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Somebody told me once that "we are the product of the evolution of the dinosaurs". Added that even if we suppose that they got extinct, they really didn't extincted at all, and that had evolved into all the diversity of living beings that actually exist, including humans. Is that right? He used that argumentation because I asked him why the dinosaurs´s level of intelligence didn't evolve?

2007-06-14 09:31:36 · 9 answers · asked by timmysanz 2 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

9 answers

Not quite but we are here because the dinosaurs died out. So we are more the products of their demise than their evolution.

Humans are mammals not reptiles. At the time when dinosaurs "ruled" mammals were confined to being insectovores. Small shrewlike creatures that scurried around on the ground eating bugs. After the K-T event, the massextinction that killed off amongst others the dinosaurs, the earth was an empty place. It took thousands of years for life to make a comeback but the creatures that survived, like the shrew, found a lush world they were completely free to inhabit. And the mammals quickly began to take up all the niches in nature that the dinosaurs once had for themselves. Birds also survived the K-T event and also began to inhabit the world. Birds, unlike mammals, did evolve from dinosaurs.

In nature what is the purpose of intelligence? A brain the size of ours needs lots of energy making us more exposed to hunger. We starve relatively easily. On the other hand intelligence made it possible for us to develop hunting techniques and techniques for storing food during times of abundance. And eventually we invented agriculture.

All life is really an experiment. Evolution works on a trial and error basis. A mutant is born with new abilities and maybe limbs. I these abilities are some how useul then the mutant will have more offspring. A huge brain is a huge risk and it took many "experiments" with earlier species of hominids before a succesful human species, us, came along. So what would have happened if the dinosaurs hadn´t gone extinct? Another 65 million years of evolution should have yielded a dinosaur with intelligence like ours, right? That is unknown. But the dinosaurs were so succesful for so long, almost 200 million years, that it seems unlikely that they would need intelligence. That an intelligent dinosaur would get a real advantage. So maybe there would be no intelligent beings on earth today if the dinosaurs hadn´t gone extinct.

2007-06-14 11:08:12 · answer #1 · answered by DrAnders_pHd 6 · 0 1

Dinosaurs and humans share a common ancestor, but we didn't evolve as the ancestors of the dinosaurs. We are decendents from the mammal lineage, which had members survive the mass extinction event at the K-T boundary (65 million years ago).

However, if you were to build the evolutionary family tree (called a phylogeny) of the dinosaurs, living members of this group are birds. The great diversity of birds represents the evolution of the dinos surviving the K-T mass extinction.

(I suspect that DrAnders_pHD does not have a doctorate in science. I would know.)

2007-06-14 14:32:23 · answer #2 · answered by Katia V 3 · 0 0

The evolution that led to us branched out long before dinosaurs.

The current theory is that birds evolved from dinosaurs. Many dinosaurs had hollow bones like birds.

Also note that they have just found a birdlike creature from the dinosaur era that was as big as a T-Rex.

2007-06-14 10:50:25 · answer #3 · answered by nick s 6 · 0 0

No we split off long before the dinosaurs. We area product of the small mammals that coexisted with the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs evolved most likely into what are modern birds.

2007-06-14 09:39:36 · answer #4 · answered by Gene 7 · 1 0

The dinosaurs became extinct because they became too heavy to sit on a limb of the tree of life....so all the limbs broke and they all fell to the ground and died from brain concussions. The young ones that survived took up the smoking habit and died from lung cancer. The last few that survived all that disaster evolved into the tasty chickens that we voraciously consume by the millions per week. So then, all life forms live on their own limb of the tree of life and I would go out on a limb and say, yes, we are related to Dinosaurs because we live on the same tree. And we are just as dumb as them because we smoke, get lung cancer and get too heavy from eating too much fast food. I figure by 2020, or maybe next year, the human limb will give way and kill us all, then, insects shall have the whole world to themselves.
So that's my opinion, we life forms is all .related and all is gunna git extincted... like real soon.... so dance all day and eat all night, right? Were all gunna die anyway so why not die happy and fat? Hope this helps you in yer science class. Cordially...perfesser Gargan....Hoboken University....Emeritus perfesser.

2007-06-14 10:04:20 · answer #5 · answered by MAD MOMMA 3 · 0 0

We did not evolve from dinosaurs.
I fact we did not evolve at all.
Evolution is a philosphical ide, a hypothesis - one that is not supported by the evidence.
If you are really interested to find out more then check out websites such as http://www.answersingenesis.org and http://www.creationontheweb.org to provide a counterbalance to the evolutionary drivel we're normally fed by the media and education system.

The evolutionary hypothesis is based on the assumption of uniformitarianism - the evidence (eg rocks & fossils) we see today was formed by the processes we see acting today. The evidence in fact fits much better witht the Biblical account of the global flood. You don't fossilise even a tiny creature excpet by catastrophic burial.
The reason the flood explanation is rejected is not scientific but religious. Atheists will believe literally anything except that the Bible might be true.

For example, there is abundant evidence that dinosaurs (aka dragons) have existed alongside people.
Those that think the dinosaurs died out millions of years ago are perhaps unaware of the large amount of evidence indicating that they lived recently alongside man.

There are many written accounts and depictions of dinosaurs.
Remember that the word dinosaur was invented in 1841. Before that people used names like dragon.
People from all over the world have accounts of dinosaurs: the Chinese who have incorporated it into their lunar calendar, The Welsh who have the dragon in their flag; The account of the Saxon Beowolf; The native american thunderbird; and other stories from many other nations. The Romans even made mosaics of them.

Furthermore, dinosaur fossils have even been found containing blood cells - hardly 65 million years old.

2007-06-14 10:54:40 · answer #6 · answered by a Real Truthseeker 7 · 0 4

Both we humans and the dinosaurs are the products of biological evolutionary processes. We are, however, on a very different branch of Earth's "family tree" than the dinosaurs. We are not their direct descendants.

2007-06-14 10:06:40 · answer #7 · answered by SallyJM 5 · 1 0

No, we didn't evolve from dinosaurs. There were mammals living at the time of the dinosaurs, and we evolved from them. Some species of dino evolved into birds.

2007-06-14 09:35:24 · answer #8 · answered by eri 7 · 1 0

i'm chuffed the thought-approximately God is evolving so we no longer could desire to sacrifice a human on a daily basis just to make the sunlight upward push like the Mayans did. notwithstanding, God has a protracted thank you to conform nevertheless as considered by capacity of the lots of people who say an All-Loving God could desire to hate this or that.

2016-10-07 12:37:49 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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