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Think about this on a broad scope. Economically, politically, technologically, socially, and environmentally, what will the EARTH be like 100 to 200 years from now? Are you concerned? Will humans survive?

P.S... NO THIS IS NOT A HOMEWORK QUESTION, it's summer and i'm a marketing major for crying out loud. I'm just a curious soul!

2007-06-14 13:22:01 · 15 answers · asked by SouthCali4LifeSD 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

15 answers

200 years from now:

We'll have have evolved as human beings. Everyone will know "The Secret" to life, and we'll have created a lasting peace on earth. The average person will live to 116 years old. People will concentrate on wellness rather than medical care. When we do get sick, we'll be able to replace body parts by growing them in test tubes (like a heart, lung, arm, eye, skin, etc). We'll have found a new, limitless sources of energy. The population of the earth will have trippled, but we will have increased food production to create abundant sources.

All countries will have a democratic form of government. The entire earth will have a single governing body and a basic set of laws that function across the board.

There will be one global economy. Like in Star Trek, people will no longer work for money, but rather work for the improvement of society as a whole. Poverty will have been eliminated. Everyone on earth will be able to pursue their hearts desire, while having to work only about 20 hours per week.

We will have developed technology that can not only predict disasterous weather conditions, but adjust the atmosphere to mitigate the possible damage to life an property. People will be able to travel by being "beamed" around the world. We will also have devleoped technology that enable us to reclaim the deserts for use as lush forest land and for farming.

We will have built outposts the size of a small city on the Moon and on Mars and we'll have commercial shuttle flights to those places. Personal computers will be much smaller and much more personal, with high speed internet will be everywhere and will be free, like tap water. Computers and internet connectivity will be provided as a service we get as compensation for the 20 weekly hours of work we do.

99% of the people living then will lead happier more satisfying lives.

2007-06-14 14:06:58 · answer #1 · answered by livemoreamply 5 · 2 1

Mankind will not be here in 200 years. I Dont think so. My belief is an asteroid will wipe us out just like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs millions of years ago. Also there are black holes that could suck earth into oblivion! A good thing to watch is the history channel. They had show on the other night "The Last Days on Earth" it was about 7 things that could make human race become suddenly extinct. Number one is Global Warming. But in the bible it says "And the third angel sounded, and there fell a Great Star from Heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter" (Revelation 8:10-11).
One more thing that scares me is nuclear war. All I know is if you really sit and think about it, I mean you are not gonna be here forever and I dont think mankind will be either. The best thing to do is enjoy what little bit of time you have and never hold anything back and most important. Get straight with God!

2007-06-15 09:14:28 · answer #2 · answered by Drew 1 · 0 2

For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/av3Zw

Such answers! I feel like all hope is lost! But I don't think those answers will come true. Here's my $.02: We will have run out of fossil fuels, the population will have reduced by 40% from the projected high of 15 billion and a more Utopian/agrarian culture would've emerged. Big cities will have gotten bigger and begun a slow reclamation to something more manageable. We will have been able to return a good deal of the earth back to what it was before America was colonized: pristine environmental havens for wildlife. However, desertification will have turned Las Vegas and LA into a badland. Most of Africa will have turned into a desert and large swaths of India will also have become deserts. We will have colonized Mars and the moon. This would've allowed a large number of people to relocate and import minerals and raw materials back to the earth for use in construction and fabrication. Fusion will be in use and air pollution will be at pre-industrial levels. I'm not sure if I would want to go to this future. There would be too many changes to lifestyles and cultures to really understand and fit in.

2016-04-03 09:31:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Whether on a broad scope or a narrow one, before and as you consider any answer, consider this...

1. It depends.

2. Go back and read the predictions made 200 years ago that were made about what the world was going to be like.

3. The future has SO many variables, not even God can accurately predict the behavior of humans which have been given intelligence, the power of decision and free will.

