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If Islam or Judaism were in the public square as much as Christianity, would the radicals react any differently?

2007-06-14 15:09:04 · 23 answers · asked by Maid Mesmera 3 in Politics & Government Politics

23 answers

We do not want to ban christianity from the public. We want to ban religon from the government sector.
Would the right feel differently if the Koran was taught as science in thier schools the way they want Creationism taught as an alternative to Evolution?
Would the right feel differently if there was uproar because a new congressman choice to have a photo opp swearing on a bible?
It is not Liberals who are making this about Christianity instead of religon in general - it is the religous right.

2007-06-14 15:15:22 · answer #1 · answered by Sageandscholar 7 · 9 2

They want to ban all religions, below is the text of the US Constitution.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

It does not take a rocket scientist to understand that Congress cannot create a State religion, And they also cannot ban the use of federal lands to practice a religion with out violating the assemble issue, and free speech issues.

The left believe that there is some constitutional issue regarding "Separation of Church and State" this is not an issue for this is NOT what the constitution says, it is just one glaring example how the Left distorts reality.

So Sayeth the Impaler!

2007-06-22 22:08:37 · answer #2 · answered by impalersca 4 · 0 0

Just Christianity, they have no probablem with anyother religion, dont belive it? read this

San Diego Arab public school implements shari'a - forms taxpayer funded madrassah
June 12, 2007

Carver Elementary - San Diego Public School Bows To Sharia
June 12, 2007 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Those having doubts that New York Department of Education's proposed Arabic school - Khalil Gibran International Academy - will inevitably turn into a madrassah should consider how a similar experiment in the San Diego Unified School District is turning out.

In September Carver Elementary school [kindergarten - eighth grade] accepted nearly 100 students from a failed charter school which served a Somali Muslim constituency.

The school population now numbers approximately 400.

Though these kids are now being educated within the wall of Carver, they have not been incorporated into the main student population and operate as a school-within-a-school, segregated elite with special privileges.

The controversy became a matter of public record when a substitute teacher Mary-Frances Stevens made a report to the local school board in which she claimed that Carver's Muslim children were being led in Islamic prayer by a teacher's aide. Steven's, who subbed at the school on March 8 stated that the lesson plan she was given included the allotting of one hour for prayer.

The teacher's allegation of religious indoctrination led to an investigation.

In true multicultural fashion, the school has gone to extreme lengths to accommodate its new students; the curriculum features the teaching of Arabic - the language of the Quran - single gender classes for girls as well as organized prayer...for Muslims only.

A new dhimi class schedule - expressly designed to kow tow to Carver's new students - was instituted. It created an extra 15 minute recess period as part of an hour set aside so that Carver's Muslims can pray en-masse while in class. Additionally, the school cafeteria menu no longer serves pork or other foods which conflict with fundamentalist Muslim diet restrictions [halal].

Even Carver's "winter holiday" celebration has not escaped the wrath of this brand of extreme multiculturalism, ripping the heart out of what was formerly the Christmas holiday by injecting extraneous cultural artifacts; as the San Diego Union Tribune notes:

"The school's winter holiday celebration featuring multicultural performances was a big hit. African-American, American, Muslim and other traditions were celebrated.

2007-06-19 08:41:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I doubt that anyone wants to ban christianity as a religion in this country, the people just don't want it so closely tied to the government of our country, as in the Constitution, and yes, that means no formalized religion (any religion!) in the public schools. It's not radical, it's just good sense.

And, since you seem to have a problem with Islam or Judaism, you would want this separation, wouldn't you? Do you want to see some of the public schools taken over by Islam?

2007-06-14 22:24:01 · answer #4 · answered by Petrushka's Ghost 6 · 5 1

We radicals want the separation of church and state, as laid down in the Constitution, to be upheld. The founding fathers wisely saw that if a state religion, such as Christianity, were to be involved in politics, it would not only compete with the concept of democracy, but would also be unfairly emphasized over all the other religions freely practiced within that same democracy.

2007-06-22 03:04:12 · answer #5 · answered by daibato 2 · 0 0

Sometimes it is tough to be a conservative. A true conservative does not look upon all those who disagree as radical. Most of my "left wing" friends and associates adhere to the belief in Christianity or Judaism. Unfortunately, many of them think that conservative Christians want everyone to believe as they do or they should be thrown out of the Covenant of God. Been thrown out of any good Irish Bars lately?

2007-06-22 18:04:37 · answer #6 · answered by johny0802 4 · 0 0

Christianity can seem oppressive to some. But i don't want it banned, its good for alot of people but it can also be kind of corrupt and contradictory. Of all the Christians i have ever met, only a certain percentage seemed authentic. I think christianity has been hijacked by the Evangelists for political gain. I don't think Islamists pushing their religious beliefs down our throats are much tolerated either. It would be the same with judaism but jews don't roll like that.

2007-06-19 03:37:37 · answer #7 · answered by America scarica 3 · 1 1

Nobody wants to ban any religion from the public. That would be a restriction on free exercise of religion.

But religion should not be promoted BY the government in a way that implies an endorsement of that religion.

2007-06-14 22:46:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

They seem to favor non Christian religions. Some of your answers quote the constitution. If they read it carefully, they would understand that the constitution stops the government from forming a state (government) religion. No where does it say we aren't free to worship any way we want to.

2007-06-19 10:36:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am considered a Left Wing Radical and founder of The Gay Jesus Movement.I am an ordained Christian minister and former Pastor.I am a gay christian and equally rejected by Islam,Organized Christianity,Bahai faith,Islam,Roman Catholicism,most Right Wing Radical Republican Conservatives,Nazi's and Orthodox Judaism.I know that Religion of All kinds are responsible for wars and terrorism worldwide and the world would be better if ALL theistic religions were banned worldwide!I truly believe that within a generation Love would emerge as a peaceful world force just as the Gay Jesus taught us! Repent and turn toward the God of Love!I have been "born again" by allowing the Holy Spirit which God planted in me as a small faith seed to take over my human body and come out of me to control my actions and emotions!This was the example that the Gay Jesus set for us because God is not willing that any man should perish!I am a very happy homosexual,an eternal Spirit living temporarily in a Human body of flesh!All man made fleshy carnal creations like religion will pass away,but Love & Spirit are forever!Stop blaming the Invisible Designer Creator of the Universe for your hateful bigoted religious doctrines because they are all anti Christ because "christianity" is the clothing used by evil to disguise the truth that it's "mystery" is really all Myth and will lead to spiritual "death" if followed.There is no Trinity for God is not mocked and this false Roman Catholic doctrine breaks the first Commandment of Love!Sunday is also an evil divisive Roman Catholic Myth and berates God's true Sabbath breaking the fourth commandment of Love!So if most of "christianity" practices lying doctrines..then how are they truly different from hate filled doctrines of Islam,Bahai,Orthodox Judaism,etc?? Stop brainwashing our children with theistic religions and soon Love and Justice will emerge by the power of The Holy Spirit!Vote for Hillary Clinton..the Love candidate!

2007-06-14 23:59:27 · answer #10 · answered by christopher l 1 · 2 4

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