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Has it really come down to this? last nights news abc,nbc... (propaganda) on iraq, showed taliban fighters blowing up a mosque in Baghdad and comiting other acts of mayhem, on this day when no US forces where confirmed dead by the DOD, and no HUMMVE'S were mangled , the brainwashers had no sad news to report from the front lines...would it have been to much to do a god damm story on the positive things that occur each and every day in the middle east?? instead they focused on Bush's disapearing watch.... Mr. Bush should be commended for his efforts ,not ridiculed,,the time to get off the bashing band wagon is now......Semper Fi Bush 08

2007-06-14 09:05:20 · 13 answers · asked by LAVADOG 5 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Bush did not divide the country, you chose to be divided

2007-06-14 09:39:59 · update #1

my mistake ...TOUR = YOUR

2007-06-14 12:01:01 · update #2

13 answers

Well that is just what the liberals do. Bash Bush. They do not really know how to do anything else except for call hearings and go on witch hunts. They can't possibly give any good news from Iraq. The link below shows a little bit of good that is going on over there that you will never see the liberal drive by media do a story on. It would actually give Bush some positive attention and we all know they can't have that happen. It would go against their agenda.


2007-06-14 09:13:19 · answer #1 · answered by bhopefull 3 · 1 3

Nice tirade. Since when has the news covered anything good? There is a song by the Eagles about dirty laundry. That would sum up my opinion of pretty much all news companies. As for being commended, attacking a country based on false information that was highly transparently false is hardly reason to be commended. There were basically no terrorists in Iraq before we attacked. The CIA says they had nothing to do with 9-11. There were at least three other countries at the time with major support coming to terrorists but instead we ignored them and went to fight a war in a country that should have barely even been on our radar. Yeah great. Besides, a mosque getting blown up is rather a large deal and if I recall right it was sectarian Shiite Sunni stuff, not Taliban.

2007-06-14 09:15:03 · answer #2 · answered by Memnoch 4 · 2 1

4 years later we have yet to:
1- secure the country
2- bring power and water to the major cities
3- bring the fractions together
4- have a successful Iraqi Army and police force
5- have a stable Iraqi constitution
6- rebuilt the destroyed towns and cities
7- most important search, find,and defeat Al Qaeda IN Iraq AND in the world
8- find Bin Laden

Mind you #7 & 8 were PROMISES made by this administration and Bush himself after 911.
What positive do you want from Iraq? that Saddam is dead? big deal ... that the oil is secure? do you see an advantage at the pump when you fill up? ... that people go to school and to the market? ... people need to survive despite the war nothing amazing there. what other positive things do you want? ... Oh I forgot Iraq has a soccer team now and women vote...WOW! amazing.
Iraq is Chaos ... Saddam who kept our worse enemy Iran under control is now gone leaving the door wide open for Shiites and Irani to go and do as they please.
WOW what a progress.
It is not about Bashing Bush ... Bush started post 911 in an AWESOME way by attaking the REAL enemy the Talibans ... but then his, Cheney and Rumy's personal views took over and here we are bearing the illigitimate son of personal vendetta: IRAQ.

2007-06-14 10:30:42 · answer #3 · answered by caliguy_30 5 · 1 2

Lol..Another blind follower of Dubya. Good thing is they become fewer with every passing day, finally opening their eyes to what many have seen all along. The guy has us in a useless, needless war, regardless of casualties count. He has spent 200 billion on his "war against terrorism" whatever the hell that might mean. Iraq has no connections with Osama. He outright lied to the entire world saying that Iraq had WMD, just as an excuse to attack. War isnt to be taken lightly friends. Only under the noblest of causes. It kills many, brings misery to many and their families, ruins lives, destroys, period. Everyone agrees 9/11 was a tragedy, but cmon, you dont go take over another country because of it. No wonder most countries deplore us now. We cant try to be a policeman of the entire world. We need to butt out a little bit, and just concentrate on Bin Laden. I'd bet that within a year after we leave Iraq finally, whenever that is, itll go back to same old same old, with a new Saddam put in power. Always has been that way in the middle east.

2007-06-14 22:56:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Tour actions? I'm going to assume you meant "your actions". You should read a very interesting book called Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man by Marshall McLuhan. It may explain how the media reacts to certain events and how the viewer receives the message. This is relevant because people are seeing images of explosions on TV and assume the worst. It is the veteran, and the people who have been there who have the true story, and to take the medias prospective at all times is ridicules. As I say these things, I must also say that good news in general is mostly never reported, not just in Iraq.

