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because their husbands "became paralysed from the waist down"...and according to the Roman Catholic Religion, you are suppose to be "fruitful and multiply"....in other words to have children and both men were NOT able to produce children...due to the paralization...anyway, they were both able to obtain 'ANNULMENTS..."...this is the truth...what is your take on that???? plus the women were unable to care for their husbands anyway...

2007-06-14 16:43:04 · 8 answers · asked by sweet 4 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

8 answers

Not to my knowledge.

The Catholic Church believes that God does not recognize civil divorces.

Jesus said, "Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate." (Mark 10:9)

However there may be hope of a declaration of nullity.

The term "annulment" is a misnomer because the Church does not undo or erase a marriage bond.

Rather the Church issues a declaration of nullity when it discovers that the parties were not truly joined by God and hence a full spiritual sacramental marriage as understood by the Church was not present.

Then the parties are free to marry for the first time.

Grounds for nullity include:
+ Either one or both of the spouses were not baptized persons during the time of marriage
+ An unauthorized marriage by a Catholic before someone other than a designated priest or deacon
+ A marriage where one of the spouses had an impediment such as a previous marriage and civil divorce
+ A marriage where there was a deficiency in consent or the ability of one or both the spouses

To the best of my limited knowledge:

If a condition exists before the marriage that is not communicated the spouse then that would be grounds for nullity.

However if the condition happens after the marriage then that would not be grounds for nullity.

But then I am not a Canon Law expert.

With love in Christ.

2007-06-14 18:29:59 · answer #1 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 0 0

This is not true. Whatever you've been told, it is either a lie, or not the whole truth.

The Church does not grant annulments because a spouse meets with an unfortunate accident. "For better or worse, in sickness and in heath" are part of wedding vows for a reason. An annulment under the circumstances you've illustrated flies in the face of Sacred Wedding Vows.

Regarding annulments: An annulment is not a "divorce". A divorce a legal proceeding that dissolves a marriage in the eyes of the state - but not under the eyes of God. An annulment can only come from the Church and it is simply a declaration that, for whatever reason, no marital bond between "spouses" to begin with.

This is why the Church allows people who were part of annuled unions to marry, but deny marriage to the legally divorced.

Regarding procreation: The Church encourages married couples to "be fruitful and multiply", but it also acknowledges that some people will not be able to procreate. Even though the two men's paralysis prevents them from procreating, this changes nothing as far as marital bonds go.

Therefore, if these two couples did in fact get an annulment, it has absolutely nothing to do with anyone's paralysis, nor does it have anything to do with the women's alleged inability to take care of their men.

Again, either you have been fed a lie, or you have not been told the whole truth.

2007-06-15 06:13:06 · answer #2 · answered by Daver 7 · 0 0

The short answer is that the Catholic Church has a male-only priesthood because she only has the authority to ordain men. When Jesus established the priesthood, he chose only men to be apostles (not disciples like another said, he had lots of women disciples, but only men Apostles). He could have chosen women. Women were prominent among his disciples and in his ministry. Mary Magdalene would certainly have been a higher quality candidate than some of the Apostles. Jesus also broke conventions about gender. He talked to the woman by the well .. alone .. a Samaritan woman .. a notorious sinner. This was unthinkable. He let Mary (Martha's sister) sit and learn at his feet. This too was unthinkable. Jesus was certainly no slave to gender politics of the day, he could have chosen a woman as a priest. But Jesus only chose men. So, therefore the Church can only choose men. There are theological reasons for this, but ultimately it all comes back to this. If the Catholic Church were to begin to ordain women, it would completely lose its identity. The authority with which the Church has taught about women's ordination is the same authority with which she has taught about the Eucharist, about the scripture canon, about the Trinity, about the Sacraments, about salvation about the nature of Jesus Himself. The Catholic Church believes that it is guided by the Holy Spirit, that is the basis for its authority. If this thing gets overturned, then the authority which has taught it gets overturned as well. That means that all beliefs are up for redefinition based on the fashion of the day. We have seen this in the Anglican Communion, especially the Episcopal Church. Within 40 years of beginning women's ordination, believing that Jesus is God is even up for grabs in that Communion. Oh, and "whatotherway"? There have been no female popes. There is no part of the ritual where the pope is lifted up to check his "equipment." And Constantine did not have anything to do with the formation of the Bible Canon, that was long after. And he *was* baptized on his deathbed. There is no evidence of his son and manservant saying otherwise. These are all standard internet, anti-catholic tripe. If you really want anyone to believe them, you better be ready to show some evidence .. and not just some website where someone says it is true, but actual historical sources.

2016-05-20 23:38:13 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

well, there needs to be a clarification here...

they got a divorce through the courts...it will be on record with the state forever - as a divorce...

the "anullment" is ONLY through the church...both parties had to agree to it, go to counseling (after the divorce) through the church and fill out this obnoxiously long form (about 15 pages of questions) then it goes to review and the deacon or whoever they are decide if the church will allow them to have thier marriage annuled in the eyes of god so they can remarry in a catholic church....

not too many people even bother to go through wit hthis these days, they just remarry in a non-denominational church...

2007-06-14 16:54:54 · answer #4 · answered by allrightythen 7 · 0 0

Wow, that would be terrible...But paralyzed folks can have babies. I have a nephew who is paralyzed from the nipples on down and he plans on having a family, there are ways.
Also there is help for the wives, to assist them taking care of their husbands...If this is true i think its just a cop out, a way to get rid of their guilt of not being able to care for the husbands...There are people who cant deal with this stuff and maybe the husbands are better off without the wives...

2007-06-14 16:54:42 · answer #5 · answered by ABBYsMom 7 · 0 0

This is so not true and whoever told you this is pulling your leg.

The Catholic Church believes marriage is forever unless there was deception before the marriage that would make your vows null & void.

Becoming paralized "after" the marriage and not being able to have children would not count.

2007-06-14 16:47:02 · answer #6 · answered by daljack -a girl 7 · 0 0

The most stupidest thing is when people lawfully get a divorce and actually believe that they need to get an annulment too because the catholic church says so.

2007-06-14 17:10:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

the only thought I have is that some men who are paralysed from the waist down are still able to have children the natural way....

2007-06-14 16:48:56 · answer #8 · answered by blue moon lady 5 · 0 0

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