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Angelina Jolie's true colors came out Wednesday as she promoted a film about freedom of the press and then tried to censor all her interviews.

Jolie is touting press freedom these days, playing the widow of murdered Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in a new movie called "A Mighty Heart."

But Jolie turns out to be a mighty hypocrite when it comes to her own freedom of the press. Her lawyer required all journalists to sign a contract before talking to her, and Jolie instructed publicists at first to ban FOX News from the red carpet of her premiere.

Ironically, Wednesday night's premiere of the excellent Michael Winterbottom-directed film was meant to support an organization called Reporters Without Borders. Jolie, however, did everything she could to clamp down on the press and control it.


2007-06-14 13:50:31 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

39 answers

The funny thing is, Fox gave her a great review for her movie. I can't stand that woman. Her lips give me the creeps. Someone needs to give that woman chap stick.

2007-06-14 14:13:43 · answer #1 · answered by TRUE PATRIOT 6 · 8 3

Well you obviously haven't seen the most recent press or the most recent interviews.

Ms Jolie didn't have anything to do with the contracts the press were ask to sign or with Fox being banned.
She was on the Daily Show last night and Jon Stewart ask her what it was all about because he was NOT ask to sign anything.

She told him it was heavy handed and she had nothing to do with it.
A Lawyer has taken full responsibility for the entire situation and made a public apology to the Press and Ms Jolie.The link is below.

It is sad that Fox News has not put this out there with the same zeal as when they felt they where slighted and there Freedom of Speech was being squashed.

But they know now and have yet to report that Ms. Jolie did not know and was being blamed falsely.
Mr Offer her Lawyer has made a Public Statement.

Also Paramount has said that Fox was indeed allowed to attend the premiere of A Mighty Heart as well.

Fox is aware of all the facts that I have reported here.
Are they going to report them? Or will they continue to pretend to be victims because it gets them press and sympathy?

Other Media Outlets have reported the truth now and corrected the story Fox has not.

Will the outrage be the same if they don't and Ms Jolie has been falsely accused ?

2007-06-15 11:23:01 · answer #2 · answered by lightwriter 5 · 0 1

Contrary to popular opinion, a movie premiere isn't really a "public" event - if it was, we could all get in and hob nob with the rich and famous. Think that's going to happen? A movie premiere is actually a CORPORATE event, not a public one - it is sponsored by the company that produces or distributes the movie. Therefore, the people that put up the money for it CAN control who has access, whether you like it or not. I'm surprised that any "news" organization was banned, however, because PUBLICITY is what movie premieres are all about because that is what generates box office sales.

That said, my father was a journalist (and an excellent and well known one at that) - I know what freedom of the press is, and what journalism is, and after carefully watching Fox News I have seen that Fox News DELIBERATELY slants the news to Rupert Murdoch's way of thinking - even the questions are worded carefully to do this. Anybody who doesn't see this is not paying attention. However, Fox News is hardly the first to be doing this - Willam Randolph Hearst's newspapers were doing it a century before. It isn't really possible to have zero bias in reporting, but Fox News is the absolute worst, IMHO, when it comes to trying to slant the news. Remember when they jumped on the story about Barack Obama attending a fundamentalist Muslim school? It was pure BULL-oney, and some people are still foolhardy enough to believe it. Fox News couldn't really care less about the news - they only really care about the news as THEY see it. If Angelina Jolie banned them, I can see why.

BTW: I'm a moderate, not a liberal.

2007-06-14 14:21:35 · answer #3 · answered by Paul Hxyz 7 · 2 2

You know how I feel about these twits.

You know what's hard about being a rich left wing PC actor type. Their positions are so screwed up hypocrisy is inevitable. A animal rights type shows up for a dinner in a mink coat. An environmentalist jet sets all over the world, while being chauffeured to the airport in a limousine. An anti gun nut has bodyguards with guns.

These people are mindless.

2007-06-15 05:44:11 · answer #4 · answered by Matt 5 · 1 0

This is kind of PR thing I guess. Hollywood probably do far stranger things than that to keep certain image. It's not like she goes around talking about 'evil psychiatry' like some crazy Scientology movie star.

2016-05-20 22:50:55 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

This could shed some light on the situation. Watch these:

Video #1 actual footage from the candidates debates (on Fox, no less!):

OK, now go to video two

Video #2 how fox reported on this part of the candidates debate which fox earlier showed live:

This happens more then you think on Fox News.

2007-06-15 19:02:19 · answer #6 · answered by Bloatedtoad 6 · 0 1

I can't even figure out why she has a tattoo of Che Guevara, one of the most ruthless mass murderers in history.

I think she's just totally ignorant.

I guess she's kinda pretty, but apparently there are no brain cells left inside her head.

2007-06-15 16:13:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous 7 · 0 0

Let's see...........men and women overseas fighting in a war getting killed every day, starvation in this country when it shouldn't be, gas prices rising every day due to greedy oilmen not wanting to drill in the US, grocery prices soaring..................sorry but Angelina Jolie and the likes of ALL the Hollywood crowd who get paid ridculous salaries while the rest of us toil and struggle on a daily basis at a job just to make ends meet, well I mean they are at the very bottom of my priority list.........you know sort of like bottomfeeders in a fish tank

2007-06-14 15:14:00 · answer #8 · answered by misterpetee 3 · 0 1

She's making a political statement. Although she has devoted much of her life to charity, she is making it very clear that she is NO different than any other of the left-wing lunatics in Hollyweird.

2007-06-14 15:34:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

This is the same woman who said her and Brad Pitt wouldn't be getting married until same sex marriage was legal in the United States. That right there tells me she is a freaking bleeding heart liberal. I won't be going to see this movie. She has never made a movie worth watching in her life. She has already been married 2 times. Hypcritical Bit**!!!!!!!!!!

2007-06-14 14:20:42 · answer #10 · answered by ? 6 · 1 3

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