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is it possible that paranormal sighting only happens to certain people? i mean some people are colour blind, though most arent. and is it possible that those people who claims to see these paranormal activities are normal everyday people who have a kind of abnormality in their brain, where sometime the brain just react to certain hormone then cause these people to halucinate, on rare occasion.

2007-06-14 19:15:12 · 27 answers · asked by Made 2 in Science & Mathematics Alternative Paranormal Phenomena

27 answers

Not only do I agree with you but it is much more than that. You see as much as we can suggest that some may be able to see such things, it works the other way around as well. that perhaps others place blocks making themselves not want to see. I believe that because of lack of information or the misleading information of both sides is where debate plays it's biggest role. Skeptics want controlled proof and who can blame them for wanting it. But you need to keep in mind that paranormal means it just isn't normal and therefore can not be controlled to make such proof. there is no way anyone can control what the spirit world may or may not do. we are not talking about a machine where you are in charge of productivity your talking about something that does what it does when it wants to do it and for that matter alone there is no way to control it to give the results a skeptic is looking for.
It does not help a single bit when Hollywood exploits this type of research. because it gives the general public misguiding information. A paranormal investigator is not a ghost hunter but more of a skeptic then you might know as the way they conduct the test to eliminate what is normal occurrences and to educate people who feel they are being targeted by the unknown. In most cases that in itself is enough. But there is a very small percentage of occurrences that can not be explained away and this is the bases of the research.
What seperates the the skeptic from the paranormal investigator in such a small line that leans to one side or the other and that is this small percentage of unexplainable issues. skeptics feel it is a waste of time and creates a fasle sense of reassuring people may have ghost but that is because of what people see on the tv. in real life investigations that isnt the case. 99% of the time what investigators find is not harmful to humans and a real investigator will assure the people who have such activity in their dwellings that they have nothing to fear. but they take small parts of evidence to seek a better understanding. (through reasearch). The skeptic mind only wants to see and judge investigators based on this misinformation they see and group everyone as delusional.
Sure there are people who prey on innocent life and will find a ghost in every corner of the living world but common sense will tell you that if you believe such things your gullible. The paranormal investigators do nothing of the sort. Many such as myself pour their own money in research never to gain profit they are not out to prove anything to anybody not those who believe and not to millionaire skeptics who want to publicly bash someone when they can not produce a ghost in a set environment. We are there to bridge a gap between the known and unknown and nothing more.
In all honesty their should be no debate as everyone is seeking the same answers but are going by it in several different directions. life is much too short to fight over who is right and who is wrong sometimes all you need to do is listen and learn to accept that everyone isn't going to believe in the same things.

2007-06-15 00:52:17 · answer #1 · answered by Savage 7 · 6 3

Yeah its possible because at the moment not everything is known about the brain - and psychology doesn't exactly clarify everything.
I think it's very possible that there could be many hormones that do this...
I actually think its possible that these hormones can be activated by eating certain foods (eg: if you eat a lot of carrots, more Vitamin C is made which actually plays a role in increasing Blood Plasma flow - as well as make more testosterone. The same can apply to many other foods and hormones)...
Actually, even a deficiency could cause one to halucinate!

Then don't forget that there are times when a NORMAL brain can pick up normal things and alter them... example, the eye sees somethng but the brain filters out half the info and makes you think you saw something else... (it happens, you can check out the Wikipedia page on Shadow People).

2007-06-14 21:46:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It is a medical certainty that some people have a physical condition that causes them to hallucinate, and there are also drugs that can induce hallucinations. Some of these people will experience visions or feel like they are floating or flying. Some people will have delusions that they are the president or a movie star. Some believe that they have the ability to swim across the English Channel. These people are mentally ill and need to be treated.

In addition, it is possible that some people have a physical anomaly that makes them more sensitive to Psi energies. They may naturally be able to see, hear, and feel things that other people cannot easily percieve. Their experiences may become part of their normal life and they may accept it just as most people accept the objects that they see in the world.

There are theories that all people have a sensitivty to Psi energies to some extent. Some people naturally have a strong sensitivity; others choose to try to develop more sensitivity in that area. Still others will choose to ignore that sensory input and consider it unimportant or irrelevant in their lives.

