Every community has set rules for evictions. You have to go to your city hall & ask for the department (like the rent control board, etc) or legal dept. to find out who can help you. If you cannot afford a lawyer ask the local Law Association (look in phone book) for Legal Aid. They should be able to help you. As a home owner with one apartment to rent out, I know it takes years to get a tennant out --it's not easy for the owner so go find out your rights right away.
To some of you others, she may have paid her rent but if a new owner buys a building & wants her out, they can evict for almost any reason but it does take time -up to 3 years. they cannot put you out on the street --call the sherrif's department to see if theycan steer you in the right direction to get help. I really do wish you luck --it's scary to be evicted. I went through it when people bought the house I was renting in & wanted the rooms for their family.
2007-06-15 19:41:56
answer #1
answered by msnoose 6
You need to start looking for other premises in which to live immediately. You do not state the reason for your eviction, and, quite frankly, it is irrelevant in an eviction. The landlord(s) have no obligation to continue to rent to you, once your lease expires, even if you honored it faithfully.
2007-06-16 07:18:25
answer #2
answered by acermill 7
I have the same response that musics_biggest_fan has. Why are you lying? Look I know you want attention, but you're looking for it in the wrong place. There are people on here who are trying to help you and you just constantly keep lying. Go take a nap or read a book.
2007-06-16 12:32:32
answer #3
answered by Girls Rock Too! 3
What is a pregnant 12 year old to do?
You r such a liar
2007-06-16 08:10:53
answer #4
answered by Beatles-Girl 2
Why you are evicted? is it because you have not paid your rent, other bills or any criminal cases? Please check with a lawyer.
2007-06-16 00:04:39
answer #5
answered by rajan l 6
try to find another house. Next time pay your bills...
if you can't go to myprivatedorm.com
make some cash there
2007-06-16 00:00:39
answer #6
answered by Jasmine P 2
Get a damn job and pay your rent.
Oops.........I said the J word didn't I?
2007-06-16 01:46:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous