As Bill Clinton said, because they can. Statistics show that 35% of married women will cheat and 50% of married men (which means either women are lying or they ones who do cheat, do it over and over again). Men cheat because it is a thrill, it is fun, it is an experience every time you have sex with a new person, it is an ego boost, and it just feels good. Women tend to cheat not because they want sex, but because they want the attention of a man.
Of course, when a person cheats very rarely do they think they are going to be caught, and often, some people want to be caught because it will either end their marriage, which is what they secretly want, of it will encourae their spouse to get their act together. Both can and do happen. By the way, not every spouse is angry when their spouse cheats. Some actually enjoy it.
2007-06-15 09:19:32
answer #1
answered by John B 7
Sure, it can be for the thrill. Why do we crave different foods? Everyone likes variety, and everyone wants something different every once in a while. For some, a new hobby satisfies the craving, and for others - a new fling. When people get caught, they are sorry - sorry that they got caught; because getting caught usually results in problems, and no one likes problems. They want to work things out because they most likely did not want to leave their mate; if they did, they would have just left.
2007-06-15 09:34:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Cheating basically fills the void that people have in a relationship. Why do people go to a prostitute? Well, they do it because of a fantasy(void) that can or cannot be met with their partner for whatever reason. It's a fantasy that when it's done, there are no strings attached.
Women cheat because they have a void in them where their partner is not able to give. Sometimes it's as simple as just listening believe it or not. Emotional connections for women are more precious than sexual encounters.
Intimacy needs to be present in order for things to work. Intimacy is not necesarily a sexual encounter, but in fact far from that. Intimacy is based on communication, trust, intention of goodwill and among others.
In order for a relationship to work, intimacy needs to be present. Without intimacy then relationships just wont work on a partnership level.
One of the reasons why people apologize profusely when they get caught is because it's usually just a fling to quickly fill something missing. The problem with that is they would keep doing that every time they feel their void needs to be filled. They know what they have and need at home but, they are not willing to give it up for something they need(it's fear of stepping out of the comfort zone).
Another reason why they are sorry is because of guilt. They feel guilty that they don't love their partner anymore. Thus feeling guilty. They only feel guilty for themselves not really for their partner.
There is a good percentage out there of people cheating on their partners and the main reason is they are missing that piece in their life.
A good way to stop a partner from cheating are simple things. Tell them you appreciate them and why. People always want to know why this, and why that! A simple thank you doesnt hurt either, it makes things stronger.
2007-06-15 10:12:24
answer #3
answered by Cerealkiller 2
An extramarital affair almost always results from one partner lacking something in the relationship. The other partner may not even know how the other one feels because they don't talk about their feelings and that makes you vulnerable to the outside world. I'm not a cheater and I am definitely not making up excuses for the cheater, but it's just something you have to understand. I have been cheated on and my husband and i are completely happy now and that part of our life has passed and we don't talk about it, but when you become vulnerable like that a simple "hello" can seem like the best thing you've ever heard and you welcome it, not realizing that that "hello" came from a stranger and not your wife. Once you get caughht is when you open your eyes so to speak and realize it was not your partner all along and you begin to understand what you were missing from your spouse or mate and you want it back and are more willing to work on things and talk to your partner because it is then that you realize you can't see yourself without them.
2007-06-15 09:28:01
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I don't believe it is as simple as "not getting it at home" I think people cheat cause they have low self esteem. & they don't stop & think before they react. They get wrapped up in this fantasy, they know that they have love ay home, but the exsitment of sex with this other hot, sexy person makes it hard to back down, I have never cheated on anyone, nor will I ever I know all to well the pain that causes. I have been cheated on & I know that our sex life was exciting & great. I am a very sexual person. So to me its more of a esteem thing.
2007-06-15 09:25:44
answer #5
answered by the_kikione 3
Some people have the variety gene when it comes to relationships. There are people that enjoy open relationships. Cheaters should find someone who sees eye to eye on these type relationships. I found that pretending to be strangers and meeting up in an uncommon place with my spouse quite arousing. Kinda like having the best of both worlds and we have been married 11yrs very happily. To each his own. God Bless!
2007-06-15 09:24:21
answer #6
answered by flirty30 3
These are generalizations, but typically a woman will cheat because she feels she is not getting enough attention, affection, etc from her partner. A man will typically do it for the challenge, or because he's getting complimented by the new woman (is otherwise bored at home).
Some people just do it to do it. My ex-husband was that way. He got PLENTY of sex at home, but still would screw anything that stood still long enough.
2007-06-15 09:21:07
answer #7
answered by Brutally Honest 7
Everyone cheats for a different reason.. Guys tend to cheat because of sexual desire.. they say sorry because the person they cheated on they love and everything but they wanted to enjoy sexual things with someone else.. and girls tend to cheat because they want that emotional connection.. but it could go either way. it all depends on the home life on why someone cheats
2007-06-15 09:21:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Because society has force men to think that we can be loyal when by nature , we are design to mate with as many females as posiblle. just look at the animal kingdom, in many animal species the male is free to choose his females.
I know, I know ..we are superior than animal but yet our instinct is there and there is no way..not ever since men appeared (not created) in this earth that he has been able to be loyal to only one female (unless he is gay).
now women have this unrealistic expectations that both men and women can be loyal to each other for the rest of our lives? are we kidding ourselves?
Marriage is so overrated, people feel trap so they cheat! plain and simple.
2007-06-15 10:32:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I think it's a lack of self esteem. They have to keep reassuring themselves that they are attractive to the opposite sex. It makes them feel good about themselves.
They could also be adrenaline junkies and just enjoy the thrill of it!
2007-06-15 09:21:00
answer #10
answered by Laura H 3