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2007-06-14 13:59:32 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

22 answers

Seek and find truth.

2007-06-14 14:11:07 · answer #1 · answered by mwrc09 3 · 0 1

I wish I knew, because from the time I was born until today, I have been in search of happiness, followed all the advices and the right path religiously, but doesn't look like happiness was meant for me.
I have started to believe in destiny and fate.
Sometimes when I look back, I feel maybe because I was and still am naive, its good to be nice but not this much and to this extent, where everyone can bully you, abuse you, hurt you and torture you all your life.
When I see today's kids, I feel they are so much more clever, smart, intelligent and sharp, good for them, because they can defend themselves and will not let anyone get away with anything, this is a BAD world and I am happy for them, for what they are, as long as they are not in drugs and in wrong path.
Its alright to be nice, but not to this extent where you suffer and keep suffering and your life gets ruined.
I don't know how to say this, but today I feel, that "IF" I was a little mean, rude, cunning, sly and all that then perhaps things would have been so much more different.
Its very hard to explain, if you were to walk in my shoes then perhaps you would know what I am talking about.
I have never seen or felt the happiness, I wish I knew and can buy happiness, but in any case, I am in my late 40's and my life is almost over, but then I still have HOPE maybe just maybe God will have mercy on me, I keep struggling, and doing all the right things, after all thats all I can do.

2007-06-14 21:51:06 · answer #2 · answered by Naaz 4 · 0 0

First, I do not believe there is any 'black and white' or certain formula for "how to live a happy life."


Because what is "being happy" to you may not be to another and vice versa. So, who knows more about what makes you happy? You or someone who is NOT you?

Hint: The same logic or reasoning applies to any 'ultimate condition' such as 'perfection' as well.

Do you really believe that if somehow you would or could suddenly and permanently "become happy" that you would, in fact, STAY happy?

Do you realize that one of the key elements to becoming (versus being) happy is that you must have goals, and be able to freely work towards those goals? And once you attain a goal, that in order to continue to be or more accurately--become (pursue) happiness, that you have to be able to set and pursue another goal.

So, based upon the foregoing, can you see that if you were actually able to reach or attain happiness (even if that was your only goal) that if you were not able to create another goal (to be even happier) then you would not remain, stay or continue to be in a state of happiness?

Think about this for a minute, and when you do you will discover the genius, insight and awareness of those that created the US Constitution when they only attempted to ensure the "PURSUIT of happiness"--knowing that any attempt to ensure "happiness" was sure folly.

Again, think about this, and ask yourself what other 'ideologies' present (or attempt to) you ways of thinking, living, feeling and believeing which they attempt to convince you that if you follow them/it you SHALL be "happy"? In fact, I bet if you thought about it enough you could even come up with some situations where people were actually 'forced' into situations which they were told would "ensure happiness"?

However, I do believe that you can be given a certain amount of knowledge, truth and light--or "keys" (if you will) with which you can then apply to your particular life situation.

Here's what spiritual teacher and author Joseph J. Dewey has written on the topic. The article is aptly entitled "The Three Keys To Happiness".

Read it and see if it helps.

Here's the URL/link:


Note: There are other "keys", but these are the three basic ones which should help point you in the right direction.


2007-06-14 21:17:56 · answer #3 · answered by smithgiant 4 · 0 0

figure out what YOU want in Life;forget about whether your true desires are "acceptable" or traditional or whatever and then figure out how to obtain your desires.Don't worry about politics or religion (watch the Movie Braveheart as this explains how the masses are exploited by those in control and it is all just B.S. to keep you in poverty and your eye off of the ball)just Live life ,it is an adventure.I spent the last ten years driving 18 wheelers with my wife and then focused on a business that I wanted and went for it.It really sucked at times livingg in an 18 wheeler 24 hrs a day for 2 to 3 weeks but then we'dd have 2 to 3 weeks of complete free time and $6,000.00 to spend.We should have been saving that money for ten years we would have had over a million dollars,instead we have debt and a life time of wild memories..but then last year I bought a Harley and started living a little more wild,like riding down to Daytona Beach area every weekend and living some other small dreams while trying to motivate myself to reach some much larger goals in life but read this bbok at this link Think and Grow Rich,it may help you:

and for relationships try Marriage For Dummies ...don't worry about other people ,just have fun in life

2007-06-14 23:21:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Living a "happy life" means something different to everyone. Here are some things that I think make my life a little happier. Appreciate your loved ones and don't be scared to take risks. Don't try to be something you're not, and embrace yourself, even in your oddities. Stand up for yourself, and don't care what anyone else thinks of you. Forgive and forget, holding onto grudges, especially against yourself will keep you from happiness. Take pride in everything you have, even if it's crappy to everyone else's standards...but don't be arrogant. Have compassion for others and try to be kind. Get a pet, they make life so much fuller. :) I hope you find all the things that make your life wonderful.

