Favorite Jedi - Luke Skywalker; Favorite Sith - Darth Maul. I also love CP30 and R2D2 because they were so funny. They brought humor to several scenes.
2007-06-24 14:58:01
answer #1
answered by Jennifer M 2
Well, just to comment on a few peoples answers first.
I dont get the relation between Hayden Christenson and Luke Skywalker since Anakin Skywalker was who he portrayed, NOT Luke Skywalker.
Also, Luke Skywalker did not bring balance to the Force.
Darth Vader/ Anakin Skywalker did when he returned to being a Jedi at the end of RotJ, and killed the Emperor. That is why he was shown as a Jedi Spirit at the very end with Yoda and Obi-Wan.
My favorite Star Wars characters are:
In the movies: Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Clearly the best actor of the first three movies and relly built the legend of Obi Wan Kenobi fantastically.
In the books: Grand Admiral Thrawn.
He is probably the most intriguing character in the Expanded Universe. He was a Grand Admiral charged with protecting the Unknown Regions by the Emperor and he was a Chiss. Notoriously known for being some of the best tacticians and warriors in the universe.
Thrawn was able to discern what an opponents tendencies would be by studying their art work.
TImothy Zahn wrote the exceptional Thrawn Trilogy and the Thrawn Duology that should be must-reads for any Star Wars fan.
The graphic novels: Lord Exar Kun.
Here is a Sith Lord who was so powerful, he was able to walk into the Jedi assembly and hold them all in place with his tremendous power in the Dark Side of the Force.
You can read about him in The Sith Wars in the Tales of the Jedi Graphic Novels.
He was probably the single most powerful Sith Lord ever.
Yes, kiddies, more powerful than Darth Vader too.
2007-06-16 16:21:14
answer #2
answered by bengals_fan_0225 3
Well main characters I would say Leia. There I said it Leia is awesome, strong, beautiful, smart, and not afraid to use the foul language (scruffy looking nerfherder)
But there is also the officer in the 5th and 6th movie I can't think of his name but every time Vader kills someone he gets promoted. I'm not sure if this was intended to show how ruthless Vader was, or some underlying comedy. But I actually laugh out loud every time I see that smug look on his face when his CO drops dead and he moves up the ranks.
If only it where that easy.
2007-06-22 11:59:51
answer #3
answered by C-Ham 3
Lord Darth Vader. From the first time I saw the saga, he was the one character who really stuck out in my mind. Even before the Prequels came out, even before I saw Return of the Jedi, I wasn't ever really able to think of him as a totally evil character. There always seemed to be something sad about him. Of course, now that I know all that transpired to bring about his fall, I have found my first impression to be eerily correct. The concept of a tragic villain has always captured my interest, and Lord Vader fits that role very well. He tries so hard to protect all he loves, yet loses everything in the end: his wife, his child(ren), his freedom, the ability to live like a normal being...it's terribly sad.
That's why Episodes three and six are the only two movies that can move me to tears. Three, because I see the shadowed love that created Darth Vader and what he lost in falling to the darkness. Six, because I see the love that destroyed Lord Vader and what he lost in turning back to the light.
Because of that, the Dark Lord has long been (and always will be) my favorite of the Star Wars characters.
2007-06-18 05:47:49
answer #4
answered by Dark Knight 3
I'm a bit surprised that no one has mentioned Chewbacca. He was such a noble, loyal, funny, fierce, yet gentle warrior and friend. I think this was best expressed in Empire Strikes Back--when he grieved over C3P0's dismantled body, we saw that he was a gentle, loyal giant friend. When Lando Calrysian (sp?) decieved Leia et.al. by delivering them to Vader under the guise of taking them to cocktail hour, Chewbacca's contempt for Vader and desire to protect his friends was demonstrated by a rarely seen or heard violent gesture and roar. I would love to have a friend like Chewy.
Kudos also to R2, the robotic equivalent to Chewbacca.
2007-06-16 18:02:02
answer #5
answered by falsumnomen 3
Luke Skywalker.
2007-06-24 09:03:13
answer #6
answered by Eugene 6
Han Solo
2007-06-16 16:19:13
answer #7
answered by Pattie DeVoe 3
Gui-gon Jinn, Tahl {from the Jedi Apprentice series}, and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
2007-06-22 13:23:17
answer #8
answered by Bet 6
Obi Won Kenobi-alec guinness (episode IV)
2007-06-16 15:47:28
answer #9
answered by Josh 6
i like yoda, but did they have to beat him up so badly in the ep-3? wish yoda would have had a victory in one of his light saber duels - if not w/the emperor, then definitely over count dooku! i also liked mace windu and wish they had done more action w/him. but the one character i thought rocked the prequels and so better defined his character overall was obi-wan!
2007-06-16 16:22:31
answer #10
answered by The Dark Knight 3