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Why do Blacks complain so much about rights in this Country, since they were imports and the INDIANS that were here are the real Americans who should have a complaint. Their Country was taken from them and they were put on Reservations. What exactly does the ter AFRICAN AMERICAN mean. Your either African or you are American. Few if any blacks in this Country are African and wouldn't survive in Africa.

2007-06-14 07:10:59 · 34 answers · asked by Cactus 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

34 answers

Everyone complains. But the reason why we complain is because of the majority. Regardless of what race you are. The majority complains. Black majority use the past of being slaves. And then being oppressed. Hispanics complain about being oppressed. Everyone has been oppressed and yet we cannot get past the past. First lets clarify and summarize a few things. Europeans came to the U.S. because they were oppressed. They went to war with the natives. Natives lost. Different tribes in Africa were at war with each other. They needed money. So they sold people (Slaves). Slaves were freed. Country was born. Blacks were oppressed because of race. Just like the Irish, Italian, ect. Land was purchased. Another war lost, people broke away from Mexico. Hispanics also oppressed.
Everyone is/was oppressed. But everyone stays in their groups. Instead of moving on, they cling to the past and to their groups. I’m not says forget about your culture. But if we don’t stop describing the Anglos as Americans and everyone else as African American, Mexican American, Hispanics, Japanese American, ect. We are never going to be able to stop the complaints and unit as Americans.

2007-06-14 08:25:19 · answer #1 · answered by Damian S 2 · 0 0

These questions are becoming less and less interesting and more annoying. Native Americans have fought long and hard for equal rights, just because you don't hear about it doesn't mean it's not happening. If everyone was treated equally and fairly no one would need to complain. Many groups add their heritage to the word American such as Irish-American, Italian-American etc. If someone chooses to do that...whats wrong with it? How do you know if a person would survive somewhere else? African-Americans survived the middle passage where thousands died, those that did survive made it through slavery, the Jim crow era (which my parents went through), segregation etc. So who are to say what the human spirit will survive and overcome.

2007-06-14 08:42:41 · answer #2 · answered by Lee 4 · 1 0

Actually, African American is the term that most white Americans prefer. At least it is in my experiences. Also, I think every American, especially minorities, have reason to complain. Some complaints get more attention then others because one group of miniorities out numbers the others. Thus it is more of them to please. Thats sad but honest truth. And as sure as I am sitting here in about 10 years or so, you will be asking the same questions about hispanics.

2007-06-14 07:58:43 · answer #3 · answered by MJMGrand 6 · 1 0

I actually think its unfair to compare the two and make one situation more signifcant than the other. Both situations were hurtful and dehumanizing and both groups still suffer from beliefs and principles introduced in those unfortunate circumstances. Also note that Africans were brought over by force and not by their on will. I actually spoke to an African about the term ,"African American" several years ago. He told me that most Africans are not comfortable with us calling ourselves that. He said that Africa is a continent, therefore calling yourself African American makes no sense. He said Africans don't call themselves Africans. They use the name of their country to identify who they are. For example, if you are from Nigeria you are Nigerian not "African". The definition of African American for me is, you are stating you are American but also acknowledging the roots from your descendents, which are from the continent of Africa. You are showing respect to both your present and past. I also beg to differ on the survival of a black person in Africa. There is more to Africa then the geographic magazine pics. There are parts of Africa that have a thriving economy and business district. Africa is quite westernized. I actually know people who have moved there and they are doing absolutely fine. If you ever have a chance, visit St. Helena, South Carolina. All the "blacks" on the island that live there are DIRECT descendants from slaves. They speak Englsh but with an African accent. Amongst themselves they speak Gullah, which is English mixed with the West African Language. Get out and learn. Expose yourself to other things beside the familiar. All of our diversities are beautiful to me. Peace and love to you and everyone of every race......

2007-06-14 09:31:48 · answer #4 · answered by fuvila 2 · 0 0

If you were denied the rights that they were for so many years, you would complain too. Less than fifty years ago, they couldn't use the same restaurants, hotels, or even drink out of the same water fountains as whites in many places. The term African American is a way to remain in touch with their heritage. Remember, the did not come here of their own choice, and if they had the choice, they would have stayed in Africa.

2007-06-14 07:21:41 · answer #5 · answered by Phillies 2008 WS Champions! 3 · 3 1

Well, first of all, black people were brought here against their will. There are fewer American Indians, so therefore you hear less about it. In addition, they have found a way to benefit from the whole reservation situation. Secondly, I am hearing fewer and fewer black people favor the "African American" title. Thirdly, I am on the fence about their complaints. I think that there is a vicious cycle that is keeping them down and we are all a part of it. Racial profiling is a fact, however it is a fact that a large percentage of crime is committed by people who are black (men especially), however, if it is assumed that you will be a criminal, from the day you are born (due to racial profiling) and you are treated like a criminal and troublemaker, regardless of what you do and how you try to improve, eventually you might as well turn to crime. It's easier and you are already being blamed for it. There are so many issues that lead up to this. And honestly, judging by your question, you are not prepared to discuss this with an open mind.

2007-06-14 07:20:40 · answer #6 · answered by lovestogarden 3 · 3 3

Whites complain too! You complain about your own people. Meaning that if your next door neighbor has something more newer then what you have, you have to go out and get a better one. It's called keeping up with the Jone's! White people complain if a minority ANY minority gets a raise on their job. The same job that the white man has been on for 10 years more then the minority. You all get angry. You're greedy! You can't stand to see anyone have more then you! So don't even try it! Like white people are so golden! You're the biggest complainers out of every race you just don't say it real loud. That's because you're on the phone behind each others backs gossiping! Sticking the knife in as far as it will go! Firing minorities on their jobs by tattle tailing because someone got cut a break and you didn't! What we as minorities do we learned from the best! You the white man! So stop the madness sweetie, because you've been kicking in our backs long enough!

2007-06-14 07:22:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Oh my God, my abdomen hurts so undesirable from giggling at this asinine 1/2 theory out damaged English rant. i respect that you're complaining about black human beings complaining too a lot. Pot, please meet kettle. EDIT: And Alex, you discuss Cuban's as if they are exempt from fault. have you ever considered what the Cuban's did to Florida? Do you fairly component that Hispanics are the victims of black racists. i comprehend first hand from turning out to be up in So. Cal. and having Hispanic pals from all international locations that what you're saying is an finished lie. maximum Latin international locations inspite of having some black populations hate black human beings. they have self belief each and every stereotype or maybe as they arrive to this u . s . the racism interior of their custom is amazingly prevelant.

2016-11-23 21:20:00 · answer #8 · answered by rosenberger 4 · 0 0

Never said I was from Africa or I was African American!

Are you from Africa???? How do you know that we would not be able to survive? Do you speak for all of us? Hell to tha NO! Don't assume anything you do not have proof of.

2007-06-14 07:42:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The term "African American" was adopted by by the ******, because they decided that they did not like to be called by a technically correct term (*****). They were happy with the term "black" for a while, but then they decided that African American was even better. One wonders why it is that this group of people spend so much of their energy deciding what they want to be called. You would not have much luck making the term "caucasian" disappear, but that is what happened with the term ***** (*******). How long has it been since you read or heard this term spoken? Yet you hear the word "Caucasian" all the time. Also they like this term because it keeps them separate from just regular Americans. I don't see whites going around calling them selves "European Americans", and this is because they are very happy to be just Americans. It's not the same with ******. They want to be ****** first....and then maybe American.

2007-06-14 07:23:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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