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I have been cramping and just started bleeding a little. Could this be my period? Baby was 5 wks and I was supposed to be 15 wks along, bleeding only lasted about week and a half. Since I was not very far along, could this be my period? It sure feels like period!Also my hormone level was low to begin with.
Hope I included enough details for you all!

2007-06-14 09:49:26 · 18 answers · asked by bulldogmom 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

18 answers

What it sounds like is that the miscarriage was the best for you (even though that might not be something you want to hear right now).... there are many reasons why a pregnancy end and right now I'm sure you feel terrible (I was 6 months pregnant when I lost my first child it took a while to even be able to say his name without crying...) at 15 weeks pregnant you had a implanted placenta and sometimes after a miscarriage it is possible that a part of it or the membranes remained inside.. this can cause delayed bleeding.. You need to be examined by a doctor to rule out retained placenta because of the risk of infections.. Also even if you had low hormone levels they were still higher than before pregnancy and it can take a while for them to even out (especially if the pregnancy ended abruptly) post-birth bleeding can cramp just like a period so it's easy to be confused.. I would suggest to give your body a little longer before you consider yourself back to normal.. (If you are hoping to try again) You have my deepest sympathies and hope for a future baby... Good luck to you..

2007-06-14 22:28:23 · answer #1 · answered by jhoshsamo 2 · 0 0

if you miscarried about 3 weeks ago then it is most likley your period. You become fertal again soon after your miscarriage so if your trying to have a baby you can start soon after. If you are not then make sure you are using protection. When you have a miscarriage your bleeding should subside within the days that you mentioned. You sound healthy and normal to me so dont worry about it. Im sorry for your miscariage, just remember everything happens for a reason. They baby might not have been growing properly so it was in your babys benefit and your to have miscarried. There is plenty of time to make a healthy happy baby.
good luck
and justin,
many women are pregnant on a regular basis and dont even know it, miscarriages happen alot more often then people think they do. Many women who have a period that was a few weeks late or a week late were pregnant to some extent but the pregnancy didnt come full term for various reason, so it is very likley that you g/f or wife had been pregnant and a sign of that also is bad cramping and heavy bleeding miscarriages of that type are normal and healty and to be expected especially if you are having unprotected sex.

2007-06-14 09:58:43 · answer #2 · answered by rachel g 2 · 1 0

It could be your period. I know I was a little early after my first miscarriage, I was 13 weeks but baby only developed to 5 weeks, much like yours. I would call your OB and just ask about it though, the nurses are usually VERY helpful. About your hormone level, that's very common, especially with miscarriages. You may want to start using a progesterone cream to raise them. You can get more information from a health food store, or from emerita (that's one of the ones that I like - link below - click on menopause and perimenopause). I was told by a very wonderful nurse to keep using it through the first trimester and then stop after that and I have 2 beautiful children now and am currently trying for #3! Good luck and there is LOTS of information on progesterone on the internet, take some time and check it out.

2007-06-14 10:01:25 · answer #3 · answered by Harleygirl 3 · 1 0

When I had my d&c, it took about 5 weeks to get a period. I was hoping that we had already gotten pg again, but that didn't happen. That first period was really different from my regular. It was short and very heavy. They say that's perfectly normal.

I'd say call your Dr, just to be sure. Now is when you don't want to take any extra chances.

It took us 2 months of "trying" to get pg again. It had taken 9 to get pg the first time, so I'd say that the increased fertility is true. I'm sure you'll be able to get pg soon. Oh btw - I bought and used the clear blue easy fertility monitor since I had always had fairly irregular cycles. It is easy to use and it worked! You might want to check out the reviews on amazon.com. It's a smidge cheaper there than anywhere else.

Good luck!

2007-06-15 00:15:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Wait a minute. "baby was 5 weeks and I was supposed to be 15 weeks along". This doesn't make any sense. If you were only 5 weeks, are you sure you were actually pregnant - I mean did you actually take a test or see a doctor? The reason I ask is because my ex-wife always seemed to have irregular cycles and then said she was pregnant when she went more than about 4 weeks without a period. We had to deal with a number of miscarriages which I'm inclined to believe were just late/heavy periods.

Since I can't give you first hand information, I apologize if I overstepped my bounds here.

2007-06-14 09:56:00 · answer #5 · answered by Justin H 7 · 1 2

When i had a miscarriage i thought it was my period i bleed for 6 days and it didnt take not even a month and i was on my period again and that next month i started and was pregnant at the same time. So yeah it could be your normal period. If it bothers you so much I would go have a checkup.

2007-06-14 11:12:29 · answer #6 · answered by Jessica G 1 · 0 0

as quickly as I miscarried my rfile instructed me i might bleed for a week to 3 weeks (quite till my physique have been given each thing out... I bled for 13 days). He additionally instructed me that it frequently takes 6-8 weeks when you end bleeding in the previous you ought to have your next era. It took me just about 8. wish that helped slightly. Sorry approximately your loss. i be attentive to how no longer elementary this is. yet shop your head up... my rfile additionally instructed me that when you miscarry, you're VERY VERY VERY fertile for approximately 4 months. So while you're desirous to get pregnant lower back, bypass have some relaxing including your guy.

2016-10-09 05:26:44 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Dr. Silver is a bit of a farce. Or are you really a doctor pretending to be a college kid concerned about bunnies?

Sorry about your miscarriage! It does sound like your period but only a real doctor knows best. Good luck hon.

2007-06-14 10:05:42 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

Hi, I am a doctor and no it isn't your period. It is probably hormones because when you are pregnet you don't have your peroid until you have the baby. People have come to me a lot asking about this. I would say' " Do not take tylenol because it can hurt the fetus when you are bleeding. Wipe it with a damp paper towel. ( Not TOILET PAPER!) If you didn't have your period yet, it is possible. If a big glush of blood came out you may be lucky. It is not safe to have sex when you don't have your period. It can cause a diease because your about to have your period and the eggs aren't fully delveloped and aren't ready to be feretalized by having sex. Good luck with the baby, you will be very lucky if you don't get the diease. Bye for now. Dr. Silver.

2007-06-14 09:59:47 · answer #9 · answered by BoY CrAzZii 1 · 0 4

I think you should see your obgyn to be safe. Don't take advice from here when it comes to your health, get professional advice. You only get one body, ya know? Sorry about your loss though. Hope your doing alright.

2007-06-14 09:52:23 · answer #10 · answered by Wutz it worth 2 ya? 6 · 1 0

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