actually no difference, aipac owns so many politicians, it should be illegal that a foreign gov. has that much control over America. you forgot one thing though, israel prefers Americans die for its wars, and for some reason many Americans are gullible to do just that. both countries got ruined in Lebanon, that is true. the superpower can't even control its south border, how could it think it can control another country.
2007-06-18 15:08:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
the US stakes no claim in the middle east
the Muslims extremists have declared war on both of us (and most Arabs)
both are currently desperatly trying to avoid conflict with iran (even when this position seems unreasonable)
as far as i know, all earthlings want to preserve the holy
the US does not now have nukes pointed at the middle east (but may soon)
of course it is impossible for both to be the most advanced (as if this is a failing)
the US never "invaded" lebanon
compaired to hezbollah and and the insurgents, the US and israel are quite stable. (not even a close call)
domestic support may come and go but both realize that you fight fire with fire.
it is true that the US has an influence in the US government but this is hardly an inditment.
both (along with the iraqis) wanted rid of saddam. anyone who didnt work for him (and half of them) did.
sorry, i dont know what a neocon is, but judging by your other points, i am probably one and that is probably good.
no christian or jew belives that the muslums can prevent the return of the messiah
the US has lost much and gained nothing form 9/11
have you ever been right about anything?
2007-06-26 15:06:51
answer #2
answered by karl k 6
Why is it considered anti-semitism to say ANYTHING negative about Israel? It is a country just like ours with power hungry politicians just like ours. I think Israel has played the "victim" card far too long. The problem is, is that the US government and the US journalists keep half the crapp that Israel does away from the AMerican public, so you don't know half of it. Israel has killed just killed more Palestinians than the other way around. All you have to do is look at the statistics -I'm not making that up. The numbers are something like 3 to 1. One of the main reason the 9/11 hijackers attacked America is beacuse of the fact that the US government gave weapons to Istrael - that's a FACT. History is history you can't argue the truth and the truth is the Palestinians were there FIRST-period. The Israelis, after having ousted from their homes during the Nazi occupation decided that they wanted to make a joourney back to their "theological" home. What I find so interesting about that is after over 10 years of subjugation and oppression from the Nazis, they perpetrated a lot of the same atrocities on the Palestinians! This is not about religion- 30 % of Palestinians are CHRISTIAN! It is no surprise to me that the US government supprots the Israelis- just look at OUR history. We decimated an entire people (the Native Americans) because we believed we had a "theological" right to the land. I am not an anti-semite. but I'm also not going to look the other way when something is wrong out of fear of being called an anti-semite. Why is that word thrown around whenever someone wants to criticize Israel, just like the term anti-American is thrown around when someone disagrees with our government? It seems like a childish way to try get someone to shut up. Like calling someone a doody-head. Well, stick and stones...
2007-06-26 13:36:18
answer #3
answered by ameerah m 5
Man, that's a very interesting question. Unfortunately I don't think the US could ever be Israel because I don't know what the hell people around here would do if we started having to deal with suicide bombers in our shopping malls on a regular basis. Also, I'm guessing most Israelis know more than one language, whereas too many Americans take the attitude that they should not be required to learn anything but English ... and still manage to mangle even that.
2007-06-26 00:51:28
answer #4
answered by Princess Toadstoolie 3
It is good to understand why Israel is at war with its Arab neighbors. First, Arabs hate Jews. This went back a thousand years ago when God promised Israel its own land however, they were rebellious and sinned against God, they did not live to see God's promised land. In their wanderings, they occupied lands that has already been lived in by Arabs and some groups. Thus, fighting over true ownership of the lands they occupied began until this very day. Second, Jews have shown that they are very successful because despite that they were 'abandoned' by God, they continued to thrive amidst persecution and adversities. Look who's the biggest financiers, bankers, scientists, mathematicians, inventors, etc. in the world, past and present? They're Jews.
The Jews have the right to defend their land - it's their land by right of occupancy. Maybe it's the land promised to them by God a long, long time ago, we cannot say for certain. The fact is, they have lived on the land which they considered as theirs since before Jesus Christ's time.