2007-06-14 09:17:45 · answer #5 · answered by Big Dave 4 · 2 2

We've been waiting for 6+ years for Bush to do something right? So far he hasn't. And that is the medias fault? The guy is a walking, talking (not well) blooper reel. We've should have known from the start since everything Bush has touched his entire life and gone to hell. At least he is consistent, consistently bad.

2007-06-14 10:33:38 · answer #6 · answered by ndmagicman 7 · 1 1

I have Not bashed bush for a few days, but I will defend my past bashing if you wish.

bush is the worst president in U.S. history and one of the worst leaders in all of recorded history.
You have to go back to Nero and his fiddle to find a leader as bad as bush ( I'm talking about leaders of powerful nations ).

No leader in history ever divided his own country during a time of war. Yet bush did.
After 9-11 everyone in the United States came together.
We all stood united against the terrorists.
But bush used 9-11 for political reasons and divided the greatest nation in the world doing so.

2007-06-14 09:33:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Oh, you silly Bush supporters.

Defend "Tour" Actions??

Please, explain what good we've brought to Baghdad besides all the death, violence and destruction of infrastructure. If you can, I know it's hard, but provide some sources for your information that way I can educate myself on all the good Bush has done. I've looked all over but I can't find anything.

2007-06-14 11:35:19 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Amen Bro! The left wing media is out of control. It sounds like a cliche but it canNOT be overstated. Granted, Bush has made mistakes...he's made BAD mistakes. But so have other Presidents. Bush isn't perfect but one thing's for sure is that he does NOT waver. He has stayed the course. The position he's taken certainly has had it's ups and downs as any other position would have (i.e. flip flopping like Mit Romney or John Kerry) but at least he's consistent. Maybe invading Iraq was a mistake but undermining our troops by reporting nothing but the negatives about the war is almost criminal. It's the "in" thing to do to "bash Bush." And the truth is, most of these people out here bashing bush don't know what they're talking about in the first place. I like to call these people "Coffee House Congressmen." These are people that don't watch the news, dont' read the paper, and flat out know nothing about the war on terror or even President Bush for that matter. All they do is go to their local Star Bucks and talk about how Bush is the worst human being alive. I've not heard one solid argument as to why that is which tells me people are as stupid as they ever were...and most of THESE people are the first ones to say "don't believe everything you see on TV" lol freakin' idiots. These people need th do themselves a favor and educate themselves. Watch the news, read the paper, and stay off these ridiculous internet blogs filled with more idiotic uneducated people. Maybe they'd still bash Bush and maybe they wouldn't but at least they'd sound like they have half a brain...

Ducky...do yourself a favor and try coming up with your OWN thoughts. "Worst President in US History?" "Nero???" I man Come ON. What clever left wing website did you get your catchy arguments from? There are people out there who bash Bush but they defend it the right way and they have a lot of Validity to what they say. Why? Because they tell me WHY? AND they back it up with fact. Bush didn't divide this country, we did. And for you to say the Bush invaded Iraq for political reasons is absolutely ridiculous because HE WAS ALREADY THE PRESIDENT. Thousands had died in Iraq and he STILL one the election in '04. I want you to tell me how Bush has gained political favor be invading Iraq (hint: its' a loaded question that I know you can't answer...he HASN'T gained anything politically...heck the GOP is walking out on him as we speak) The Bush Administration did what they felt they had to do to protect this country. Maybe they shouldn't have invaded Iraq and maybe it was a mistake (it's starting to look that way) but remember, THEY attacked US on 9/11 NOT the other way around. And to the idiot who said that there were virtually no terrorists in Iraq before we invaded, get a clue man. I mean seriously. You people making these statements COULD have a point...except that you DON'T. Don't just tel me who and what, tell me WHY, and make it make SENSE. Ducky, stay off the websites and try to come up with an original thought. I KNOW you can do better than that...

adensaa you silly boy.... You know as well as I do that I didn't say educate yourself on "all the good bush has done." Nice way to turn it around though, it ALMOST got by me...and for the record I am NOT a Bush supporter...yeah kinda shocking isn't it? I'm just tired of liberals making Americans look bad
is all.
You know it's kinda funny that these left wingers out here don't allow email or IM.....Anybody that wants to debate with me, I'm up for it any time. Unblock yourselves if you're confident in what you say.

2007-06-14 09:19:57 · answer #9 · answered by Eddie 2 · 2 2

your absolutely right ! I support bush 100% and trust what he does. people get mad about the war well what is a war thats what happens people die. people who bash bush bash the soldiers and in my opinion are basically stupid

2007-06-14 10:23:04 · answer #10 · answered by guitar_hero_pandora 1 · 1 1

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