I'm giving you this website with a link to the homepage because it's an excellent reference for all marine diseases you may encounter: http://home2.pacific.net.ph/~sweetyummy42/disease.html
Any condition where the name appears in red is a link to a page with more info.
To answer your specific question, fin rot can be caused by an injury, poor water quality, or a bacterium. Any fungus that appears is just taking advantage of the fish's weakened contition to infect it at this time. You need to clear up the cause, rather than the secondary infection. I'd start with checking the environmental factors (temperature 76-80o, salinity 1.024-1.026, pH 8.2-8.4, ammonia and nitrite = 0, nitrate less than 30, and lower would be better). If necessary, do a 25% water change (or several over the course of a few days) to bring the water chemistry to the stated levels. If this doesn't bring about an improvement in 2 days, you're probably dealing with a bacterial infection. A freshwater dip may help, but treating with a gram negative antibiotic like maracyn 2 (get the saltwater version!) in a hospital tank would be the next step. I suggest treating the fish in a separate tank as any antibiotic may affect desirable bacteria in your tank as well as the one causing the fin rot.
2007-06-17 19:55:39
answer #1
answered by copperhead 7
water change and temp up I dont treat fish with meds because it not something natural in the wild do they have ich be gone or fungus clear no they just get in warmer and clearer water and hope for the best
not sure if they make any saltwater meds though my scooter blenny got ich and I just did a water change and uped the temp it cleared in a day and because thats the onl problem I've had I havent looked it up
2007-06-17 14:56:57
answer #2
answered by Robs Fish Co. 2
I'm not sure what it's called, but you need to get Metafix and the other one it starts with a P....
Get enough to do it for 7 days, but before you do...do about a 25-30% water change...I know it's alot, but it will be ok...
Hurry up and get the medicine asap, before there is too much fungus....
2007-06-17 14:42:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
They probably have Ich. You need to go to your local pet store, describe it, and they'll give you the proper anti fungal medicine. Hurry!
2007-06-17 14:49:18
answer #4
answered by Corini7 2
It sounds like they have Ick. Go to a petstore and they will have medicine for that.
2007-06-18 00:06:44
answer #5
answered by ahot12handle 1