Now America have designated itself as the Soldier of the World and is often to the rescue of the underdogs, the whipped and beaten nations of the world who look up to America for support; not only financial but military as well as technical or logistics assistance. Now you say that both America and Israel do not know how to fight terrorism, much more win the battle against it. The devil is a wily fox. It cannot simply be "caught" in 3 or 4 traps by 2 or 4 people. It needs more than that. It needs total and full cooperation from everyone. How have you been, as a citizen, doing your part?
I am not an American, far from it, but I pity America. Despite its efforts to help and give support, to fight terrorists not only for itself but for the good of all nations who fear terrorism, she still comes under attack and is unappreciated even by its own people.
2007-06-25 14:52:05
answer #5
answered by annabelle p 7
If you have all the answers, why ask any question?
I disagree with 99% of your statements.
I would be happy if the holy land was totally nuked.
It is the cause of more bloodshd than Hitler + Stalin.
However, I am too peaceful a person to actually do the deed.
2007-06-26 13:46:22
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Neither, But their peoples will still be on the wining side when our God, wipes the pagans, non-believers, and Muslims out in one big mushroom cloud. Why? first the Jewish people are Gods chosen, never to be forsaken. Second, America, regardless of the lies of the pagans is a Christian Nation founded in part on the principles of Christianity.
Like or not, it's true. Get over it.
2007-06-25 07:55:39
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Did you just ever so subtly insinuate that Israel and the US staged the 9/11 attacks together? Your paranoia and delusions are very offensive.
-Neither the US government nor the Israeli government keeps its citizens in a perpetual state of fear to control them. In America, Americans elected the Democrats to congress, thereby undermining/replacing the Republicans (who according to you keep their citizens in perpetual fear). In Israel, people do not live in fear, and the only things they do fear are legitimate concerns. Both these countries are democracies with free press; the government can't just control people like in the USSR or other tyrannical entities.
-Israel has never acknowledged having nuclear weapons, and even if they do, you cannot prove at all that they are currently aimed at Middle East cities.
-Israel did not get "kicked out" of Lebanon as much as withdrew it's soldiers because there was nothing left to gain. It's like saying the US was kicked out of Europe after WW 2.
-I realize that we view the war vs. Hizbullah a failure, but it wasn't that much of a failure. It was a failure because Hizbullah still exists, yet it was somewhat of a success because they are much weaker than they were before the war, and are no longer on Israel's border.
-You obviously don't know, but the Muslims currently enjoy control of the Temple Mount through the Waqf of Jordan. He has been granted authority by Israel to oversee the Muslim holy sites there.
-Neither the US nor Israel was in any way responsible for the 9/11 attacks. It is offensive to suggest as such, as well as stupid. All conspiracy theories on this point have been proven wrong.
So in short, there is not much in common. If you compare any two countries in the world you could probably find just as many points of similarity.
2007-06-19 23:23:36
answer #8
answered by Michael J 5
even more important when you look it's the extreme right wing of Israel which is most powerful in D.C.
The main focus outline for ME policy can be to traced to a paper published in 1996 by an Israeli thinktank, the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies. Entitled "A clean break: a new strategy for securing the realm", That was it was intended as a political blueprint for the incoming government of Binyamin Netanyahu.
it advised the right-wing Mr Netanyahu to "make a complete break with the past by adopting a strategy "based on an entirely new intellectual foundation, one that restores strategic initiative and provides the nation the room to engage every possible energy on rebuilding Zionism"
2007-06-18 21:18:43
answer #9
answered by celvin 7
Lol ....another example of muslim schizophrenia! If the muslims keep attacking others to spread Islam it's their right coz it's mandated in their religion. But the minute somebody else attacks they cry foul. You want to live, let others Live. Live and let live, not Live and Let Die! You are being tolerated because of our Democratic values, the same values you so despise. The day the democracies of the world become military regimes like the muslims, God save you all! There is still time come out of the middle ages!
2007-06-18 15:55:45
answer #10
answered by Lestat 2
The USA is Israel's lap dog. Nearly all items on your list of comps solely benefit Israel. None are important to America. Zionists want the Temple mount just because they want all the land of milk and honey. Jews don't believe in Jesus, remember? They believe he's a fraud, and that Christians are dogs. If the USA needed Israel's help, I guarantee you they'd stab the USA in the back.
I'm not anti-semitic, nor anti-American. I hate to see my country being manipulated by Zionists and their self sacrificial Christian American lap dogs.
2007-06-18 15:19:49
answer #11
answered by CaesarLives 5