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What's the point of circumcision? And besides religious beliefs, why do some people do it and others not?

2007-06-14 08:56:07 · 21 answers · asked by Ashley 2 in Health Men's Health

21 answers

Besides religious reasons most people do it because "it's the thing to do" culturally or socially. Basically for aesthetic reasons. Outside religious reasons, there are several claims to circumcision that many (if not most) people believe that have been proven rather false.

Some people believe the circumcised penis is cleaner or more hygienic, requiring less maintanence. In actuality, the uncircumcised penis is very easy to clean and keep clean (link 1). Furthermore, the newly circumcised penis in infants requires constant care and monitoring for the first 2 weeks or so, to make sure there's no complications or infections (assuming the procedure goes well).

Some people belive that a circumcised guy is less prone to infections and/or STDs. Most studies actually show no significant difference between a circumcised and uncircumcised guy in regards to getting STDs. There have been recent studies that say circumcision may decreas the rate of getting HIV, but other studies show that proper genital hygiene essentially negates this supposed benefit of circumcision on HIV (link 2). So it can be seen that good genital hygiene can prevent/minimize a lot of later problems, and can even be consider the great equalizer.

At one time people believed that circumcision was an ultra-cure because it prevents masturbation, doing so by decreasing the sensitivity of the penis. This was when masturbation was blamed as the source of many diseases including epilepsy and insanity. While circumcision does decrease sensitivity (link 3) - and also potentially the satisfaction/pleasure of everyone (link 4, 5) - it does nothing to even decrease the frequency of masturbation.

But, there are some valid reasons to get circumcised. Sometimes, albeit rarely (in less than 5% of uncircumcised men), there may be problems involving the foreskin that can't otherwise be remedied. Such cases involve extreme phimosis (where the foreskin opening is so tight/narrow that it can't be pulled back and erections are painful) and recurrent & frequent irritations/infections.

So other than religious reasons, a lot of people are erroneously circumcised out of a wrong belief that the circumcised penis is cleaner, less prone to infections/STDs, and is simply better. Most studies show that it either makes to no difference or it's the exact opposite (well, the foreskin's probably there for a reason).

And lastly, it might be worth mentioning that about 70-80% of the world's male population is uncircumcised, a fact that many people/societies that circumcise either don't know or find surprising. See the remaining links for further discussion on the issue.

2007-06-14 09:50:44 · answer #1 · answered by trebla_5 6 · 3 2

It has NEVER been PROVEN that circumcised prevents HIV to any exstent. Condoms and abstinence prevents HIV an STD's NOT circumcision. Circumcison is nothing more than a deturrent. If you are having sex with someone who is infected you are going to get what they have, circumcised or not. Condoms are 80%-90% effective (depending on the STD) and Absitence is 100% effective. So no circumcised is not the better option. Plus why does it make a difference if you knew that when you had your son? It's your son's body no matter what. That is his decision to make not yours. Plus I think it's pretty bad that some parents assume their children will be whores when they are infants. Teach your child how to wear a condom and chose wisely with who they have sex with. Don't cut off parts of their genitals and reduce their enjoyment of sex. Condoms are and will always be more effective. Plus that claim has never been proven. Only studies have been done on it. Studies show relationships between two things and similarities. Like the studies done in Africa showed circumcised men had a lesser previlence of HIV. However every single study done outside Africa has shown that there are no differences in HIV previlence amoung either type. Studys do NOT show causation. They only show relationships. Which means after a study has been done you can only say there was a similarity but to prove that the similarity is not a coincidence and to prove that it's not due to other conditions you have to do an exsperiement. This shows causation and therefore proves the original claim. Not exseriment has been done to show this as true. And every other study done on it has proven the claim wrong. So no it's not safe to say circumcised prevents anything when it comes to anyone else but Africans. There is something specific about Africa that causes that relationship, however that cause isn't here. One of the biggest theories about the fact that this has only been proven in Africa is hygiene. Since Americans and other developed countries (like all of Europe) we have much better hygiene and are less prone to disease. -Connor

2016-05-20 04:03:14 · answer #2 · answered by mavis 3 · 0 1

Circumcison is a pretty controversial topic when it comes to new baby boys. Doctors will tell you that the medical reason behind it is hygiene and also to prevent constriction or inflamation of the head of the penis. Little boys aren't generally the best at keeping the area down below clean and dry and when it comes to foreskin it can collect all kinds of bacteria, and can cause infection if it isn't kept clean. As men age (past 70 or 80) they generally don't care for that area very well and get infections and sometimes even blockages because they don't perform good peri care. The other issue can be constriction of the head of the penis. This can block the urinary meatus and cause major pain and bladder issues.

The key is to teach little boys who are uncircumcised how to care for their down below area and keep things clean. I know many a father who got their baby circumcised so they "look the same" as the other boys. It's a personal choice and it really does hurt the baby when the doctor does it. They don't remember it but it still makes them hollar. Their are some complications to circumcision that should be dicussed as well. Sometimes scar tissue can form making an obstruction or circumcision isn't complete and more surgery can be required.
Good Luck! Thanks for listening!

2007-06-14 09:04:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

It's been said that it's easier for the male to keep clean and there is less infection if they have a circumcision. At the same time the reason some don't is because they believe it is mulitilation and the male is more sensitive down there if he does not get a circumcision.

2007-06-14 08:59:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Some doctors say the foreskin can cause cervical cancer, though I don't buy that belief. Some people have it done so their boys can "look like daddy." Some say it's for hygiene purposes. Neither of my boys are circumcised and we've had no problem with hygiene. If in the future my boys want to become circumcised or need to have it done for some medical reason then that is for them or the doctors to decide. Until then I'm not going to let anybody cut anything off my kids unless it is proven to be medically necessary to save life or limb.

2007-06-14 09:05:54 · answer #5 · answered by GhanimaAK 1 · 3 3

There are many new studies suggesting that circumcision can actually reduce the chance of spreading HIV/Aids by 70%.
And there have been a number of studies in the past concluding that circumcised males are less prone to STDs than uncircumcized ones.

2007-06-14 09:17:23 · answer #6 · answered by coqueto 3 · 2 0

A circumcision is not only for religious reasons, but also for health concerns. Sometimes, a non-circumcised penis will become infected because it is not cleaned properly.

2007-06-14 09:23:12 · answer #7 · answered by Juanitaville 5 · 4 0

By removing the foreskin, there is less likelihood of having a buildup of smegma and its attendant odor. Also, aesthetically speaking, some people don't like the anteater look. On the other hand, with the foreskin intact, one can pleasure himself without the need for lubricant (which may have something to do with why so many religions advocate the practice of circumcision).

2007-06-14 09:00:07 · answer #8 · answered by Leonard Moo 3 · 4 2

The point of it at one time to my understanding is that it was to help sanitary conditions for men. If inproperly cleaned can cause infections.

Some people think it's horrible to do to a child, some people think that it is barbaric......yet those same people pierce girls ears.

and in the same turn we have people who do that but think peircing a girls ears is barbaric.

Personal choice.

ps to the person above me, it's not the skin that so much has the nerves but the very end of the penis, which is made up of the same nerve endings as a womens clitoris.

2007-06-14 09:00:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Circumcision is done for several reasons. One, it improves hygiene of the male genitals as there is not the build up of smegma within the foreskin. Two, Families that have circumcised their male children will keep on doing it generation after generation, as it is a social cultural bias on their part. three, men who have been circumcised are less likely to have wives with cervical cancer for some reason and their chances of penile carcinoma are reduced.

2007-06-14 09:01:11 · answer #10 · answered by bertojame 2 · 4 3

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