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23 answers

No. But the Black Crows is a terrible band.

2007-06-14 19:28:13 · answer #1 · answered by Toodeemo 7 · 3 0

I honestly don't know, but have heard the suspicions for years. I know black cats aren't bad luck because I've got one right now and I'm having the best time of my life. If I heard an owl "hoot", however, I would get nervous because that and the howling of a dog (when it shouldn't be howling) mean death is going to visit. You can call it coinsidence, but it's been true in my family every time. I lived in a house where light bulbs burned out all the time, cabinet doors slammed open and shut all the time and faucets turned on - I had nothing but bad luck and sorrow and crows surrounded this house every day from the time I moved in until the time I moved out three years later. They aren't around any other house in the neighborhood, but they fly around that house all day every day, setting on the electric lines and in the tree and perch on the eaves. I still joke that this was "hell house" and the devil was my landlord because of how bad it was...but I moved one street behind that house and its still empty, a year later and the crows still circle that house because I watch them. They dont go to neighboring homes and they don't go to other streets...they only hover around that house. So crows, owls and howling dogs mean impending trouble, yes. But I can't agree with the black cat thing. I've just never seen any hint of trouble around a black cat.

2007-06-14 19:34:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Those are all superstitions, and superstitions can actually be quite harmful. For example:


"The speed of spread of the Black Death in the 14th century had many people (religion being the way of life) believing that the Devil was in some way responsible for the disease. The Pope declared that cats, who were known to roam freely, were in league with the devil. This declaration was aided by the belief that cats (especially black cats) often acted as Witches' familiars. Because of the declaration, a great many cats were killed in the very religious Europe. The sudden decrease in cats led to a massive increase in rats and the plague-carrying fleas that fed upon them."

2007-06-14 21:01:36 · answer #3 · answered by YY4Me 7 · 0 0

Omens are the discovery of our ancestors to predict the uncertain future. It is just a speculation. The people and some babas are treating it like a science which is unfortunate . It may have happened to somebody when a black cat crossed his way when going to propse to a girl she might have rejected so he told the whole world that crossing of a black cat is a bad omen . It need not happen to you .So these omens are just guesses we believe in it because we are afraid of the future.

2007-06-16 04:24:15 · answer #4 · answered by shivamat bhairav 4 · 0 0

The details for such a sign and its relation with animals.

Depending on some properties related to you energy and you future equations , these beings detect it.

They can better be put as signaling agents, other than bad luck.

If your luck is bad than it is, But these animals / birds show signs of them as they are capable of receiving those signals and they are in fact tune for.

Also, see in some of the practices blacks cats and specially owls are used as companions. Specially when there si high variation of energies.. like magic. etc.

So, you see lots of witches and wizards with these animals, as they make a good and useful companion for them.

Just some animals having some capabilities does not make them bad isn't it. we have to take these signs with caution and act accordingly.

also some animals have shielding features. it is told that if you have a owl, which loves you too much . and you seem to be in trouble, it cries for you from heart and it gets so much upset that it creates a shield for you from its love and you are protected.

how wonderful creatures owls are, i really like them. gods creation is Magnificent !.

also when i was a kid , some 8 years old, I had two bats always coming in on backyard, circling around, and jumping on me, i used to give it grapes or bananas to eat. But we had to relocate and lost them.


2007-06-15 18:02:33 · answer #5 · answered by deito 4 · 1 0

I don't believe in superstitions, plus there are owls that live in the trees by my house and I see them all the time late at night. Plus there are black cats all over the place too.

2007-06-14 19:26:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The cat has a good recipe for black crow and owl pie.

2016-04-01 08:40:52 · answer #7 · answered by Marie 4 · 0 0

You are dense if you really think that. Two black cats, a crow and an owl live with me and nothing bad comes ever.

2007-06-14 19:27:09 · answer #8 · answered by Edhelosa 5 · 1 1

Hmmm...kind of a broad question, but let's see what we can find while breaking it down into three sections (though a lot of bird superstitions will cover both the crows and the owls). There are probably references older than I note, but I've only so many book in my library... ;-)

Oh yeah... this one is going to take awhile, so grab your favorite munchies and good luck. :-)

We'll start with crows: These share a number of the darker traditions attached to ravens, and are usually—but not always—considered birds of ill omen. References for crows date back to at least the year 35 CE (Common Era).
• To meet a single crow is considered unlucky.
• To hear one croaking to your left in the morning is said to be a very bad sign.
• If a single crow flies three times over a roof, or perches on a roof, or flutters at a window, is said to be a death omen for someone in the house.
• If a single crow croaks three tiems near a house, or if four of them fly over it, it is supposed to be a sign of coming sorrow.
• If several flutter around a person's head, that person is supposed to be marked for death.
• If all the crows living in a wood sudden leave, it is said to be a sign of coming famine or disaster.

It is also possible to avoid the bad signs if you're with another person when any of the above happen: "Seen by two, will never come true."

To help counter the above list of bad omens, there are a few things that are supposed to be good omens when encountered.
• Three crows sitting together in a row is said to be lucky in some places.
• Two crows seen at once presage a wedding, or, if the pair are seen flying over a house, a birth in the family.

It used to be that the first bird heard in the morning predicted good weather if its cries were an even number, rain or storm if odd.

To close the section on crows, here is a short verse one could use to foretell coming events based on how many crows one sees:

"One crow sorrow, two crows joy / Three crows a letter, four crows a boy / Five crows silver, six crows gold / Seven crows a secret never to be told."


From there, we move on to the Owl: As a night bird, it is often heated and feared. The Romans saw it as a bird of ill omen, though to the Greeks it was a respected bird from its association with Athene (Goddess of Wisdom). References for owls date back to at least the year 319 BCE (Before CE).
• To meet an owl in daylight is said to be unlucky.
• An owl that enters, flys around, or perches on a house is said to be a death omen—as is one that attempts to come down a chimeny.
• Ireland - An owl that enters a house should be killed right away, if it flies away it is supposed to take the lyck of the house with it.
• Constant hooting from an owl (especially a screech-owl) near a home is said to foretell a death.
• If an owl cries during childbirth, the child is supposed to have an unhappy life.

I only find two good signs for owls. One from ancient Greece: if an owl flies before an army, it foretells victory for that army. And one from France: if a pregnant woman hears one, it is said to be a sign that her child will be a girl.

And finally, for those who're still reading— ;-) —we come to the black cat. (Black animals can be lucky or unlucky, based on what culture one is used to.) References for black cats date back to at least the year 1602 CE, while references to cats in general date back to at least the year 1540 CE.
• In Britain, a black cat is generally considered to be lucky (though in some areas, it is thought unlucky). (Where one running across your path is considered lucky.)
• In the USA, Belgium, Spain, and other European countries, a black cat is generally considered unlucky. (Where one running across your path is considered unlucky.)

There are some good references for black cats, as well.
• It is said to be a very good sign if a black cat comes into a house or boards a ship—especially if it does so uninvited. (In this case, the cat must not be chased away, or it will take the luck of the home/ship with it.)
• It is also said that "whenever the cat of the house is black, the lasses of lovers will have no lack."

For black cats, it really depends upon where one lives. There are just as many places where they are good luck as there are places where they're bad luck.

For those who've read this far, I hope that this has helped a bit, and I thank your for your time.

2007-06-15 22:36:01 · answer #9 · answered by Dragosani 3 · 0 0

They are not actually show any bad sign.They are carrying out their duties and some times we become the sign of impending trouble to them.

2007-06-14 19:34:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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