Yes, it does. Republicans do not care about things like that. They care about the parades, the football game, the tanks, the bombs, "destroying the enemy" (which they help create).
The medals of course.
2007-06-22 14:37:40
answer #1
answered by johnfarber2000 6
All the present problems OF USA started with the overthrow of the communist government in Afghanistan. Actually the communists have failed and communism is disappearing. In Afghanistan a government was running with good development plans and ideas and had developed the state. Even woman were getting educated and employment in a Muslim feudal country. US sent money, arms and materials to the Talibans and other terrorist groups to fight the communists and formed a fanatic and Muslim Fundamental state which encouraged attacks on every country in the world including US.Osama Bin Laden was a child of such actions.
US always does these kind of short sighted actions which always ends with threat to US interests. Today the Muslim Terrorists have grown in strength and attack everywhere and in India they do it in Kashmir and other states regularly.In Iraq they fight and attack the US troops for vengeance for the killing of their ex-president.
2007-06-23 20:55:51
answer #2
answered by rajan l 6
You can't succed in binary trading without a strategy, a good method to follow and some kind of software support. They program I use is called "Autobinary signals". It helps finding loopholes for guaranteed returns. It's very easy to use and I'm earning good money. You find all the details on this site:
2014-09-25 18:01:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'm making good profit with a binary option signal software called "autobinary signal". It's great!! Check here for more information ( )
2014-10-05 01:57:20
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yup it is Bush's fault, every bad thing that ever has happened is Bush's fault. He killed Elvis, caused Pearl Harbor, bombed the twin towers and was the shooter on the grassy knoll.
Remember the media quoted "sources in the Bush Administration" He has a time machine, didn't you know that?
2007-06-22 09:32:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think it is sad, it might however, have something to do with the delay in passing the supplemental spending bill. The military had to cut back on many things. Do you have a source for this information?
2007-06-18 09:47:33
answer #6
answered by gerafalop 7
When al Queda detonates a nuke in Washington, I can assure you that there will be plenty of health care for the survivors in congress. Do you feel better?
2007-06-22 21:14:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It's all commie lies meant to embolden the enemy. I notice the flood of answers you are getting, the silence is deafening.
2007-06-15 21:57:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
it is all due the way we americans (most) and our government have the incredible talent of sticking our heads in the sand and up our own butts at the same time
2007-06-20 18:25:52
answer #9
answered by chicky 2
VA Says Gulf War Syndrome Doesn't Exist!
Gulf War Syndrome Paradigm Analysis
Gulf War Syndrome
The basic fact is that biological agents were used on our troops. Chemical agents were used on our troops. Germ warfare was used on our troops -- using biologicals that were made in the United States of America. It was made in Houston, Texas and Boca Raton, Florida. It was passed through the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and through companies such as American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) in Maryland. It was passed to Saddam Hussein -- sold to Saddam Hussein, as late as 1989.
1970 Appropriation of Money to Create Human Immune Deficiency Virus
What the Government and Media Say About Gulf War Syndrome
What Was Really Behind the Gulf War: Malthusian Population Reduction
[Editor Note: The reason for the Gulf War, upon analysis, was threefold. It was to infect the U.S. military and subsequently the U.S. and world population, and secondly to reacquire Kuwait oil fields, which are owned by a well-known family in London, and thirdly to test weaponry on Iraq, to whom factions sold weapons to be used against our own troops. Part of the cover-up involved with Gulf War syndrome is also meant to conceal the fact that President Bush and other members of his administration held stock in some of the biotech companies that produced the biological weapons used against U.S. troops and shipped to Iraq. Another part of the cover-up involves conventional arms, specifically a company known as U.S. Arms, who sold Iraq conventional weapons to be used against U.S. troops. Former Secretary of Agriculture Ron Brown, who was in the aircraft that was blown up in Bosnia, was on the board of Directors of U.S. Arms. Four individuals on the plane were to testify in an upcoming hearing. Traces of thermite, denoting explosives, were found on the bodies. Thirty-seven people were murdered. President Clinton recently claimed Executive Privilege as a reason for not disclosing certain documents to Congress relating to arms shipments to Iraq. Do you understand, Southern Iraq. Interestingly, there are also large underground facilities in the Middle East, some of them of rather ancient, and alien, origin, which still today contain high-tech equipment].
50% of Gulf War Veterans Are No Longer in the Service -
More Than 10,000 Are Dead
A million Gulf War vets went, and a million of them have the potential of being sick. I will tell you a little bit why later. By their own admission, some 697,000 active duty service members and some 180,000 National Guard went to the Gulf. What they say now is that 489,000 of them have since separated from the military. Now, ask yourself why in an all-volunteer force, after a war, would 50% of the individuals involved get out of the military? It is not a statistic that even makes sense. One out every two have gotten out of the military since Desert Storm? I wonder why. Possibly because they had to, because they were sick and were forced out.