2007-06-14 22:26:16 · answer #5 · answered by Nidda 2 · 0 0

Happiness is a mind-set. LIfe is what you make of it. I served in the Air Force and while I was stationed in North Dakota, there were people who loved it and people who hated it. Then, later in my career, I was moved to Guam, a beautiful tropical island. There were people who hated it there too! It taught me a powerful lesson about attitude. If you truely want to be unhappy, you will be, but if you decide to be happy and make the most of whatever life throws your way, you will be. I go to work everyday with a smile and I'm cheerful and nice to everyone. There are people who are grumpy and don't speak because they are stuck up and want to be miserable. I don't let it bother me. I will be happy regardless of what they do and yes, it's a job, but you have to work, so make a decision that while you are there, you will be happy and you will.

Best wishes for a successful quest for happiness! Don't be so overburdened by the little things that you miss out of the best part--the journey!

= )

2007-06-14 21:25:33 · answer #6 · answered by aimhigh94 2 · 0 0

My advice is this: if you want to live a happy life, know yourself. Be honest with your good traits and with those that are destructive. Dig deep. Open the closets and corners that scare you. Then, live the moment. You were all of these things, but you decide right now who you want to be. Do you want to be that woman of strength and character who knows what it is to love yourself and to love others?

Every day you make a choice. Your day can be just like it was yesterday, or you can reject the unhappiness, sadness, anger and hate and you can be that strong person that you always wanted to be. You have the strength, but you must know who you are to use it... you must love yourself to know how to love others.

How can you give your love to someone if you think you are nothing? You insult a person that loves you when you think that what they love is worth less than dirt. Look through another's eyes and see the strengths that they can see in you. Believe in yourself, take a chance, and boldly strive for greatness.

This hangs on my wall: "I want to be what I'm capable of being, not just what I am." I am happy in who I am, but I want to live to my potential. Yesterday is meaningless. Tomorrow may, or may not come. Now is what I may change.

2007-06-15 01:30:51 · answer #7 · answered by darknessraven 1 · 0 0

Our happiness, or lack of it, is entirely based on how much physical exercise we do every day. Exercise pushes our metabolism UP. When our metabolism goes up, our emotions go up. So we feel happier. No exercise, unhappiness. It is that simple.

But what exercise? Running in place, for 5-15 minutes a day, will do an amazing improvement to give you happiness.
Include 5-15 minutes of stretching, 5-15 minutes of HEAVY weightlifting, and you will be "calm, at peace with yourself" the entire day. And you will sleep the entire evening.a

Hope this helps. Hope you are happy.

2007-06-14 21:09:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Enjoy the ride. Life is what happens while you wait for something to happen. You have to find joy in the mundane but also in the quixotic and the coincidental, the beautiful and the awe inspiring. Don't wish for someone else's life, make your own more interesting. Take chances.

You can't control other peoples' actions only your own reactions.


2007-06-14 21:13:41 · answer #9 · answered by Duncan w ™ ® 7 · 0 0

Happiness comes from within your heart. If you rely on your 6 senses they will fail. But if you practice "Positive Mental Dynamic Attitude", you will be satisfied in all "day-in and day-out" of your life. You will always come our a winner in the midst of losing. This is what King Solomon in the Bible said:
"A godly person may fail and fall 7 times but he can still recover; but the ungodly never. A godly person always learns from his mistakes and use it as a ladder to his success.

2007-06-14 21:37:22 · answer #10 · answered by periclesundag 4 · 0 0

Learn mindfulness or meditation. When you learn to control the "inner chatter" you perception of the world and your emotional states will change dramatically.

When you exercise control over your thoughts by not continuing to think of things that cause you depression, sadness, grief, etc. you will have learned how to turn any situation to a positive experience.

It is something, that once you master it, no one can take away from you.

2007-06-14 21:06:47 · answer #11 · answered by guru 7 · 0 0

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