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Many states are now putting a limit on how close a dancer can be to a patron, hours of operation, or if they can talk to the patron. Is this a limit on freedom of speech?

2007-06-14 10:57:17 · 18 answers · asked by ALASPADA 6 in Politics & Government Government

It mostly started with restrictions by local governments who did not want to be seen as strip towns or have a so called red light district so they used planning codes to regulate the type of businesses that could locate where. Then the move to say a dancer could not talk to a patron or touch a patron because of the possibility of a deal for prostitution being made. Now states (Ohio is one) are getting into the legislation area with times of business, distances of dancers, etc. I just found it amusing the other day to see the Ohio legislature having strippers in their chambers to protest against the law.

2007-06-14 11:35:13 · update #1

18 answers

No doubt part of this is an attempt to legislate morality. But there are other factors to consider as well. Land values for one. nude or topless bars effect the value of property in their vicinity. many business do not want to locate near establishments that are primarily in the sex trade. The people who consider topless and nude bars to be immoral would not buy property near one. So the value of the property and the potential business growth of the area take a hit from the bars. That means less tax revenue, fewer jobs, and possibly higher crime too.
Someone could argue that wiggling ones bottom on someones crotch for money is a form of free expression but how much is their argument worth to you if your homes value just dropped 20 to 50 thousand dollars for their right to express their wiggle skills.
City governments sometimes make these decisions to protect the value of your property.

2007-06-14 13:31:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Your Freedome of speech stops where others can hear you. Then you could be offensive and the society could ask you to shut up. Similarly, if you want to have a strip club and the society considers you offensive, you'd need those strip clubs to be moved AWAY. It is not a matter of "limiting freedom of speech". As for states putting a limit on teh points you made above, that too is rediculous and a local survey could be done and the businesses can be moved away. Once they are away, and a person visits such "places of ill-repute" that visitor is free to experience what the businesses offer! There should be no stopping for that!

Well, that's the way the social structure was, and one does not need to totally ban strip clubs, but again, does not need to have them in areas (residential areas, near schools or places of worship?) where the local people disapprove. It is because States lack decisions on these issues that they have to interfere with other minutia! State Adminsitrations should not be dictating how lap dances need be conducted!!

2007-06-14 11:08:08 · answer #2 · answered by Sky Clipper 2 · 0 0

Some laws may be enacted to protect the dancers (like limiting distance and talking). I've heard of clubs placing some restrictions on their own to keep their dancers safe from rowdy patrons. However, I don't think this is necessarily in the realm of government. Legislating morality is only ok if the lack of a moral could hurt an innocent party.

2007-06-14 11:07:58 · answer #3 · answered by phinbuddy 2 · 0 1

Speaking from someone who made a living doing this for over 9 years, I am very opinionated regarding the strip club business. Men will always have a need to look at women, be secretive and to build their egos. Not to mention, they use these places and the dancers to fulfill a void in their lives, whether it be to have someone listen to their problems, help them with their marriage or help them feel needed. Whenever changes are being requested in this business, it is usually from a woman in office. The good ol' boys who run this country will always find a way to get what they want, it's just the way the world is!

2007-06-14 11:18:02 · answer #4 · answered by Topless 2 · 1 2

I support 100%. In my opinion the States should ban strip clubs once and for all. I don't feel sorry for the owner of the business. Seems everybody defending evils than goods. Freedom or no freedom you got to use your brain and what you are going to bring with you when you die one day. I know this won't change unbelievers mind but strip club needs to be banned. Those women needs to find a descend job other than showing their bodies. They can do better than that.

2007-06-14 11:11:43 · answer #5 · answered by oooo 1 · 1 1

tried this before. what would be a better idea for them is to debate the idea in universities or colleges or in academic circles. maybe ask what behavior of customer is acceptable. leave it up to academic or university types to discuss. actually what they should be talking about is the official secrets act and what stuff can be looked at. if there is any good stuff or anything to hide. i think the government has been performing a good one for the public for years and it is time to ask it whether or not it is moral.

2007-06-14 11:10:31 · answer #6 · answered by darren m 7 · 0 0

Its supposed to be a free country. Ha ha. I guess freedom means the right to be a robot. Here's an idea--as soon as babies are born lets lobotomize them so they never ever do anything controversial for their entire lives. And for good measure lets castrate all the boy babies--ALL of them. Then we can just clone the replacements from Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, the only ideal perfect human beings. Unless they burnt up Falwell. This country does not want human beings for citizens, it wants robots.

2007-06-14 11:40:48 · answer #7 · answered by jxt299 7 · 0 2

I think it's just a symptom of the pendulum swing, reacting to the permissiveness of the last few decades. Now the pendulum's heading toward puritanism and repression.

It seems rather silly; with all of the important issues that each level of government has to deal with, they're worrying about lap dances that aren't hurting anyone? Skewed priorities, if you ask me.

2007-06-14 11:01:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Naturally the liberals want the money it generates but are too timid to stand up to the moralistic morons that want to control everything. If someone wants to waste money looking a young girls wiggling or doing lap dances I say let them do it. Having reached the stage in life where I no longer enjoy looking at young girls it doesn't bother me if others want to do it.

2007-06-14 11:01:34 · answer #9 · answered by mr conservative 5 · 2 1

They had a big scandal out here in San Diego with someone
from the city tipping off the club.

I think this is nonsense. I also think they should legalize
prostitution. It would decrease divorce rates and make a lot
of men happier all around.

2007-06-14 11:02:43 · answer #10 · answered by trichbopper 4 · 3 2

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