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I was brought up catholic but dont really believe !
I love withcraft and wicca and was just wondering does catholicism stand in the way of beginning to practice the craft ??
And is there any websites to help me start ??

Thanks for your answers

2007-06-15 05:59:43 · 16 answers · asked by fuzzybunny002 3 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

thanks to everyone who answered !
I was brought up catholic but dont really practice as one

My family even though we dont go to mass etc probably would mind me coverting but it doesnt really bother me !

Thanks again

2007-06-15 06:23:12 · update #1

well i am catholic and im not against withcraft and wicca !!

2007-06-15 06:28:26 · update #2

16 answers


Here are two great sites to help you start. Nothing can stop you from converting, hun.

Blessed be!

2007-06-15 16:10:27 · answer #1 · answered by angafeabeta 4 · 0 1

I think there would be a problem with your Catholicism if you do start practising the craft.

In Christianity a priest/vicar intercedes between God and a congregation. Wicca has High priest/High Priestess who "jobs" is to help all followers in directly experiencing Deity for themselves, though directed learning and ritual. Aim is for you to become your own HP/HPS, and for them to be able to"retire".

As you have experience of Catholic liturgy you can work with it. Many of the forms it takes may well come from pagan practises which it took on board way back in time. Reframe Mary into Goddess, and look for Pagan deities who do similar "jobs" to catholic saints. The Carmina Gadelica is outwardly Catholic, but a pagan layer seems to be just under the surface. If have the ability to reword the charms/prayers, then its is a very useful resource for pagans of all paths.

It's very good to talk to other pagans (even if they're not Wiccan), and bounce ideas around. Plenty of chat rooms/ pub moots where you can met. The Pagan Fed do have some problems, but they're trying to help and have a page for newbies.

Good luck with your quest.

2007-06-16 04:52:22 · answer #2 · answered by Steve C 6 · 0 0

The only way that Catholicism should stand in the way of it would be stubborn relatives, if you have any. But having been a catholic (or any religion) shouldn't be a problem.

Be careful about websites, because it is extremely difficult to know who is right and who is lying. But it isn't too good to be paranoid, either. I never had much luck with websites, and I don't practice exactly the same art as you, so I'm afraid I can't help much here. But good luck!

2007-06-15 07:44:55 · answer #3 · answered by Mysterious Bob 4 · 0 0

I don't think that being brought up Catholic prevents you from following Wicca, if you were practising that would be another matter, but then if you were a practising Catholic I doubt you would have any interest in Wicca anyway.
There are hundreds of sites about both Wicca and Witchcraft, I would recommend you do an internet search until you find one which you find personally helpful.

2007-06-15 06:08:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

An excellent site on Wicca:


It cuts though a lot of the garbage that's out there right now masquerading as Wicca.

It contains a good article on why Wicca and Christianity generally don't mix:


You'll also find a pretty decent Wiccan community over on the discussion boards at Beliefnet.com:


Blessed be, and good luck to you.

2007-06-15 13:14:12 · answer #5 · answered by prairiecrow 7 · 0 0

I was Catholic. The whole Jesus thing never really jived with me. The rituals for Paganism are pretty close though. It's not a hard leap. BUT with out believing in the God AND the Goddess, you can't really slide in.

2007-06-15 07:28:28 · answer #6 · answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7 · 0 1

There are loads of Wicca/witchcraft related sites.. try


These are a handful which will have links to other sites.

Most wiccans are Pagan, but Paganism has lots of different paths, try....



These also have links to other places.
Paganism envelopes lots of different beliefs, so why not Catholilism? It would be easier than trying to introduce wicca to the religion!!

Good luck in your quest... feel free to email me if you have any more queries.

Blessings :)

2007-06-15 06:29:39 · answer #7 · answered by :~Debbz~: 4 · 3 1

Theres nothing stopping you. Especially if you don't really believe in cathlocism.

I wouldn't 'convert' right away, but research it and see if its right for you. There are plenty of online resources. Would anyone mind if you got a book about it in the library (I know relgious families can frown upon witchcraft)?


http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/wicca.htm (try this for a laugh! Its not true by the way, it made me laugh a lot)

2007-06-15 06:07:12 · answer #8 · answered by sparkle 5 · 3 1

Actually catholicism adopted alot of ancient pagan traditions. Here's an article that gives some background of how different traditions/rituals came about...


Also I came across a cool book called "Pagan Babies : and Other Catholic Memories", funny recollections of a woman who grew up Catholic that you might enjoy:

2007-06-15 06:41:37 · answer #9 · answered by contrarycrow 4 · 2 1


apparently when christianity first decended on england local priests worshipped their new god but still held with the old ways and many if not most churches are built on pagan sites -

even the pope at the time sugested that that the new church took over from the old rather than destroying it, hence the position on church sites and also so many saints taking over the duties of old pagan gods

don't feel bad - they didn't (and neither do i)!!

2007-06-15 06:48:44 · answer #10 · answered by majic 2 · 0 2

Nothing stands in your way of practicing anything that you like.
Use yahoo! groups to find a Pagan group in your area; intro groups are usually pretty easy to find.

2007-06-15 06:05:46 · answer #11 · answered by parcequilfaut 4 · 2 1

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