I always describe myself as a liberal libertarian.
All the social issues I lean to the left; Pro-Choice, Pro-Gay Marriage/Civil Union, Pro-immigration, pro-environment, pro-social security and secular.
Economic issues I’m centrist. I believe we shouldn’t even notice the government in most cases. I believe in a fair-progressive taxation plan. Times where private industry is not serving the public interest or has monopolized as an industry (Energy, Health) the government should step in. I do NOT believe in subsidies for these industries, I believe in socialized programs in these cases. Otherwise, government should stay out of the way.
HOWEVER***** I think a majority of our problems (Health, Energy) could easily be solved with major Lobby and Crony reform, and I don’t think you have to be righty or lefty to see that.
2007-06-19 04:37:57
answer #1
answered by Incognito 5
Well I asked a similar question and somone gave me this link
It is a 6 page test that tells you where on the political spectrum you are and then gives a list of modern historical and mucical persons position on the same test -
I came out left and twords anarchy - The extremes being authoritarian at the top and compete anarchy on the bottom Communist on the left and facist on the right -
My exact position if memory serves was - 3 tword anarchy and - 6 twords the left (socialist - what a surprise)
the chart is 10 intergers up 10 down ten to the left and ten to the right - 10 being the extreme of whatever -
I was quite surprised however to learn that I am right smack between Gandi and the Dali Lama -
2007-06-19 10:16:02
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Overall: 40% Conservative, 60% Liberal
Social Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
2007-06-19 04:27:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
on a scale of 1-10 I would be about a 7...I believe in an adults rights to do many things but not if those rights's expose children to adult themes such as sexuality, vulgarity, etc...
I personally do not care what consenting adults do behind closed door's but I'm a little sick of it turning into a public attack on the family unit. I also do not believe (no matter how you slice it) that abortion should be a mainstream possibility for anyone. It should be confined to medical situations where the doctor can show definitive evidence that the pregnancy is a SERIOUS health risk to the mother and gain approval for it. He should also face charges if he is found to be producing fraudulent evidence either way.
I think Liberals need to take a step back and actually listen to what Conservatives are saying instead of attacking people because they don't like what they hear...I think they may be surprised to find out that they are making a mountain out of a mole hill.
I support the war on terror and the war in Iraq (2 different animals people)
I would like to see more legislation that builds up the family unit...I would like to see more respect given to it.
I will stop here or you will be reading all day long lol.
2007-06-19 04:16:47
answer #4
answered by Erinyes 6
I am as far to the right as anyone can be. I believe in prayer in schools, and that abortion and gay rights are a sin. I fully support the war on terror (those darn terrorists), and I think that if you don't have money, you better just sit at county hospital 'cause my taxes are going to fight terrorism, not heal the poor by implementing a national health care system. Wait, I don't want to pay for county hospital either. Speaking of the poor, how dare these foreigners come here and breathe our air without paying taxes to support the war, and take all our jobs? I really wanted to be a restaurant busgirl, but those positions are all taken my illegals.
2007-06-19 16:03:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I'm Conservative. But I'm not a right-wing Christian nut job. I think the right-wing Christian nut jobs have hijacked the title "Conservative" and it possibly doesn't really represent me. I'm definitely more in line with a Barry Goldwater type Conservative than a Ronald Regan type Conservative.
I have alot of ideas that "conservatives" would consider "liberal." But only because I don't think the government should have any say in it. For instance, gay marriage. I'm all for it. Why? Because I don't see how it affects anybody in a negative way. I also don't see why it's the government's place to govern over marriage.
I'm also not a Republican. I'm a Conservative Libertarian. I find that most Libertarians tend to be liberal (I think it's because of the pro-pot stance). But I pretty much think the government should leave me alone. I don't want them in charge of my life. And I don't want them deciding what I can and can not do.
2007-06-19 04:17:05
answer #6
answered by smellyfoot ™ 7
I'm a Libertarian so I don't consider myself either left or right. However, I'm very to the right on some matters like capital punishment or welfare. I'm to the left on abortion and gay issues. Sometimes, I have my own libertarian views on seatbealt laws or national ID card which I oppose. I really haven't found another person that thinks like me. I think I'm much more conservative than Bush on fiscal issues yet I'm more liberal than some liberals around here. I'm an enigma. I guess my views will change over time and who knows I might move more to the right or the left. I only know that I have common sense and belong to the Libertarian Party.
2007-06-19 04:11:06
answer #7
answered by cynical 6
I think I am pretty left as far as my thinking, I think there should be less government interference in our lives, we already have too many laws. I do believe we all should be able to possess firearms, and in this day in age concealed carry should be more prevalent for sane, responsible americans. There is no specific category that you could put me in, some of my beliefs are to the right and some are to the left.
I went to Tony W.'s link and it says I'm 65% liberal and 35% Conservative. In alot of the different categories I was 50/50. It was interesting.
2007-06-19 04:08:35
answer #8
answered by Lori B 6
Pretty far to the right - far enough that I believe in the Constitution, especially the limits it imposes on the federal government's powers.
I believe that all the welfare, educational, pork barrel, etc., spending by the federal government is Constitutionally ILLEGAL. Any reasonable interpretation of the 10th Amendment says that this is so.
I believe that federal government meddling in private business, such as minimum wage laws, etc, are also not supported by the Constitution and thus illegal. The Commerce clause was never intended to intrude into private business - and all the writings by those who wrote the Constitution support this view.
I believe that laws like McCain-Feingold are violations of our right to free speech, and should never have made it out of Congress, let alone being signed into law. Do I even need to get into the "Kelo" decision that failed to protect basic property rights that are the foundation of this country?
I could go on and on.
2007-06-19 04:20:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'm Liberal and consider this position progressive and progressing toward positive evolution. Not being violence prone I would not consider any act of physical aggression to achieve my agenda. I feel that education is a key to progress and governments, religions, ideologies, race, and genders should not be considered in positive scientific study, examination, and evaluation. I see a world community rather than national boundaries and consider the human race as one. Religion and patriotism are the two most detrimental ideologies to world peace and harmony. I'm pro choice and pro gay rights. I do oppose the death penalty however all dangerous criminals should be permanently but humanely removed from society. I oppose affirmative action and consider reward based on merit. I do believe we are our brother's keeper and a world healthcare system is correct. The environment should be a priority. Freedom should be tempered by virtue as each can be carried to the abstract.
2007-06-19 04:14:55
answer #10
answered by Don W 6