actually bla b has it pretty close we get it by by having, a) our taxes are quite high b)when we export things like beer we charge through the nose c) we really don't spend a lot on our military (i mean come on the last sub we bought caught fire before we even got it home) i'm tellin' ya steve harper cuts military spending before his feet even hit the floor in the morning d) and yes we do have a much smaller population then the US so it is easier to maintain, i mean you could more then likely fit most of canada into new york state alone e) the doctors also don't make as much here as they do in the US which is why if someone needs a complicated operation done sometimes they have to go south. that covers what i know about it anyway
2007-06-16 16:27:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
many countries in the world have superior health car to the US. It is primarily because the health industry is state run and there are no law suits. The health care system in the united states is hopelessly corrupt. Most health providers do not even try to cure a patients problems. They just treat the symptoms with various prescriptions that have side effects that are generally worse than the problem that they are supposed to treat. Sweden, Norway and many other countries have superior health care. The US is rated 37th and god forgive me for even saying it, France is #1 check out this web site. a real eye opener
2007-06-16 09:58:31
answer #2
answered by Traveler 7
Three reasons:
1. Tax
Canadian Tax rate is much higher than US (or other countries - except for some European countries which they can provide free health care also). Not only income tax but also corporate tax, capital gain tax etc.
2. Military spending
Canada spends so little in military budget compare to other countries. NATO has been complaining this for years. Canada just piggyback to US. Since Canada is a close ally & neighbor to US, whoever attack Canada, US will take action to defend it.
3. Population
Canadian population is 32million compare to US with almost 300 million. Smaller number is easier to manage. Small countries generally are more prosperous than bigger countries.
2007-06-16 10:13:27
answer #3
answered by bla b 2
We're forgetting the most important factor that keeps Canadian healthcare costs low: rationing!!
If you want to lower costs... then lower output, that's the Canadian system. The waiting lists for treatment have grown so long and risked the lives of so many people that the Supreme Court of Canada, in a ruling in June 2006, declared that the restrictions on private provision of healthcare coupled with the long waiting lists constitutes a violation of an individual's right to life!! .... we're still waiting for the government response to this ruling (some provinces have begun to allow private care in a certain number of areas where the wait-times are particularily long).
2007-06-16 10:17:49
answer #4
answered by Trevor 2
Favored trade status with the USA and access to American medical innovation. After having itself subsidized by the USA, Canada has a shot at maintaining this system. But even those subsidies might not be enough.
2007-06-16 13:28:04
answer #5
answered by Blindman 4
Most democracies with free health care persuade their medical consultants to accept it. In our case in UK, the Health minister of the time said of our consultants: "I had to stuff their mouths with gold!"
It is a sign of a country's male ministers and male consultants being bribed into getting its priorities right. All women would vote for a free health service.
2007-06-16 09:58:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
They have oil - it's free revenue for government.
they have high taxes
they do not spend on military
and there are wait times, as people above have mentioned.
2007-06-16 14:12:08
answer #7
answered by Anonymous