Since you and your brother are able to talk...ask him to be honest about what she is bothered about when it comes to you. Do you keep her husband out late at parties that she is not or cannot attend? Do you spend excessive amounts of time with him, when he should be at home with the family? If it's something like that than you can make changes to accomodate her feelings. May be she is feels threatened by your closeness...or may be she is just a witch! Or may be there is nothing wrong at all? Just pump your bro for information and may be you'll get some answers or solutions. Good luck!
2007-06-17 19:02:52
answer #1
answered by Destiny 5
stressful to tell on condition that they do no longer instruct factors on their internet site. The hair drugs that harm being pregnant interrupt the formation of DHT in adult males. They incorporate Propecia (Finesteride), Avodart, and then for option remedies: observed Palmetto. do no longer use those, they might intrude with male penile progression in utero. Oviation claims that is in simple terms nutrition, which should not be a challenge, yet i could examine the label and then examine on the internet for each factor. the internet internet site under gave right here answer: "between the reps from the corporate called me to pass over the climate... the cellular scientific care (pass away in scientific care) is largely all amino acids and proteins..." if it particularly is actual, that is toddler risk-free.
2016-10-09 10:36:59
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Talk to her and clear the air,some peole are never happy and you have to make your peace with that. I have a sister who is so jealous when her friend got cancer she was jealous of the time she got off for chemo and radiation.
It may not be you she might be a covetous person.Don;t go nuts trying to figure people out just be who you are,
2007-06-17 19:03:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well no one will come out and say that hate you unless they are really out spoken and mean. Maybe she doesn't hate you you could be paranoid. Ask your brother about it and if he says he disagrees try to forget it. If she starts giving you the evil eye and dirty looks take your brother and run! =D
2007-06-17 19:02:34
answer #4
answered by powerpuffcutie24™ 6
Be straight out and ask her what is wrong?
What have you don to upset her - or why doens't she just plain and simple like you.
... best to get these things out in the open sooner rather than later
good luck
2007-06-17 19:02:11
answer #5
answered by • Koala • uʍop ɹǝpun 7
no answer my in laws hate me too and i can careless i've been with my man for 10 yrs and they still don't like me lol
2007-06-17 18:57:26
answer #6
answered by sandy 6
Maybe you could talk to your brother about it. If you're close, he should be able to tell you something. Or maybe he doesn't realize there is a problem. Talk to him, though.
2007-06-17 19:00:20
answer #7
answered by Skatermomof5 7
i agree with sandy. I've been with my man for 7 years and they don't like me. it don't bother me as long as they stay to themself and i stay to myself. but if it bothers u so much just tell her how u feel.
2007-06-17 18:59:05
answer #8
answered by vanessa h 2
Talk to bro, he oughta' know what her problem is...
2007-06-17 19:16:49
answer #9
answered by Zeera 7
ask your wife to ask her some way
2007-06-17 18:58:09
answer #10
answered by Erik ☮ 3