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16 answers

In general, conservatives are in favor of business without government interference. Most "solutions" aimed at climate change would have a negative impact on businesses - at least in the short run. Therefore, your average conservative is going to be against most government mandated changes.

2007-06-15 00:19:38 · answer #1 · answered by Justin H 7 · 3 1

There are lots of reasons.

One of the scarier reasons is that so many of them are fundamentalist Christians who believe that the End is Near. Now the most high gave man the world to exploit and dominate so it's God's will that we rape and pillage the earth. And besides, He's coming REAL SOON the Bible says it is and we all know the Bible is 100% accurate about everything. And since it's all going to end soon, there's no reason not to make the bonfire big and pretty.

There are times I wake up in the middle of the night and think that W will turn to the Emergency War Orders Aide some day and decide that the best thing he can do is to end the world and MAKE Jesus come back this afternoon so where are the codes to nuke Iran and Syria and whoever else is on the list of "folks that Jesus doesn't like and I should bomb in Jesus' name." Then I remember that the President does not have the ability to launch the weapons, that unless SIOP has been activated, the codes won't work and it takes either an actual attack or the concurrence of a bunch of people to activate SIOP, and then I can go back to sleep. But I don't doubt for a moment that he would if he could. Since he can't, he's just determined to trash the planet because he can. My son acted like that when he was two. Unfortunately, we can't put W and his fruitcake companions in time out.

2007-06-15 01:56:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Because the science proving that CO2 and global warming are linked tends to indicate that the warming is the cause of the CO2 increase, and not that the CO2 increase causes the warming. In other words, the real science tends to indicate that Man is NOT the cause of the climate change.

When the models used by the "scientists" predicting global doom are applied to historical data, it does not accurately predict the past. This proved that they are hopelessly flawed.

Given that the "science" used to justify the "action" that the proponents want us to take is so obviously bogus, this leads intelligent people to wonder what the real agenda of these people might be. Let's think about that.

They want global controls on CO2 emissions, which would require developed countries to use less of the global energy pool. While it is questionable what effect this would have on the climate, there are some effects that are easily predictable. Reducing developed countries' demand for oil and coal would tend to suppress the price, making it easier for developing nations to afford to buy more, and develop. While that might well be a noble goal, scaring the devoloped world into third-world status doesn't seem a reasonable way to achieve it.

It also demands one or more kinds of global enforcement initiatives. In other words, part of the economies of France, Germany, Britain, the US, and Canada would be subjected to policing by representatives of Ghana. Not exactly a recipe for individual national sovereignty.

Bottom line is, the science is flawed, and the actions proposed are unacceptable to free countries.

2007-06-15 00:25:57 · answer #3 · answered by open4one 7 · 0 1

Hrmmm... I do not know how I feel about this subject all of a sudden. I have been talking about the dangers of global warming for nearly a decade. However recent information has begun to surface that is contrary to the theory that it is completely man induced. EG Most of the solar system is heating up at ruffly the same amount as we are. Now I do understand the math behind the theory and readily admit we HAVE had an impact. But I am unsure now as to how much of an impact we have had. I still believe that we should curb global emissions because it IS better to be safe than sorry.

But to address your question. The conservative power structure is making billions off of oil. Their constituency has a tendancy to take statements from their leaders at face value because that is simply how they have been brought up as children. And conservative power brokers have no problem taking advantage of this.

2007-06-15 00:26:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

John McCain recognizes the reality of the science, and he is a conservative. Only some conservatives are like this - they think the evidence is too weak. I think that even if global warming isn't occurring that it wouldn't hurt to act as if it were because it would do the atmosphere a lot of good. We've been getting air quality alerts for the last several days where I live, and that has never happened here before. I think the science is very real, and the peopl that don't believe it probably own stock in the coal, oil, and naturaral gas industries.

2007-06-15 00:20:34 · answer #5 · answered by Paul Hxyz 7 · 1 1

maximum conservatives i know do no longer deny the climate is changing, an obtrusive occasion is that some years in the past there replaced right into a ice sheet or glacier over maximum of long island city, now there is not any longer. of course the climate replaced, because of the fact the present climate would not enable that to take place, whether suitable now the climate is surely chilly. Your suggestion that if we believe climate substitute, then we could a approach or the different handle it, is obviously complicated. climate substitute has no longer been shown to be anthropogenic. specific I even have study the situation papers, and the "learn" some CO2 boost inflicting the present differences, however they don't seem to be convincing to me and the customary public who have not been brainwashed via the liberal left. The climate differences, clearly. Get used to it.

2016-10-17 08:32:45 · answer #6 · answered by wallin 4 · 0 0

Because, it is an outright lie, lead by fools and charlatans who hope to scare the American public into destroying our ecomny. I base this on the following facts that any 5th grader can easily check out if they really want to know the truth, instead of being lead by the nose like a complete fool.
1. The alarmist claim that burning fossil fuels is the cause of recent warming, however most of the warming took place before most of the increase of CO2. There was actually a significant cooling period from the mid-1940s to the late 1970s, while CO2 was increasing rapidly, and there was another increase from 1979 to 1998. In fact there has been no warming since 1998 – an eight-year period, and even a slight statistically cooling, despite the fact that CO2 has continued to rise.
2. The correlation between co2 emissions effecting global warming is extremely small compared to the correlation between global temperature and sun cycles. The sun cycles affect temperature in two ways first by the cycling up and down of actual heat energy that is emitted by the sun. This has a small effect on global temperature. The more important one is cycling in solar winds. Solar wind blocks cosmic radiation from coming into the Earth’s atmosphere. The more cosmic rays come in the more low level clouds there are and low-level clouds reflect solar heat energy back into space. If there are more clouds the earth is cooler and if there are fewer clouds, the earth is warmer. As solar wind cycles up cosmic rays cycle up and down in reverse and clouds up and down. So the solar window is very important to earth’s temperature, but you will not change.

2007-06-15 01:31:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Because climate change has more to do with the activity of the earths core and solar activity than it does with green house gasses. CO2 is what plants breathe if CO2 levels rise you get better crops and more fertile areas of the world. The last warm period saw massive cultural growth in the mid-east as the deserts were not desert. Ethiopia was a major civilization not a waste land of starvation.

2007-06-15 01:00:27 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 0 1

because "taking action" would threaten our sovereigty and freedom (taking action the way the UN would)

I hope that we can stop using oil altogether, and develope a climate-friendly fuel that would stop wars like the one in iraq. Then we wouldn't be threatened by "taking action" the way the UN would.

2007-06-15 00:49:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Listen up Folks...

We Do not live on the other planets in this solar system of ours!!
they are warming as well...

THE SUN is the cause...
we cannot change the sun...

Instead of pointing fingers and blaming people..
clean up your own side of the street and leave everyone eles alone...
ALOT of things in life are faith based...
this same group of people say their is no GOD
yet they believe all other theories...

neither are opinions! but yet these scientist the same scientist that say PEOPLE are causing the climatic shift.. AGREE that the other planets are warming as well...

Think for yourselves people!

2007-06-15 00:22:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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