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Luke or Lukas



Tell me which ones you like and which ones you dont

2007-06-17 10:46:17 · 22 answers · asked by f!ddl3. 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Baby Names

also Kale for a boy??

2007-06-17 10:49:57 · update #1

22 answers

I don't like Rex or Jayce, but the rest are fine.

2007-06-17 10:52:01 · answer #1 · answered by Megan M 2 · 0 0

Kale is nice
Jack is nice
Shaun is nice
Love Lucas
Benjamin is very nice
Love Seth
William is okay
Austin is nice
Don't like Dustin
Don't like Charlie
Don't like Jayce
Don't like Rex
Love Keira
Don't like Alex
Like Hailey
Don't like Shiloh
Love Lilah

2007-06-17 11:00:32 · answer #2 · answered by Lovemykids 5 · 0 0

For the boys, I like Jack, Lucas, William, Austin, and Jayce. Darling names! The rest are okay, except Rex, which I really don't like.

I really love all of your girls names except Alex. I really like Alexandra, though, but nickname Ally. The other girls names are very sophisticated, feminine, and cute!

Oh, and Kale is very cute for a boy!

2007-06-17 15:49:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I love Lukas, Benjamin, and Jayce!
I really do not like the names Dustin or Rex.
Austin and William seem kinda old. So does Jack.
Seth and Shaun are both pretty good!
I dont like the name Charlie but for a girl its very pretty!
I dont like the name Austin either. Sounds kinda country.
The rest are alrite.

I love Hailey and Lilah!
I really dont like the name Shiloh (isnt that Jolie-Pitts Daughters name?)
Alex is too common and for sum reason is just dont like the name Keira.

2007-06-17 11:48:40 · answer #4 · answered by wutever20chica 3 · 0 0

Like- Shaun, Luke, Lucas, Seth, Austin, Dustin, Jayce. Favorites are Jayce and Seth--not as common as others.
Dont like the others!! Rex--sounds like a dogs name.
Like- Keira, Hailey and Lilah
Shiloh--first thing that comes to mind is the dog shiloh, and Alex is a little TOO common for me. not bad tho!

2007-06-17 11:02:18 · answer #5 · answered by karbear0486 2 · 0 0

Jack, I like, very popular
Shawn, I like the name
Luke or Luka, I like these names
Benjamin, I like the name, was in the top 20
Seth, I like the name, not very common,
William, is a fine name, I would not use it, but it's not my child
Austin, I do not like
Dustin, I like the name the best, you can call him Dusty
Charlie, not crazy about
Rex, okay, I would not use it
Jaycee, I love this name as a girl name
Keira, pretty, but common
Alexis, I like Alexis a lot
Hailey, Love this name, my child is Hayley Elizabeth
Shiloh, is different, i like it
Lilah, it's okay

My favorites
Luke/Luka, Benjamin, Dustin
Jaycee, Hailey and Shiloh


2007-06-17 10:59:29 · answer #6 · answered by Halo Mom 7 · 0 0

For the boys I really liked the names Jack, Shaun(one of my sons is called Shaun), Lukas, and Austin. For the girls I liked Hailey and Shiloh. The others are not that bad but I dont really root for them as the best.

2007-06-18 00:59:42 · answer #7 · answered by Proud Pa of 6 Boys 2 · 0 0

Jack -yes
Shaun- no
Luke or Lukas- yes, no.
Benjamin- okay.
Seth- okay
Austin- yes, but sometimes it's unisex.
Dustin- no, red necky
Charlie- Charles as the given name and then yes.
Jayce- no, too trendy.
Rex- okay


Keira- sounds a bit ethnic if that's what you're going for.
Alex -yes as a nickname for Alexis or Alexandra
Hailey- a little country/soap starish
Shiloh- a little country/soap starish
Lilah- cute, maybe without the 'h'

2007-06-17 12:00:03 · answer #8 · answered by sep 3 · 0 0

Jack: Good
Shaun: I like the spelling Sean better
Luke/Lukas: I knew someone who used the French spelling (Luc) and ever since I haven't liked the traditional spelling as much
Benjamin: Love it (It is my boyfriend's name, after all)
Seth: Great
William: Good choice
Austin: Don't like it
Dustin: Also don't like it
Charlie: Indifferent
Jayce: I prefer Jay or Jason
Rex: No

Keira: Ok.....I prefer Kira
Alex: Too common
Hailey: Decent
Shiloh: Not a huge fan
Lilah: Lila is a cuter spelling....

2007-06-17 11:18:48 · answer #9 · answered by Sydney 6 · 0 0

with the names u listed im gonna make u the perfect names 1 for boy and 1 for girl.

boy; Dustin Seth
girl; Shiloh Alex

omg i am in love with the name shiloh. lol<3

2007-06-17 15:09:33 · answer #10 · answered by car<3ly. 4 · 0 1

For boys, I like Austin, Shaun, William, and Jayce (prefer spelled Jace or Jase).

For girls, I like Lilah (prefer Lila) and Alex. Hailey (i like Hallie more) and Keira are ok.

2007-06-17 12:24:27 · answer #11 · answered by vallygval 5 · 0 0

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