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Afaganistan 18M 99%
2 Albania 2.3M 75%
3 Algeria 22M 98%
4 Bahrain .220M 99%
5 Bangladesh 100M 85%
6 Cameroon 6.2M 55%
7 Central African Republic 2M 55%
8 Chad 4M 85%
9 Dahomey 3M 60%
10 Egypt 51M 93%
11 Ethiopia 27M 65%
12 Gambia .4M 85%
13 Guinea 4.3M 95%
14 Guinea-Bissau .81M 70%
15 Indonesia 161M 95%
16 Iran 48M 98%
17 Iraq 14.5M 95%
18 Ivory Coast 5M 55%
19 Jordan 3M 95%
20 Kuwait 1M 98%
21 Lebanon 3M 57%
22 Libya 3M 100%
23 Malaysia 14.5M 52%
24 Maldive Islands 12M 100%
25 Mali 6M 90%
26 Mauritania 2M 100%
27 Morocco 24M 99%
28 Niger 4.5M 91%
29 Nigeria 100M 75%
30 Oman .75M 100%
31 Pakistan 90M 97%
32 Qatar .18M 100%
33 Saudi Arabia 10.5M 100
34 Senegal 7M 95%
35 Sierra Leone 3M 65%
36 Somalia 5M 100%
37 South Yemen 1.5M 95%
38 Sudan 22M 85%
39 Syria 11M 87%
40 Tanzania 15M 65%
41 Togo 2.1M 55%
42 Tunisia 7M 95%
43 Turkey 66M 99%
44 U.A.E .32M 100%
45 Upper Volta 6M 56%
46 North Yemen 6M 99%

2007-06-14 11:41:25 · 22 answers · asked by Dina W 6 in Politics & Government Politics

Des Ta,

Syria, Iran, Egypt, Saudi-Arabia all have problems with Israelis existence.

So please become informed so you do not sound so silly yourself

2007-06-14 11:50:44 · update #1

There were Jewish people in Israel thousand of years before Muslims. They have every right to be there, and the Muslims have 46 other countries go to reside in. Besides Hama's had done a very good job at blowing up everyones home, not just the Israelis.

2007-06-14 11:55:42 · update #2

22 answers

Nothing at all. I have no quarrels with Israel.

This is addressed to Asker- The Serb below me Gandalf or what ever he is called is a Nazi as his people hate not only jews but Muslims, Croats, gypsies, and last but not least Albanians. So pay him no attention. I'm surprised that their are so many hateful anwers. It is alarm how much people detest Jews and do not have reasons to. This world is falling apart because of all this hate. I admire the Jews because they stick together and survive in all sorts of environments and what the Nazis did was the cruelest in thing in history.

2007-06-14 17:51:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

The problem is the terrible decision by the Brit's to put that one country where it is, on holy land that's been violently contested for millennia. And they only did that to get rid of their own 'palestinean problem', as they called it. I'm a jew, and I'm all for a state of Israel. That said, I would have been happier they gave us Montana, or Greenland, or even better a piece of Europe, which is where the holocaust happened. Israel is tiny, you could drop it into the middle of Texas and no one would notice! Maybe one of the Hawaian islands, I don't know. Anywhere would have been better. I know that we jews have a historic claim on the region...so does every person on the planet, apparently. Did we really need this? Hell, give us south Florida, we're there every winter anyway!

As to the argument that 'we were there first', I find it holds no water. So what if we were? Do you want to die for it? Is it worth it? Why would anyone want to lie down in a vipers nest, and then expect to get some rest?

As long as Israel is where it is, the fighting will continue until everyone is dead on one side or the other. What an unnecessary shame...I say, let's abandon this piece of land, and find a new place to live in peace.

2007-06-14 18:54:10 · answer #2 · answered by Drew 2 · 3 1

I commend the honesty of respondent 'Drew' above who himself being a Jewish drew the line objectively. I got the following comments from internet search which may be of interest to you:



Poll controversy as Israel and US labelled biggest threats to World peace.

Over half of Europeans think that Israel now presents the biggest threat to world peace according to a controversial poll requested by the European Commission. According to the same survey, Europeans believe the United States contributes the most to world instability along with Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and North Korea.