Does this mean we should not attempt to project ourselves into any (personal, national, global, technological) future? Absolutely not--and that's not my point.

I believe the future is attained through conscious awareness and concrete actions versus any amount of wishful thinking.

The future is what we make of it, and we can most effectively affect it by concentrating on the decisions we make in the present.

In fact some define the present as the interplay of the past and the future.


2007-06-14 13:55:10 · answer #4 · answered by smithgiant 4 · 0 0

This Site Might Help You.

what will life on EARTH be like 200 years from now?
Think about this on a broad scope. Economically, politically, technologically, socially, and environmentally, what will the EARTH be like 100 to 200 years from now? Are you concerned? Will humans survive?

P.S... NO THIS IS NOT A HOMEWORK QUESTION, it's summer and i'm a marketing major...

2015-08-18 16:41:30 · answer #5 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

I think the next major war will wipe a good portion of the Earth's population. The next 50 years after that will be a time of rebuilding. I think America will be an interesting place as the 'complexion of the country' will be much darker as Mexicans and blacks procreate and mix with whites. China and India will be the new world super powers with the same economic and military might that America has now (hell they're practically there now). Europe I think will become a united nation, if only so that they can stand up to the other super powers.

With much of earth laid to waste from the big war, humans will begin terraforming the Moon and Mars and new interplanetary nations will be formed.

2007-06-15 02:56:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

NOT like Star Trek.

We are in the BEGINNING, the "kindergarden," if you will, of robots. As we move forward, robots will RAPIDLY increase. The "ultimate goal" that everyone is embracing is; a robot that looks and thinks EXACTLY like people.

So as we advance toward the next two hundred years, we will develop more and more robots to do more and more things for us. Especially space travel. Let's face it; if a ship crashes on Mars full of robots, who cares? Same ship full of people, BIG PROBLEMS for Nasa.

And Robots can go a LOT more places than people.

So what will the future be like. A mixture of Robots and people with many robotic parts replacing parts that are damaged or worn out. People will live a LOT longer, probably about 120 or older, but we will literally become "the borg."

Because we are gradually reaching the point where we have had enough of wars, in 200 years or more, there will be no more wars. So our "borg" bodies will not go around overthrowing other planets. We will spend more time exploring, a little time moving to, other planets.

Robots eventually will replace people as NO species lives forever. But our species will live on forever, in the bodies and minds of robots. Robots that will be all over our universe.

2007-06-14 14:07:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think mankind will survive the next century if we continue to reproduce on the current level. The Earth is becoming increasingly populated with too many humans and it's come to the point where mankind is the cause of the extinction of numerous plant and animal life. Species extinction will no longer be nature balancing itself out, but more so controlled by the actions of man.

If we manage ourselves right then we have a possibility of continuing civilization as we know it, but we become overpopulated it will lead to widespread chaos. There will be fierce competition which will only lead to war between the have's and the have not's and sooner or later before you know it man will exterminate themselves from the Earth.

The extinction of the Dinosaurs was an act of nature, the extinction of man will be an act of man.

2007-06-14 13:32:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How do you know the Earth will still be around in 200 years from now?

2007-06-14 16:57:00 · answer #9 · answered by ROBERT P 7 · 0 0

The economies of the West will likely collapse on those nations. The generations to follow have no hope of ever reducing the debt. Artificially consturcted economic systems will fail.

The political climate will worsen. The seed of the past few decades will ripen. The West thought expansionist policies will worsen. Language will continue to grow and change the global map. National identity will then change to one of language identity. The North America map will change to Spanish, English and French speakers.

Technology will exist underground. Subcultures will flourist using technology for illegal purposes to try and rectify social problems. Virtual reality will begin to replace the dreariness of day to day life. Virtual "trips", like drug trips will surface to alleviate the suffering of a portion of society.

Humans always survive, what society will look like is another matter.

2007-06-14 14:16:23 · answer #10 · answered by guru 7 · 0 0

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