Do not answer it if you do not have an account there. It is a scam trying to get you to give information out. Your bank will never ask your personal information to be given out over the internet. If it does. Don't use that bank.
2007-06-18 14:27:51
answer #1
answered by Carol M 1
Dont click on anything yet!!! im from the uk, and i got a simialr email too! but from my bank account, saying about to update my online details!
However i havent got an online bank account! so it must be fraud! so my advice to you would be dont enter any details! as that way, the hackers can get your passcode and persponal details.
if your really worried go to the bank itself rather than doing anything online.
hope this helps.
2007-06-18 14:25:43
answer #2
answered by trendy_gal 4
its a scam, delete it, always go to web sites & never click links in emails, that passcode link i guarantee is NOT for the bank but to try to scam your funds if you had an account.
2007-06-18 14:28:15
answer #3
answered by krn001 7
Yes it is a scam. Let me tell you what would've happened if you really did have a bank account. You would have clicked on the link and gave all your information to scammers. They would have logged in to your account and transferred all of your money and you would be "robbed".
2007-06-18 14:26:53
answer #4
answered by ? 4
Delete the email and hit the spam button. B of A never sends their customers this type of requests. This is a scam to get your into your account.
2007-06-18 14:26:56
answer #5
answered by Tommy 3
It would be to your advantage to IGNORE and DELETE email messages like this one. They are attempts to trick you into providing personal information about you and banking information. If you do happen to bank with Bof A. I would suggest you call their customer service department.
2007-06-18 14:25:54
answer #6
answered by D 3
I would call Bank of Americas Fraud Division, and let them know what happened. Unfortunately this kind of stuff happens alot. Be careful.
2007-06-18 14:30:08
answer #7
answered by ? 3
If in fact you know that you did try to enter your password several times and cause yourself to be locked out I might be willing to reset it online. If you did not, I would make sure I called them on the phone to assure that it is legitimate.
2007-06-18 14:27:48
answer #8
answered by KC 1
If you don't have an account with them then you have nothing to worry about because it won't matter if they lock you out of something you never had access to begin with.
2007-06-18 14:28:59
answer #9
answered by Katie 4
Delete the email... it's a phishing attempt to get person info.
2007-06-18 14:27:01
answer #10
answered by Fremen 6