest of us alone.
If a good candidate came along and she was a woman or a black or even of martian heritage as long as he/she/it was born here then I have no problem. But finding someone that harks back to what this country was about when our founders started things leaves us with Ron Paul. Forget the republican and democratic clones. They all cut from the same cloth. The republicans (except Paul) don't even represent what republicans were about. The mainstream parties and the lamestream media are not what America is about. Think outside the box and just follow someone because she's a woman and you're a woman. She'll make you a slave just as easily as the others.
2007-06-19 12:58:18
answer #3
answered by John Galt 3
I think the Clinton's are a con team. I believe it is going to be Al Gore versus Fred Thompson (2 ex-Tennessee Senators) and that Al Gore may win-may not-close again. If it is Thompson or Guilani versus Clinton, then the Republicans win. Democrats would win more elections if they would put a moderate as their nominee and not some gimmick or far-left tax and spend candidate. I am a Republican because I don't want to run from nor retreat from the terrorists, I want lower taxes, I'm against gay marriage, I'm against abortion and I want less envionmental restrictions on oil and gas development as well as additional refineries that need to be built. If we leave Iraq, then there is going to be something there worse than Saddam Hussein! We are beginning to look weak in the world's eyes. Hillary Clinton will not help that image.
2007-06-19 12:56:15
answer #4
answered by ? 4
No, I don't think she will win the Presidency. Her position on the war in Iraq....which one? Her position changes evrey time a poll comes out! Health care, she failed miserably when charged with that responsibility when Slick Willie was in office. Energy...Myopic in her view of our natural resources and what is going to be required. What else?
2007-06-19 12:55:41
answer #5
answered by booman17 7
I think she is a polarizing figure, so many people dislike her for one reason or another and I think this country needs a leader that can unite. Very difficult I don't know who can do that, Obama maybe? I don't know. I like the idea of getting much needed healthcare and education to the people who don't have it in our country but it's difficult because we don't want to make sacrifices where the system is working already.
2007-06-19 12:53:12
answer #6
answered by ? 6
I think she is a seriously misguided individual. I don't believe she will or should be President. I think her over progressive ideas, and the fact that she speaks out of both sides of her mouth are questions of her character. We need to elect our President either Democrat or Republican based on Character. Not because they tell us what we want to hear, but because they Stand Tall and say what they mean, and mean what they say. Hillary is not that person.
2007-06-19 12:56:04
answer #7
answered by grinslinger 5
First of all...this question made my eggs come up on me. So, thanks alot! I don't care for her. I'm not against having a female president...just not her. It's too bad Conny Rice isnt' running--female and black. I guess we're probably not ready for that yet. As for Clinton, it is difficult to get a sense of how she feels about the war. My thoughts are that she would probably make a big change by escalating our troops and have a REAL surge of about 100K troops. Kind of like Kennedy and then, Johnson did in Vietnam. I haven't heard how she feels about women's rights. We know she wants socialized medicine which I don't believe in. Energy??
2007-06-19 12:52:35
answer #8
answered by Chief Yellow Horse 4
No, I don't think She will be elected!!! I think she is a very dangerous person, and would get many people killed in Iraq!! I don't understand why you are asking about women's rights, cause they have more rights then men do!!! all other questions here are mute, cause She will not become Pres.!!
2007-06-19 12:50:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I think she has done well as a Senator,however, I don't believe we have progressed enough as a people to elect either a woman or a black as President, I don't believe I'll see it in my lifetime.
2007-06-19 13:26:47
answer #10
answered by old man 4