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I read something once in a book, can't remember which one and would like to know. I think it was Psychic Self Defence by Dion Fortune. The protection thing was instead of using just pentagrams in each direction, using an electric blue light to drwa a ball in all directions including going above the head and below the feet full circle at all angles if that makes sense. So as it looked built up a hamster ball or something? Would be very grateful if anyone knows anything like this!

2007-06-14 22:11:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Alternative Other - Alternative

13 answers

The only psychic protection I know of that works 100% of the time is skepticism. If you don't fall for it, it's not going to affect you. This has worked for me without fail :)

I know someone here has a great story along these lines w/ internet "energy vampires"... I hope he shares it here.

2007-06-15 01:33:32 · answer #1 · answered by John 7 · 3 3

I think TR might be referring to me as I recently posted about my challenge to psychic vampires a few years ago. The experiment was to show that I was alive and well the whole time internet psychic vampires collectively tried to put the whammy on me. Why was I not the least bit afraid? Because I have the power. Yes, I've said it before. Nobody, no matter how evil, can cause me physical harm by supernatural means. No psychics, mediums, voodoo priests, devil worshippers can do me harm in any way that any normal person couldn't.
The power is knowledge. And it comes at a cost. One has to study and has to be willing to give up beliefs, no matter how precious, if they are not true. Skepticism will help many people sleep at night. And in some cases it might even help their sex lives, as one woman was concerned that her dead mother might see what she's doing in bed.
The world is less miraculous than many people believe, and it is more wonderful than they will ever know.
But if that doesn't work for you, I've always heard that garlic keeps away evil spirits.

2007-06-16 12:21:45 · answer #2 · answered by Brant 7 · 2 1

(Should really have been posted under /Society & Culture/Religion & Spirituality ?)

The part of ritual you are referring to is a banishing or some prefer to call it a centering. The LBRP and many others are the ones which use pentagrams.

Not quite what you've asked for, but there's part of a "druidical" ritual that sounds similar to what you're after. Maybe you could adapt it to your use.
Following words said (facing in the direction of sun (N for midnight), and envoking powers to do with the stated direction)

Before Me
Behind Me
To My Left
To My Right
Above Me
Behind Me
Within Me
Without Me

You could see if a bookshop or local libary has the Dion Fortune Book.

2007-06-15 09:44:43 · answer #3 · answered by Steve C 6 · 1 1

Not sure about Dion Fortune.
I know when I meditate I visualise blue light entering my body and breath out the dark yellow stuff.
The blue/white light is supposed to be protective/ promote calm.
Your average bloke on the street will not need "psychic self defence".
Neither should you.
If you are not sure what you are doing or dealing with.....don't even try anything!
All the best and blessed be.

2007-06-15 17:32:21 · answer #4 · answered by Ilkie 7 · 2 0

This is how I protect myself.

Protect Yourself: Should there be any negative energy within your home, it would be beneficial for you to protect yourself. This is how you do it.

Sit still, feet on floor. Take a deep breath in, hold and count to 5, now release. With each breath imagine a brilliant light raining on you. Feel it as it goes through you and around you. Now, Ask your angels, or whatever spiritual being you wish to all upon, that they protect you, so that only positive energy enter your home. See this light surround your home, understand this is the light of protection. Knowing that NOTHING can break through this barrier.

2007-06-21 03:05:47 · answer #5 · answered by LM 5 · 1 0

I once read something about closing your eyes and relaxing etc then visualize a white ball of light above your head then filling your head, then down through your body, filling all of your body, and then visualizing a ball of blue light above your head falls like fountain around you cocooning your body for protection. I think.

2007-06-19 18:39:34 · answer #6 · answered by willow 6 · 0 0

yes I have read about psychic pretection as I have been psychically attacked alot...but we all have to protect ourselves from the bad energy of others (which sadly there's alot of it around)...I haven't heard of the one u mentioned but I have heard of pyramids....
but I think you are meant to imagine a circle (but preferablt an egg-shaped one would be better becos our auras are egg-shaped) but it doesn;t matter...& imagine it's the colour of gold (although dark blue is also good, blue is more for healing your aura)...purple is also another good colour..another methos which I recently learnt is to out the white light of the Holy Spirit around you, imagine a ball of white light around you & then call it the White light of the Holy Spirit (or u can simply ask: I ask the white light of the Holy Spirit to surround & protect me)..you can also do this for objects, eg ur car etc or electrical items to make sure they work properly & also helps them last longer & work better!!
Also, this is very effective also..imagine you are surrounded by a circle of mirrors (all around you & above & below you) refelcting out all bad energies back & only allowing love & light in..this is very powerful also....
there are lots of other methods (I'll email you the web-page if you don't mind, otherwise please email me)

there's also a good book by Judy hall called The Art of Psychic Protection
but remember if u make sth complicated,it's more dificult to make it work..keep it simple & effective...I did he same thing & confused myself!!! feel which method u r drawn to & make it an everyday habit as u brush ur teeth as a daily routine....

2007-06-17 15:36:53 · answer #7 · answered by glgl 5 · 0 1

I just use the "Ready Brek" style glow or a blue bubble like Glinda the good witch in Wizard of Oz.

As long as you have faith in it, it will work.

Blessed be.

2007-06-22 11:18:50 · answer #8 · answered by Red Rose 7 · 0 0

Its an orb mate! not the 1980's rave band but a guardian angel type thingy you like your dead nan or someone just keeping you on the straight and narrow unlike the bleedin police they are as bent as coppers

No hang on a minute are you luke skywalker if so mate then it s the force....(use the force luke).............................................

2007-06-15 08:46:22 · answer #9 · answered by Eh! say`ello to mi Lidal fwend! 4 · 1 0

Sounds to me like you are stuck inside a socker ball.
What did you say you were smoking?

2007-06-20 18:51:00 · answer #10 · answered by Philip H 7 · 0 0

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