Ghost shrimp fan is absolutely correct, bettas are tropical fish from southeast Asia (Thailand, formerly Siam, hence the name Siamese fighting fish) and they need water in the temp range of 78-82 degrees.
Goldfish are coldwater fish and need to be kept at 60-65 degrees. Forcing either to live in the wrong temp will stress them considerably and shorten their lives. Cold water is the main reason bettas do not live more than a few months to a year in small bowls and vases. Their normal lifespan is around 5 years in the wild, 7 years in a properly maintained aquarium and I read that the record in a lab situation is just over 10 years.
Bottom line, bettas and goldfish should not be mixed.
2007-06-15 15:32:30
answer #1
answered by 8 In the corner 6
Ok first, Goldfish are cold water lovers but betta are tropical fish and need warm water. Next, a goldfish probably wont be too happy in a 10 gallon where as a betta only needs a 5 gallon to be happy. You can't have both in one tank for one reason because they both have different water temp needs, and for another reason is if the goldfish gets too big it can eat the betta. Also betta get jealous of fish with bright or shiny colors so the betta would probably pick on the goldfish a lot. You can get one male betta or two female betta. If you want another kind of fish in there then you can add some things like Neon tetras they can live with betta and a 10 gallon would be a good size to keep them in. Sorry if i was rude.
2016-05-17 04:09:53
answer #2
answered by jodi 3
Ok, there are 2 things very wrong with your set up already.
1) As already mentioned, betta fish are tropical fish who like water in the upper temperature range, from 74 to 80 degrees F, while goldfish are coldwater fish who prefer water under 76 degrees F. You COULD keep both alive in a tank at about 75 degrees, but both would be uncomfortable and neither would be very happy as they would be at the extreme end of their ranges and you would have to make sure the temperature remained VERY stable as a few degrees variation either way would probably kill one or the other. That's a tricky balance to maintain.
2) 10 gallons is too small for 4 goldfish. It's actually pushing it to keep one goldfish in a 10 gallon. The idea that a goldfish can be kept in a bowl is a myth. Goldfish are pond fish that can grow up to 18 inches and live up to 20 years. They are very dirty fish (make a lot of waste for their size) and need a lot of space and excellent filtration. The goldfish that are sold in little bowls as having a lifespan of 1-3 years are the SAME fish and only live that long because they are suffocated and die because their growth is stunted by hideously cramped living conditions.
So what do you need? Either a much bigger tank for your goldfish with a really good filter, and some serious research done on fish keeping, or to take the goldfish back to the store and get some tetras to go with your betta instead.
2007-06-15 15:19:47
answer #3
answered by Ghost Shrimp Fan 6
The other posters are absolutely right regarding your fish mix, however, as you stated that wasn't your question, and if you already have the fish the argument is a moot point. So, I will make one suggestion:
Add a second filter, and do frequent, small water changes. This is a bandaid though, and I would like to see you take some of the other posters advice.
FYI, the betta will likely not even touch the goldfish - they just have different needs.
2007-06-18 09:10:21
answer #4
answered by Starter 1
First, you're going to need two tanks--one for the betta and another very large one for the goldfish. Bettas are tropical and need to be kept at 80F degrees; goldfish are cold water fish and do best at water temps no higher than about 72F. Bettas are also known to tear up the fins of fish with flowing fins, which most goldfish have. Goldfish also need a large amount of water per fish (I think the measure for goldfish is something like 5 gals of water per inch of fish). They grow fast and large, produce a whole lot of waste which will damage your betta's fins. Goldfish also like a stronger current then bettas.
2007-06-15 16:51:16
answer #5
answered by Inundated in SF 7
Stop. Think, if you put a tropical fish with coldwater which will die? Bettas a tropical and liek a temp of near 80. Goldfish are coldwater a prefer a temp of 68.
Do not keep these fish together.
The goldfish need about 20g of water per fish anyway.
2007-06-15 17:42:52
answer #6
answered by Palor 4
That's too many fish. Goldfish need at least 10 gallons per fish. What you need is a general aquarium guide, goldfish guide and betta guide. Those fish do not go together as well.
2007-06-15 16:26:46
answer #7
answered by Sunday P 5
bettas and goldfish are different, they have very special needs. My friend has 3 goldfis in a 33 gallon tank, and they're huge, bigger than my hand, also, bettas need warm water, and goldfish live in colder temperatures.
check these websites to answer these and more questions you might have.
2007-06-16 12:59:43
answer #8
answered by working woman 2
Bettas would be fine with goldfish as long as the goldfish don't have ridiculously long fins (common goldfish are fine). The Bettas only fight fish with fins that they think look like Betta fins (long and elegant). You will need gravel, a hood, lighting, and decor.
2007-06-15 14:32:54
answer #9
answered by nosoop4u246 7
you could get an alergy eater or two or a pleco.
with goldfish tehy should still be cleaned or partial clean. I would suggest a siphon and about evey 2 weeks siphon half teh tank. filters dont' take amonia out and I have never liked the amonia removers you get. A partial cchange is the best.
2007-06-15 14:16:34
answer #10
answered by Kit_kat 7