The study of Psi phenomenon is still in it's infancy as a science, and it is not at all clear what causes some people to experience things that other people do not. It is the occurance of common experiences that facinates me. Why do thousands of people, from many different backgrounds, have the same descriptions of near-death experiences? Why are there so many people who describe abduction by non-humans with the same physical characteristics, travelling in the same sort of vehicles?

This could be the result of mass halucination or a symptom of some longings that are common for all human beings, but it is unlikely that such a large number of people from such a diverse population would have such similar experiences. Though the evidence is mostly anectodal at this time, there does appear that some non-obvious phenomena are being observed.

There will always be people who doubt the legitimacy of these reports until they have the experience themselves. Then, there are also some people who consider these types of experiences irrelevant to them, and they will never put in the time and effort necessary to understand these experience or to try to have these experiences themselves.

Everyone has a choice in what they choose to focus on and study. I choose to explore all of the possibilities until I have found a viable explanation for those things that are currently unexplained. Thanks for the question.

2007-06-14 20:19:23 · answer #3 · answered by Tunsa 6 · 2 1

and which hormone this might be?i think color blindness is a condition,then you are subtlety implying that the people
who describe or claim to live this kind of phenomena in short
they have some sort of mental condition?therefore it might be
possible that people that doesn't have a paranormal sighting
but in short evade or escape a social,cultural,and the likes will then have an hormonal abnormality,and for example;-they are poor,but they pretend to be rich,or they had psychological
issues and they project their frustration to others and not deal
themselves with it?and all that is under the paranormal umbrella it is just simply hallucinations?well i just simply can agree with your statement,it will be like to the contrary,like
1 of the 5 five stages in the acceptance of death: Acceptance-Involves a coming to terms with the situation without feelings of hostility; allows time for facing reality in a constructive way. this might be the same stage of people
who don't recognize these 'sightings'(and that is perfectly
understandable)for whatever the reason they might have
to think that way,and tend to 'rationalize' as for example the way you have done,but then again one thing is what i think
and in turn the other is what you think,so your version of the real truth is the sum of your experiences regarding this topic,
which might be none,and my perception of the real truth is the sum of my experiences in my life concerning the paranormal,-by the way have been various,and besides,what would be the purpose for me to 'hallucinate' this,(not any monetary gain,not a power position or just simply looking for recognition are involved with it,)and by the way that does not mean that everyone saying they had these experiences with the paranormal are real,but it's like everything else in life,
but that would be a different topic,in conclusion:it is not a matter of hormones it is a matter of perception

2007-06-15 17:42:09 · answer #4 · answered by kokopelli 6 · 3 0

a million) Indo-pak are nonetheless the Biggest Rivalry in cricket - Agreed Dwayne Bravo is the Best 'wise' All rounder than others (Current gamers) - Agreed three) Mohammad Amir is a Better Bowler Than Wayne Parnell - Dis-Agreed four) South africa is a good balanced aspect than different groups - Dis-Agreed five) AB de Villiers is probably the most Stylish participant than different gamers - Dis-Agreed 6) Brett Lee can not more be a 'potent Bowler' as his age is catching up with him - Dis-Agreed 7) Lasith Malinga Has the great coiffure - Dis-Agreed eight) Daniel Vettori is the great gradual left-arm orthodox spin in phrases of flight and guile as an alternative than Big turner or pinpoint accuracy - Agreed nine) Cricket phase is Getting higher and Better - Agreed 10) Cricket is an excessively Good leisure than Movies - Agreed

2016-09-05 17:11:22 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

o you think you've seen a ghost or an alien or God? Or have you had an out-of-body experience? Increasingly, evidence suggests that phenomena such as these are nothing more than products of goings on in the brain.
Researchers have induced these perceptions by subjecting the brain's temporal lobe regions to magnetic fields, as well as by electrically stimulating a smaller region within that area. They've also demonstrated that when Buddhist monks meditate and Franciscan nuns pray, their brain scans reveal abnormally low activity in another part of the brain, the parietal lobe.

When it functions normally, the parietal lobe processes information about the position of our body parts in relation to each other and to the space and objects surrounding us. In this way, the brain enables us to experience the feeling of our own physical position with respect to the space and objects around us, helping to create the sharp distinction between self and non-self.

