I think anybody who abuses welfare should go to jail, not just mothers. Abusing welfare is akin to defrauding the government, and it's taxpayers who actually did something with their lives to NOT have to be on welfare in the first place. I don't wanna pay for you because you messed things up; but if I have to... you damn well better use it as you're supposed to.
2007-06-18 05:45:16
answer #1
answered by jbone907 4
I don't understand why someone who listens to Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson has to be black, according to some answers. Didn't Bill Clinton seek Jacksons help and spiritual guidance after caught having sex with an intern? And didn't Jackson himself also have sex out of wedlock with a secutary in the rainbow co-alition? And I believe that laspe in judgement also produced a love child.
Amazing thing is that Bill Cosby pretty much said the same thing(as Sister Aimee) and was the publically berated by every cheap night show commedian and political pundit out there.
I did read some great answers though, community service for everyone who is unemployed and manditory drug testing for those who are on the public dole. But should they do jail time? if they don't have children at home, yes. Not that is certain they would make great parents (many people on welfare are there due to poor decisions, drugs, crime, ect.). And don't hand me "its hard now, people don't understand, ect.ect". There are too many people who came from nothing and now do very well. I don't believe that were you came from or your ethnicity is a garuntee of your future. Maybe in other third world countries, but not here! If you don't like where your at, only you can change it. You are responsible your where you end up in life, no one else!
Not only should they do jail time, they should have to pay back every cent! No one gave me a break on my student loans!
2007-06-18 18:46:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I agree that today many in our nation choose to speak out against the war, and those fighting, which indeed emboldens the enemy.
I don't recall any statements from Al or Jesse to this effect, but don't follow them so I can't accurately level an opinion.
Anyone proved to have defrauded the government via welfare is subject to punishment. Though often not jail-time. The system is set in such a way that you almost have to 'fudge' to get help. Which is part of the bigger problem with welfare.
The working poor are actually helping to support the system and are less likely to get aide.
I don't understand your statement on drugs and guns, or how this pertains to welfare.
2007-06-18 06:05:32
answer #3
answered by Moneta_Lucina 4
I don't think so, and most of your comments sound like heresay with nothing to really back it up on. It may or may not be the case, its the same assumption people have that if you give a homeless person money they will spend it on booze or drugs. Some do, but not all.
Anyhow, wouldn't it be smarter to just simply make it so food stamps cannot be used to purchase things like alcohol and cigarettes? Aren't the stores permitting this or the Department of Welfare to blame also?
And please knock it off with the comparison of Iraq to WWII, they are completely different wars and time periods and you cannot justify anything, give it a rest.
We are not fighting a good fight over there and we are not saving anyone from anything at this point, we are only perpetuating violence and death and further upsetting any sort of "balance" that (if ever) existed in the Middle East.
And you should be using "their", not "there", learn english.
2007-06-18 05:54:10
answer #4
answered by jebul 3
What happens to the kids?
Wouldn't we be spending more to support a mother in a prison cell and care for the child(ren)?
And by the way, you can't buy beer or cigarettes with food stamps. Sheesh. You might want to learn about something before trying to criticize it.
"Isn't abusing the freedoms our troops are fighting to protect emboldenening the terrorists and evil Islam people?"
-oh man, so much wrong with this sentence, I don't even know where to begin.
I think it's sad that your views are shaped this way, especially when you talk often about the righteousness of Christianity.
Who would Jesus admonish?
2007-06-18 05:46:02
answer #5
answered by Frank 6
+what is the difference in stealing from wal mart or any other source, it is fraud and stealing from the tax payer, and yes they should be prosecuted as vigorously as any other crime, the last time I looked it was illegal and these people continue to do this all their lives, a reporter from Los Angles investigated some welfare recipients some time back and found that some of them were collecting several different welfare checks at different addresses, this one lady wore a mink stole and drove a Cadillac convertible and owned several different homes she rented out, (she got probation)
if I robbed a bank would I get probation? hell no they would give me life in some dungeon, so is one worse than the other? these people get more money from welfare than our mens families do who are fighting for our freedom and country, youdammned right they have found the land of milk and honey, the rest of us , we have got to earn our bread from the sweat of our brow as the bible says,
I am amazed at some of the answeres on this site where the hell has these people been ? look at the cost of welfare and food stamps it is the most expensive thing our country has , $billions of dollars and we keep bringing in these peolpe from the Islands, Africa,the middle east, etc and putting them on welfare,also< these people are so dense they don't know you can go to the inner city and buy a welfare credit card or stamps for some times as little as 25% on the dollar,also Al Sharpton , and Jesse Jackson have at different times stated any black gir over 14 who doesn't have a baby is a disgrace to her race,( power is in the vote,) these people who have given these stupid answers are either on welfare, not working and paying 35% of their earnings in income taxes or living in la la land.(on drugs) you are right on what you have said so don't let anyone deter you.
2007-06-18 06:00:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am not sure if they should go to jail because who cares for their children then? I guess in reality we have to set up a safe foster care system for these children (and the only reason I mention safe is that where I live we have a child who was brutally murdered by his foster parents and the agency that made the placements has made other questionable placements.).Then the mothers could be put in jail.
2007-06-18 07:10:30
answer #7
answered by ALASPADA 6
First off-we are not fighting terrororists
Second off- you can not use food stamps to buy beer and cigarettes
Third off- not everyone that is on welfare does drugs
Fourth off- not only women are on welfare, there are men out there who is on welfare as well.
Fifth off- just because someone is Islamic, does not make them evil.
2007-06-18 05:50:27
answer #8
answered by sweetgurl13069 6
Women and young women who are having children without the benefits of marriage, and a husband to help them care for the children are in fact committing themselves, and their children to a life of poverty which is almost impossible to escape. It is not only blacks who are living on the welfare system, but whites, and Latinos as well. Women do not realize that they are causing themselves to become slaves to the system by depending on it instead of becoming educated and forgoing having children until they are financially able to provide for the children. The women's rights movement has in part become responsible for taking away the rights of women by keeping them uneducated and burdened with children they cannot provide for.
The one thing that I have noticed on Yahoo Q&A are the young girls and women who are so preoccupied with sex by the questions that they ask. They have poor grammar and spelling and should be forgoing sex until they get an education. I get so sick of reading the questions about the girls and young women who have had sex only to get pregnant and not know what to do about it. If you cannot restrain yourself from having sex, then use birth control to protect yourself. Should there even be a welfare system? If you have to go on welfare one time after having one child, you should not be eligible after that. There needs to be a law that you are to get an education and get off forever unless you become disabled. Pregnancy and having several children should not be a disability.
2007-06-18 05:50:49
answer #9
answered by Sparkles 7
Sorry to tell you, but I hate the word 'emboldening', coined by Rove and Bush. The point is this is America and it's supposed to be a Democracy. People have the right to destroy their lives through drugs, alcohol, food, or whatever they want.
I don't agree with people abusing welfare. But during the Clinton administration, Congress passed a law limiting the amount of children that food stamps and welfare will cover. The limit is two children. I haven't heard of any amendments to this law, making abuse impossible, except by illegal immigrants who come here for our benefits.
If you have heard of any amendments, please let us know.
2007-06-18 05:47:35
answer #10
answered by Big Bear 7