This is another figure that scares me. To date, the VA reports that more than 489,400 Gulf War veterans have received medical care in VA facilities. One out of every two. Ask yourself why. You don't go to the VA unless you have no where else to go.
Here is another item that was faxed to me from the VA. You see here that by their own admission they say that 5,729 Gulf War veterans have died since the war. We know the figure is now between 10,000 to 12,000.
Active Duty Military Intimidated Into Silence
Mycoplasma Incognitas
U.S. Government Refuses to Dispense Known Treatment to Affected People
The Nicholson's went to the laboratory to discover how to treat this. They found that an antibiotic called Doxycycline was the most effective. The United States military will not allow military members under their control to have Doxycycline or VA hospitals to dispense Doxycycline. They are simply not allowed to have it. I got a call from a Special Forces commander who had been retired for one year. He said:
"I have had it. I came home. I served my country. I got my blood sent to Dr. Nicholson for free testing and got my prescription for Doxycycline. I went to have it filled and not only did that take away my military ID card, but they would not allow me to have the Doxycycline to save my life."
Deformed Children Caused by U.S. Corporate Genocide
Proof of Chemical Weapon Use from the Schwartzkoff NBC Log
U.S. Companies Sold Iraq New Genocidal Anthrax Toxin
Veteran Medical Files Destroyed or Missing
Gulf War Participants Force-Injected With Experimental Vaccines
U.S. Ships Enough Biological Agents To Iraq to Kill the Entire Planet
The Post Gulf-War Emergence of Flesh-Eating Bacteria
The Attempt to Bring George Bush to a War Crimes Tribunal Thwarted by U.S. "Justice" Department in 1993
Emergence of Post-Gulf War Biological Problems Coincides With Massive National Injection Programs
U.S. Troops Inoculated Before Going to Bosnia Are Coming Down With the Same Symptoms
U.S. Troops Inoculated Before Going to Somalia Are Coming Down With the Same Symptoms
The U.S. troops that are coming back from Somalia are coming back sick, too, with all the same symptoms and problems as the Persian Gulf veterans.
"Proof is building up stronger than ever that big U.S. corporations [Editor Note: The U.S. Government is also a corporation] made the weapons that Saddam Hussein used to kill American soldiers in the Persian Gulf War. These corporations also provided the chemical and biological weapons that the Iraqis used to make thousands of surviving soldiers ill. Both the Bush and Clinton Administration Justice Departments agreed not to prosecute for TRADING WITH THE ENEMY."
[Editor Note: Now, this is an interesting coincidence, because it is exactly what Prescott Bush and the Rockefellers did before and during World War II, when they materially and financially supported the buildup and creation of Nazi Germany, and later Communist Russia, to create extreme forms of National Socialism and International Socialism, in order to anger the planetary population, who would stamp these forms of socialism out and make way for International Corporate Capitalism, which is Global Socialism, or otherwise known as the New World Order. Any good student of history will find the prosecutions levied for Trading With the Enemy on U.S. companies during this period in history. Don't believe any of this? Do your homework! The same people have been at it behind the scenes for the last 60 years doing the same thing. When you then see Operation Paperclip and Project 63 in action for 30 years . . . . . well, welcome to the covert 4th Reich in disguise. All the research is in Matrix III Volume Two, of what they are doing, how they are doing it and why. Read it and understand. Everything is there.]
Product Ingredient Technology and Dr. Barbouti: "they are making biological agents in Boca Raton, Florida, and that they are being used for germ warfare”. Product Ingredient Technology plant (P.I.T) This plant was a project of Dr. Barbouti, who is from Houston. His son still lives in Houston. Dr. Barbouti had been involved in the (illegal) sales of arms to Iraq, had originally built the biological warfare plant in Libya, had come to the United States and had cloned the Libyan plant in Boca Raton, Florida. NOTE!!!
U.S. Deleted Iraqi-run Florida Chemical Plant from UN Weapons List
The Clinton Cover-up and the Psychotropic Drugging of Poisoned Veterans
Note: Gulf War Vets -- You may write to Captain Joyce Riley with your story or your request for assistance. She does not yet have an e-mail address. Her address is: 2931 Highland Lakes, Missouri City, Texas 77459. Her FAX number is 1-713-438-4581.
2007-06-19 20:26:35
answer #10
answered by Anonymous