Scientists argue that when the activity within this area is very low, as in deep meditation or prayer, this division between self and non-self breaks down. This may be what enables monks to feel oneness with the universe and nuns to feel the presence of God, as well as for people to experience the sensation that they are outside of their bodies.

According to scientists, as far as the brain mediates all experience the paranormal or supernatural are really normal and natural, mysteries that will eventually be explained by science

2007-06-14 20:30:22 · answer #6 · answered by Pearl Wagoner 3 · 0 1

I would say that a minimum of 80% of people who regularly experience paranormal stuff are actually experiencing normal things that they can't understand. for example: Air pressure changes and temperature changes in a house can create an apparent poltergeist.
There is also a large amount of people who suffer from sleeping disorders, and may not know it. Narcilepsy can cause all kinds of hallucinations. I find sleep paralysis, which is a symptom of narcilepsy can be experienced by just about anyone who under stress, or shifting sleeping patterns.
A lot of other people just make stuff up in thier minds.

Finally there is a few cases, where you can't explain with any natural explanation. This doesnt mean there isnt any, just not one we know of.
This small group are the ones that a good paranormal investigator is interest in.

2007-06-15 05:34:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

This line of research has been and continues to be explored. For instance there are personality factors that are associated with better performance on the Ganzfeld experiments.
Unforunatley, the more common (and stable) something is the easier it is to research. What you are suggesting would probably take several years of research to uncover.

First one would have to look for people who have had experiences, then look for a particular hormone that was present at more than normal levels (this would be a problem to determine) at the time of experience. Or stimulating hormones to see if people had unusual experiences during this stimulation.

You might be interested in taking a look at the books:
DMT: The Spirit Molecule
The God Part of the Brain

Michael John Weaver, M.S.

2007-06-14 19:44:25 · answer #8 · answered by psiexploration 7 · 3 2

There was some close-minded ad hominems given in a reply above, something along the lines of skeptics wanting to judge investigators with misinformation, call people delusional, etc. This kind of warmongering doesn't help anyone. Why do some paranormalists have to be so rude in their responses? While some skeptics can be as rude as the reply mentioned above, the reality is that skeptics in general don't want to judge people but want to judge the observations according to the scientific method, which I'm sure no one would think unreasonable.

To answer the question, both skeptics and true believers put in the same situation will see the same thing, rest assured. What they might do differently is process that information in different ways. The skeptic will consider the most probable explanations first and try to rule them out, if possible. As the more probable explanations are ruled out, less probable explanations are then considered. If a more probable explanation cannot be ruled out, then it remains a possibility and necessarily casts doubt on any less probable explanation. This is an application of Occam's Razor, a very rational approach to investigation to be sure.

However, a True Believer may or may not follow this scientific procedure. True Believers, by their own internal bias, may be predisposed to selecting highly improbable explanations because the explanation is consistent with their way of thinking. In addition, the internal bias of the True Believer creates a strong power of suggestion through which observations are filtered and colored according to the True Believer's beliefs. Note, though, that this is not meant to be a broad-brush description of all paranormalists. There are paranormalists who do take a scientific approach and apply the scientific method, but in my experience they are not the majority.

Certainly some people have heightened visual or auditory acuity, but there is no evidence to suggest that some people have "6th senses", so I don't think this explanation is likely for why it may seem that some people are more prone to "paranormal experiences". Hallucinations, perhaps in limited cases, but I don't think that is likely as a catch-all explanation. It is a much more likely explanation that people simply process the information they receive differently.

2007-06-15 01:47:36 · answer #9 · answered by John 7 · 5 5

"Paranormal Activity" does occur in the brain, however I don't remember which part it is that it originates.

From what I have read, everyone is capable of ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception), but the degree and type differ. I have heard that there are books to help one explore and open up this part of the brain.

And, it is said that children are more perceptive to this kind of activity, since it is during the formative years when the brain is the most active.

2007-06-14 19:26:50 · answer #10 · answered by Lady in Red 3 · 1 2

Oh, it's possible. There's also the possibility that everyone has the ability to experience paranormal phenomena, but the skeptics tend to unconsciously put up a block that allows them to ignore it, or to easily explain it away as something scientific and natural. To be honest, I'm not sure what I believe on the topic. But there are a lot of possibilities out there.

2007-06-14 19:25:44 · answer #11 · answered by Jessi 2 · 3 2

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