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And is it possible to end it?

To end all FEAR...

2007-06-14 16:37:09 · 20 answers · asked by LUCKY3 6 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

20 answers

Philosophically speaking, fear is the soul's recognition that it is not complete. What prolongs fear is the search for what will make your soul complete. It lasts until you no longer search for that which you do not have. You can end fear by being satisfied with who you are and who you are not.

I know that sounds simplistic, even misdirected, but ask yourself who or what am I afraid of and why and what you will find out is that the who is less important than the why and the why is related to the limits you have discovered about yourself.

The moment you understand that those limits are an illusion is the moment you overcome your fears.

2007-06-15 02:05:41 · answer #1 · answered by LORD Z 7 · 1 0

You know, I've actually thought a lot about this and here is what I arrived at: most fear that I've seen comes from someone having to leave the place they are most comfortable in. I've met people who are most comfortable in bad, even abusive, situations and they didn't like those situations, but everything else was alien to them and scarrier, in a way, than staying where they knew all the rules. It takes a strong person to get to the edge of that cliff called change and then to just jump and hope for the best.

In my humble opinion, it can be sustained by many things. Pride, which manifests in a resistance to change (i.e. Why should I change? Why can't people just accept me the way I am?). The hard part is letting go of fear. Fear shields you in a way... gives you a defense. Truly think about it... What is easier? Letting go of your fear and truly trusting someone or keeping that fear and being insecure and jealous? Even though the insecurity will rip a relationship apart, it is easier to wrap that around you as a protective blanket than to give total trust to the one you love.

In the end, fear is a rope tied around you with a weight on the end. It holds you down and will continue to hold you until you can muster the courage to be brave. To gain all, you must risk all, and even if you hit rock bottom, you must be brave enough to fight to be bold. Otherwise, you will forever miss your potential.

2007-06-14 17:40:08 · answer #2 · answered by darknessraven 1 · 1 0

Fear is the result of something unknown and imagined to be dangerous. We think about spiders and those that fear them see them as big as a bus and coming straight at them. For those who understand spiders, there are very few that can harm you, very few that will chase you and even less that you really need to be scared of. This applies to all fears whether physical or imagined.

The are sustained by a continual lack of knowledge or acceptance of the knowledge that has been imparted you the scared person. Lack of reassurance and continuation of learnt reactions to fear also assist in sustaining that fear.

The duration depends on how long you feel that you need to remain fearful to satisfy the knowledge in your own mind that you should fear this thing. You determine the time depending on how important it is in your mind.

It is very possible to end all fear and that takes the form of knowledge, reassurance, seeing that there have been so many people in the same situation and nothing bad happened to them and probably the most important, Self Reassurance. You have to continually tell yourself that you are not scared.
Regardless of how fearful you feel because one thing in life is sure and that is "you can speak things into existence". By continually telling your brain that you are not scared, eventually your brain will be telling you that you are not scared.

Habbits are created through repetition and fear can be dispelled in the same way

2007-06-14 21:11:05 · answer #3 · answered by seychellesdreaming 2 · 0 0

Good question, let me try, because all my life I have lived in fear, till this day, as I speak and trust me, I am not talking from books or from hearing, this is my own self experience, that's talking, what I have gone through.
Fear is a word that has destroyed me, its the "INSECURE" feeling, that puts fear in your heart, that happens, when you don't have anyone to love you, to back you up, no money, no education, you have a home, but then you are threatened day to day life saying that this is "My house" and I can throw you out, so the fear takes place, because you are afraid, where will you go? what will you do? how will you survive?
So! You see, fear has been like a gun on my head all throughout my life, so much so at work, that this is my bread and butter, "IF" I don't get in time, they might fire me, "IF" I don't give them 100 plus then I will loose my job, so you keep doing your best and its never good enough for anybody or anyone, because people know your weakness and they use you and exploit you.
I have been afraid of my own mother, my brothers, sisters, my x who, his mother, my own kids, and these are my own family.
I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy.

2007-06-14 16:56:02 · answer #4 · answered by Naaz 4 · 0 0

Imagine this for a minute or 2. Language, thinking, and memory, is not available to you to use. Funny, huh, because without language, thinking, and memory, (OH, and the silly meanings of all of those words) you could not even tell yourself that you were afraid. Fear arises through the powers of the thinking mind. Let me ask you a simple question...What is thinking? Funny, here you are trying to think about the answer to what thinking is, using a tool that you have not even defined yet! Have you ever watched yourself, closely, while you are having a conversation with yourself? When you are afraid, the content of that self conversation is all about your fear. Would you be afraid if you did not have the ability to use language and meaning to tell yourself that you were scared? NO! So fear is the content, perceived, of your present consciousness. Thought is a powerful tool. You are using it to tell yourself things. One of those things is that you fear.
It is possible to end fear by stepping into the now. The now is populated by what you see, feel, hear, and sense by touch. Paying attention to what your senses tell you, completly, is called meditation. Meditation will allow you to step into the now and out of your fear.

2007-06-14 16:57:50 · answer #5 · answered by haywoodwhy 3 · 2 0

Fear is a manifestation of the psyche, usually occurring because an outcome other then that desired is not only possible but likely. It is an unwillingness, at the most basic level, to accept and come to terms with a situation and that inability initiates the cascade of chemicals that sow confusion and fear in the mind. Only by adamant refusal to accept reality can fear propagate. Once a given situation is accepted, in the context presented, fear will give way to a logical plan to mitigate the issue that is causing said manifestation.

“You have nothing to fear but fear itself“. FDR.

2007-06-14 17:35:01 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Fear arises from need.

It is sustained through itself.

It recieves duration by being ignored.

It is ended by being tackled, head on.

2007-06-14 21:32:40 · answer #7 · answered by Bored 2 · 1 0

Whenever we're starting something new or confronting something or someone (it really doesn't doesn't matter the situation) we all get nervous and those feelings if we keep concentrating on them will manifest into something bigger and the more we think about those feelings we add on more. If u feel like nervousness is turning into a doubt block out everything else and focus on something that makes u happy. I don't really think it's possible to end ALL fear because people are all build differently and we approach things diffrent.

2007-06-14 16:45:42 · answer #8 · answered by :) 5 · 0 0

We learn our fears from our parents, or peers and of course TV.

Have you heard of the scary world syndrome? TV gives us such a constant stream of death and violence that we assume that its unsafe to leave our houses without a car and a gun. And of course TV doesn't stop - ever, that is unless you unplug the damn thing.

But then again you can't escape all of the other fearful people around you.

What you can do is face up to your fears. Most fears vanish under intense scrutiny. Its kinda like standing up to a bully, its scary but most times the bully backs down.

I used to be afraid of heights until I took up rock climbing and now I love it. I used to be afraid of public speaking until I took up teaching, and now I love that too (by the way I failed in my first attempt at teaching, I was still too scared but you don't have to succeed in your first effort)

Ignorance is another engine of fear. Generally the more we know (and I mean about reality not TV) the less we fear.

2007-06-14 17:54:04 · answer #9 · answered by megalomaniac 7 · 1 0

Fear is a chemical and eletrical reaction in the brain. Fear is a physiological condition, usually expressed through an increased heart beat, and muscle tension. As long as the chemicals in the brain continue this condition will continue. Yes chemically you could end all fear, but fear is nessecary a person without is a sociopath.

2007-06-14 17:16:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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