You may find a lot of information in the following link that may help answer your inquisitiveness.

Btw, Bangladesh's population was 152.6 million (UN, 2005). Area: 143,998 sq km (55,598 sq miles). The Muslims are about 88% of the total population.

2007-06-16 11:45:26 · answer #3 · answered by Hafiz 7 · 0 0

None at all!!! But keep in mind that they are not all trying to bomb Tel Aviv. However, it does show what paranoia and envy can do to you. An interesting comparison is that Israel is a country of about 5 mil Jews surrounded by countries totaling about 55 mil Muslims. If the situation were reversed, would the Jews be threatening annihilation?

2007-06-14 18:53:43 · answer #4 · answered by Pete 4 · 2 1

Morocco is an open minded country, it's not a radical country or anything like that. Judaism and Christianity are part of Moroccan culture. Morocco has Churches, Synagogues and Mosques

2007-06-17 08:35:14 · answer #5 · answered by Sara loves Biology 3 · 0 0

Albania isn't a muslim country, they are kurds, they were banished from the muslim religion some time ago, they aren't allowed to come to mecca.
Ethiopia isn't as nearly a muslim country as you wrote, their population is: 60% orthodox christian, 32% muslim.
Jews don't have a right to their country because that land where they are now was stolen fron Lebanon and Syria.Who gave them rights to attack lebanon.I am some sort of anti-semite, cause I don't like only the israeli jews, but on the other hand adore people like Simon Wisenthal.Israel should be muslim, Salah ad-Din Yusuf Ibn Ayub conquered it, and it was muslim till 1948.

2007-06-15 15:48:53 · answer #6 · answered by GANDALF 3 · 4 2

Because it's RIGHT in the heart of them all, and in/on especially holy ground for all sides ( Jewish and Muslim ), and they can't stand it. If you're referring to Israel, it was an artificially constructed state ( much like most of the Middle east, after WWII, the US and Britian and France help lay out the countries borders, there weren't any at that time due to the nomadic nature of Muslims in that area ). Some of it was a land grab after there were vehement arguments over Palestine territory ( why do you think Syria is so interested? It used to be a part of their land, it was split off to give a royal tribal chief his own turf ). So there's multiple reasons for Muslims to hate the US/British combine, Israel's creation forced on them in 1948, etc. Not sure it will ever change for the better. Muslims believe in eye for an eye, not forgive and forget ( then again, so did Jews, so maybe they have something in common after all! ). - The Gremlin Guy -

2007-06-14 18:51:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Well why don't we kick you the hell out of whatever the hell country you are in? Just because there are countries that are predominantly Muslim we should allow the occupation of one? "Hey you, since your Muslim why don't you go to Yemen and you, yeah you, christian person go to America or somewhere in Europe...we want your land."
That is funny logic my dear.
By the way don't you realize that Palestinians are not just Muslim? There are christian Palestinians too. For that matter Muslims, Christians, Jews, Druze etc etc lived there in peace before the modern day Israel existed.
It seems that you are the one with a problem against Muslims and that you are completely ignorant to the matters of the middle east.
Go get educated.

2007-06-14 19:38:32 · answer #8 · answered by ~~∞§arah T∞©~~ 6 · 2 2

isreal was created out fo laws and a movement that hasn't worked. had isreal not happened, the middle east would be a lot further today. theres nothing wrong with a jewish state, but com'on, that's just a kick below the belt to systamatically "invade"--and then acctually invade--antother country. that, and whose idea was it to not divide Britions colonies in a smart way? that was stupid too.

2007-06-14 19:24:01 · answer #9 · answered by Bohemian 3 · 2 1

Since a Jewish country is impossible to have because the jew's have no land that belongs to them as a nation that was not taken from others then why would you even want them to have a single acre of land to declare as a nation .
HAd they not concocted a religion with a murderous God maybe they could have settled down some place .
But God came first and with him stone people to death for having sex outside of marriage . Forget his battles for land and slaves . Camps must be kept clean in case God was to drop by or else they might lose a battle . A battle which in the end would result in all the adult males being put to death as with any women who where not virgins .
What a sick twisted group of people .

2007-06-14 18:53:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 7

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