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Are you really that confident in yours and other peoples driving to not want any kind of protection between your head and the pavement?

2007-06-14 18:41:44 · 29 answers · asked by Darrell C 3 in Cars & Transportation Motorcycles

29 answers

They like the taste of bugs.

2007-06-14 19:04:55 · answer #1 · answered by beth 6 · 2 4

Wearing a helmet will not guarantee that you will survive an accident. I think many of the pro helmet riders believe a helmet is a cure all and they are somehow safe from all danger by wearing one. Did you know that the all mightly DOT standard only requires a helmet to pass an impact equivalent to about a 13 mph impact? When was the last time you rode below 13 mph? There are also studies that show a rider wearing a helmet has a better chance of breaking his neck in an accident than a rider without a helmet. Basically we have the choice of a cracked skull or a broken neck. I really don't like the options. I think the cracked skull ends things quicker than a lingering death with the broken neck, so I choose to ride without a helmet. You decide for yourself which is better for you.

2007-06-19 02:01:30 · answer #2 · answered by BikerBob 5 · 1 0

We do not wear helmets because helmets are
reduce perifial vision
reduce hearing capabilities

In Illinois it is the riders choice, primarily because, the rider is the only one effected by wearing a helmet or not.
If a federal law would go into effect mandating helmets for motorcyclist, because, "in accidents, they proove to protect"
A helmet for anyone riding in a convetable car would then be the next law.
Then by that logic, all pedestrians should be required to wear them, because, if a motorist hits a pedestrian, the pedestrian's head could strike pavement also.

I belong to a group called ABATE. We fight against it being manditory for riders to wear helmets, and for other laws restricting the FREEDOM of cyclists and four wheelers everywhere.

This is America and we should have the right to choose.

Ride Safe and have fun !!!!!!!!

P.S. There are 487 members in my counties chapter
Kishwaukee Valley Abate
we have many in the chapter that wear helmets
thats ok with us
we believe the rider should decide

2007-06-15 09:07:31 · answer #3 · answered by Deidre K 3 · 2 1

A friend of mine was setting at a traffic light on his Boss Hoss Trike, he was hit from behind by a old woman. He died, and he was wearing a full face helmet. If he wasn't wearing a helmet it would be the same result. Helmet are not the cure all for motorcycle accidents, I think they give some riders a false sense of security so they ride more aggressive and more careless than a rider that does not wear a helmet.

2007-06-15 18:13:49 · answer #4 · answered by HD Rider 4 · 2 1

i live in sc where you don,t have to wear a helmet if you are over 21
i wear one myself
i think when people see me wear a helmet the first thing they think is i must be under 21
some riders have actually give me a hard time for wearing one
they ask me why i wear one
of course i tell them the normal reasons
also when i go across state lines i don,t have to worry about what the law is on it
so i ask why they don,t
some tell me that if they get in a wreck they would rather it kill them than to end up as a vegetable in a hospital
i don,t know why that is just what they say

if their not wearing a helmet affected me then i would see where i should have a say in whether they wear one
otherwise no
you have freedom of choice be happy that you do

2007-06-15 03:03:55 · answer #5 · answered by re2345 6 · 1 0

Insecurity. Beyond the sheer stupidy of not wearing a helmet for protection in a crash. There are many other things ones risk by not wearing a helmet. BUGS,Cigs,Bird POOP,Dust not to mention ROCKS. Alone..rocks and bugs could take your eye out and yes I know they wear eye protection but that is so vunerable. To be so vain as to think you look cooler not wearing a helmet shows a deep seeded insecurity because when logic is defied by a emotional state such as that there are psychological issues!!!

2007-06-19 16:20:03 · answer #6 · answered by XRAYDELTA1 2 · 0 1

It's a choice in some states, I choose not to wear one. I've been riding bikes for over 22 years. In the places that requires helmets I've had more problems then when I'm not wearing one.

To me part of riding is the wind in your hair and sometimes bugs in your face.

Helmets are uncomfortable, hot and cuts off my angles of sight.

I ask you, what are most helmets made of? Hard plastic! What happens when you take a hard plastic like a helmet and throw it against another hard surface like asphalt or concert? It bounces and thats a quick way of snapping a neck and never walking again or even dying.

I'm not saying not to wear a helmet. I'm saying it should be up to the rider. If you believe riders should have to wear a helmet then why shouldn't they need to wear boots, chaps, leather jacket, gloves and eye wear? All these items have been shown to cut down on the amount of injury a person will receive when going down.

What kills me are these kids on their bullet bikes that are wearing helmets. But then they have a tank top on, shorts, no gloves and flip flops on. If they ever do go down, their going to be wishing to god they wouldn't of had the helmet. Their going to wish theirs brains had splattered allover the pavement from the amount of pain their going to be feeling from the road rash their going to have if they do go down.

I have a long time doctor I see. When we talk about the different things we both like to do, every time I bring up the fact that I love to ride he always tells me. You know as your doctor I have to tell you that it's been shown that helmets do save lives. What they don't tell you and don't want you to know is, most of the people that's lives were saved do to helmets wish they were died. Some have brain damage, some are vegetables, some will never move again or walk, some loose limbs and some are just so mangled up they wished they were died.

No matter if you wear a helmet or not, riding can be dangerous! So always expect and always be ready for the unexpected!!!

Remember that it's always safer on four wheels, then it is on two.

2007-06-15 04:05:58 · answer #7 · answered by Dr. E 2 · 3 3

there have been several studies showing that states that have helmet laws have just as high, if not higher, accident and fatality rates as states that do not have helmet laws. some people feel that when they are wearing a helmet, they are more protected, therefore they ride like idiots. they will take more risks. helmets also fatigue the neck and back, and in some cases, limit your vision. i live in PA, and when we go to maryland or NJ, i have to wear a helemt. it is very uncomfortable and i cant wait to get it off.

2007-06-15 10:08:06 · answer #8 · answered by dave d 1 · 2 1

I used to have a bike and I hated all the clothing I had to wear - you can't move in all that stuff and it's hot as hell in summer - but I would never ride without a helmet. Helmet, gloves, strong jeans - that's the minimum.

2007-06-15 01:51:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

they are known as donors

All they are doing is driving the cost of insurance up for the rest of us

The freedom to be a cost to the rest of the motorcycle community
To the morons that say a full face reduces your peripheral vision. What are you some type of walleyed gibler? A chameleon perhaps? Your eyes are on the side of your head?
Why does every form of motorsport require the use of a full face? Oh I know, it is to reduce your peripheral vision At 200 mph speeds! Brilliant! Your wealth of ignorance astounds me!
A full face helmet provides a 280 field of view far more than than your 260 degree ability

2007-06-15 12:03:39 · answer #10 · answered by 51 6 · 0 2

Well, I ride/race offroad (motocross) and just plain playing around in the dirt. I wear all protective gear (including helmet) It looks "cooler" than not wearing any, if that's what people want "coolness"

2007-06-15 02:03:12 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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