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A good loving relationship is ther merger of two Whole people. Romantic love is a beautiful mysterious thing, but too many people are searching for ultimate meaning in finite relationships. What do you think about this?

2007-06-14 16:01:32 · 9 answers · asked by Rita 6 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

9 answers

If the view of what you expressed, and the many views that others express when it comes to issues related to 'romantic love' are, in fact, true; then why are these so many difficulties and problems with our relationships?

Could it be that the majority of these views actually miss the true purpose of it romantic love/relationship?

And what possibly could that true purpose be?

If you assume that the purpose behind our experiences here is to 'learn lessons', then one might ask what exactly is 'the lesson' that we need to learn from this?

So believe that both 'romantic love' and even sex are simply
precursors (or preparatory lessons) to prepare us for the "love" that we will eventually experience when our own 'male and female' energies are united within ourselves; or the love we will experience when we unite with our souls or even God.

Some may point out that the majority of such 'romantic relationships' seem to be failures--so how is it that we can learn what we are supposed to learn in this lifetime.

Good question.

If you were a parent, wouldn't you want to give your children as many chances and opportunities to learn 'the basic lessons'?

Well, I believe that your "heavenly parents" think and feel the same way, and this is why they provided an opportunity to return again and again until we "get it right".

While I agree that there no such thing as an "ultimate" anything, I disagree that romantic relationships (or any kind of relationship for that matter) are ALL 'finite'.

How do you know this?

Because your physical body dies?

If you believe that all there is, is this life, then what is it that you believe happens to your soul? Meaning, do you believe that your soul is 'eternal' or not? If you believe it is eternal, then, if you are looking to connect, bond and 'merge' (as you put) it with another soul, then why would you only do this for this life?

If the relationship ends with our physical death, then why bother with merging with another soul?

Again, like many things, the reason that most think, feel and believe that "love" is mysterious, is because they do not understand what and why it is--therefore, they label it as being mystical or mysterious--or even 'unknowable'.

While there are many kinds of "love", it all is based upon the Law Of Attraction. This Law works no differently for (or on) planets as it does for humans (or even other objects).

In the case of planets, we call this 'attraction' gravity.

The basic rule of the Law Of Attraction is, is that the greater number of 'attractors'--the greater the attraction.

Attractors for humans can include attributes realted to the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, etc. aspects of ourselves.

While I agree that you may not literally find your soul in the eye's of another, I do believe that you can literally experience the love and existence of 'the soul' of another by looking into their eyes--and that through such an experience one can not only begin to see the soul in that person--and recognize the experience, but they will then be able to see and recognize 'the soul' in all...and of course, in themselves as well.

It's as good as a place to start as any that I am aware of.



2007-06-14 20:26:24 · answer #1 · answered by smithgiant 4 · 1 0

I think there's a lot of truth there.
For example, I have a couple of friends who never went more than a few weeks without being in a long term relationship.
I have always felt like they never got to fully know themselves because they couldn't bear to be with themselves long enough without giving in to the longing for another.
As for myself, I do believe that there is a wonderful mystery in the merger of two people... even between two very good friends.
A few free-ranging thoughts:
- We can't fully know and love someone else if we don't know and love ourselves.
- Some people look into each others eyes for shared experience... some use the eyes of others to see their own reflection. The latter is unhealthy.
- I have never experienced that full-merger I hear and read about... but I do believe it is possible when the right two people get together. Despite this, I've been married 16 years without unfaithfulness by either of us... with 2 wonderful children. Not perfect... it takes alot of work at times to get along... but the commitment is holding up and we know each other very well. I do know I will not find ultimate meaning through my relationship alone.
- My search in life for truth and meaning must be my own: if 2 people are walking the exact same path looking for something they are less likely to find it than if the spread out from time to time.

2007-06-14 16:40:26 · answer #2 · answered by bedros 3 · 1 0

If we regard ourselves as unique manifestations of one soul in a lot of bodies, and if we were very perceptive and organic, we would want to manage to glimpse ourselves contained in the eyes of yet another. If i have not considered my soul in yet another's eyes, i have gotten a glimpse, gotten perception into myself from yet another's affected individual popularity, compassion, and information. i'm no longer confident no matter if it replaced into from their eyes in ordinary words or their finished demeanor. How will we be confident that searching for ourselves in others, of their eyes or inspite of, isn't an intrinsic component of being human?

2016-11-24 20:19:03 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I think of my soul as my non-physical self, which is aware of all that is. If I were to look into your eyes while I was connected to my soul, I would see a part of myself. No contradiction there. Since we all can fulfill our desires at different rates and even have different desires as individuals, I see no reason to clamp any level of shackles onto my lover, my partner. I am totally grateful for the moment by moment experience I am gifted with and plan to enjoy myself till I decide that it is time to move on physically or spiritually.
May you all enjoy life as much as I do and more! Ron

2007-06-14 17:35:52 · answer #4 · answered by canron4peace 6 · 1 0

I completely agree. Many people are looking for someone to complete them...some romanticized image that they will have some movie like life with. That is very hard to live up to if you are that person. Relationships are not that because we are human. They are difficult and wonderful, depressing and blissful, aggravating and passionate.....and if you are lucky and both parties put in the same amount of hard work, they can stand the test of time.

2007-06-15 01:12:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I've had MRIs, please tell me where to look for a "soul".

What do I think -- that's someone who is going to be headed for divorce. Romantic love is a desperation to feel loved for someone who feels unloved. It's actually a sad thing to witness.

Someone who feels unloved will never feel loved. No one can ever live up to such an expectation.

2007-06-14 16:10:03 · answer #6 · answered by guru 7 · 2 1

its got a two fold answer... at one point one is forced to think that why the hell do we die for relationships when we were born alone and would die alone....
on the other hand you are forced to think that relationships are as imp as anything cause they teach you what being single cant.....
the meaning of companionship, togetherness, sharing, love, sacrifice...
to experience these beautiful emotions you have to fall for someone..

2007-06-14 23:41:18 · answer #7 · answered by in search of utopia 2 · 0 1

Why would I look for my soul in some one else's eyes? I look for a flame that comforts & ignites my being.

2007-06-14 18:09:30 · answer #8 · answered by ___ 5 · 2 0

Love, no matter where it is found, contains the infinite.

2007-06-14 16:23:11 · answer #9 · answered by someone 5 · 1 0

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