The Traitors Amongst Us
"An invisible hand is guiding the populace." LaFayette
By now, many of you must be wondering, who is the power behind the throne?
In the 50th anniversary of "The Foreign Affairs," the official publication of the Council of Foreign Relations entitled, "Reflecting our National Purpose" stated, "Our national purpose should be to abolish our nationality." Remember, the CFR was instrumental in the United Nations.
Admiral Chester Ward, declared, "The goal of the Council of Foreign Relation is submergence of the U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all powerful ONE-WORLD government and equally important is the C.F.R influence in our mass media. They control or own most major newspapers, magazines, radio and television networks."
Dan Smoot, a former member of the FBI Headquarters staff in Washington, D.C. summarized the CFR's purpose as follows: "The ultimate aim of the CFR is to create a one-world socialist system and make the U.S. an official part of it."
Are you beginning to get the picture?
Col. Fletcher Prouty, Liaison Officer between the Pentagon and the CIA, had this to say, "The Secret Team is a group of men who can orchestrate the activities of the United States government. They are from industry, big business, the military, big banks and big lawyers . . . They manipulate the government policy." ("The Secret Team")
Now let's take a look at the Secret Team. The following is a partial list of past and present members of the Council of Foreign Relations and/or Trilateral Commission: George Bush, Billary Clinton, Reagan, Ford, Carter, Nixon, Mr. Gravel President of "ONE WORLD", Henry (the Peacemaker) Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, National Security Advisor, Richard Cheney, Secretary of Defense, Collin Powell, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Wm Webster, Dir, C.I. A., Dick Thornbourgh, Attorney General, Nicholas Brady, Secretary of the Treasury, Richard Darman, Director Office of Management of Budget, James Williams, Dept. of Education, Horace Dawson, U.S. Information Agency, Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Federal Reserve, Cyrus Vance, Federal Reserve, Paul Volker, Federal Reserve, Allied Supreme Commanders: Eisenhower, Ridgeway, Gruenther, Norstad, Lemnltzer, Goodpaster, Haig, Rogers, Secretaries of Defense: McElroy, Gates, McNamara, Laird, Richardson, Rumsfeld, Brown, Weinberger, Carlucci, Cheney, Superintendents U.S. Military Academy at Westpoint: Westmorland, Lampert, Bennett, Knowlton, Berry, The list goes on and on and includes: Congressmen, Supreme Court Judges, Presidents of Colleges and Universities, Ambassadors, Military, Officers of Exxon, Texaco, Shell, Mobil, John Deere, IBM, Amtrak, AT&T, Chrysler, GM, Ford, GE, Chase Manhattan Bank, Chemical Bank, Citicorp, Morgan Guaranty, Bankers Trust of New York, First National Bank of Chicago, Manufactures Hanover, and Export-Import Bank, just to name a few.
Members of the CFR and TLC in the current Billary Clinton administration include, Billary Clinton, Secretary of State Warren Christopher, Deputy Secretary of State Clifton Wharton, CIA Director James Woolsey, National Security Advisor Anthony Lake, Deputy National Security Advisor Samuel Berger, Secretary of Defense Les Aspin, Chairman of Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board William Crowe, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Madeline Albright, Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd Bentsen, Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala, Deputy Director Office of Management and Budget Alice Rivlin, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Henry Cisneros, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors Laura Tyson, and Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt. The top 35 members of the Billary Clinton administration, including the entire cabinet belong to the CFR and/or the TLC. The Clinton administration is filled with TRAITORS! With enemies like this, who needs an honest government?
2007-06-21 18:56:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous