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It seems to me that being bisexual means that you need a relationship with members of both genders to be completely happy, so I think that would make a committed relationship like marriage, life partnership, or just long-term dating difficult. Am I way off here?

2007-06-14 07:07:53 · 15 answers · asked by Mike P 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

15 answers

I think it is possible. My fiancee is bi. He has had sex with both men and women. For him, he couldn't be in a real relationship with another man. It was purely sexual. He likes anal sex, and lets face it, most women wouldn't dream of putting their fingers up their man's bum. Or put a strap on, on and go at it. Well, he still finds men attractive, he likes how they look, big deal. He tells me all the time, there was a time in his life when he never thought he could be completely happy because that part of the sex would be missing. Well he was wrong. He found me, and I have no problem with doing what ever I can to full fill him sexually that way. Why Not? He has actually told me, I was better than any guy he had been with. Mine never goes limp!!! LOL!!! It is all personal preference, and what it is that they are attracted to about either sex. Don't get me wrong, I do think that there are people that can't be happy. They will feel something is missing, it just depends on the person, and what their attractions are. Everyone is different. If you are very lucky, you find that person that can do everything you need. Hell two straight people can be together and not be happy because they feel like they are missing something. I should know. I was married to a straight man for 7 years. BORING!!! I never knew sex could be so good. I actually think being with a bi man is the best sex ever!!! So many things you can do. It is fun. We are just very honest with each other, and I think that is why it works for us. He never lied to me, he told me. He was completely honest about things most people wouldn't be. I think communication, and understanding is key to making any relationship work. If he wouldn't have been honest with me, then he would feel like he is missing something, because for number one, he wouldn't be able to be himself. No one can be happy living a lie. And he wouldn't have opened my mind to trying so many new things, that I found out I quite enjoy. You can email me, and I can give you his email if you would like to talk to him, he would be happy to discuss it with you. At the beginning of our relationship I had tons of doubts. Not anymore. Just be who you are, and honest with yourself, and your partner, and things will be alot better.

2007-06-14 14:20:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are way off. I'm bisexual and I have no desire to have a relationship with two people at once. If I was going out with a woman, I'd only want her. If I was going out with a man, I'd only want him. When you enter into a monogamous type relationship, the promise is not that you won't be attracted to other people; its natural to be attracted to many people during your lifetime. The promise is that you won't act on it.

And I think you are confusing bisexuality with polyamory. Poly is the opposite of mono, as in monogamy. It means many loves, or loving more than one in an emotional or sexual way. It doesn't always have to do with sex. A lot of people who cheat on their partners are probably polyamorous and in denial. People who actually practice polyamoury are honest about what they do and have agreements with their partners. Not all poly people are bisexual, bu many are. That's about the only connection I can see.

2007-06-16 15:22:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes, you are. Being bisexual means that your are *attracted* to members of both sexes, not that you need to sleep with *both* a guy and girl at the same time to be happy.

If a bisexual girl, for instance, were to go out with another girl, I'm sure the relationship would be fine (assuming they get along well, love each other, etc., etc.). She would not run off with the next Tome, Dick, or Harry to pass by. She may think they're cute/hot or whatever, but I doubt that would come in between her relationship.

I'm sure you're attracted to other guys/girls (depending on your sexuality) aside from your partner (though I doubt you'd openly admit to it), but you would never act on them if you truly cared for your partner, now would you? Same with bisexuals.

2007-06-14 14:31:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

(what's with the two above answerers?)

im bisexual, i'm not put off by either gender (i like guys and girls).

im monogamous, aka, i'm in a same sex relationship, and its the only relationship that i have, or want.

im happy, this man makes me the happiest person in the world, and i could care less about anyone else walking past.

bisexuality means that you can fall in love with either gender, but it doesn't mean that we can't be happy with the one person.

heterosexual guys will always oggle that younger, prettier girl who walks by, but do they instantly break off their long term relationship for this girl? no.

homosexual guys will always think "he's so cute" when that new guy on the block strolls past, but do they instantly abandon everything for him? no.

i've been in a same-sex, monogamous, long-distance relationship for almost 3 years, and have only been close to him for about 2 weeks a year for each of those years, and yet through it all, i have no desire to be with anyone else, and am the happiest person in the world, next year he's emmigrating to the uk, and we're considering getting a civil partnership.

bisexuality, is no different to any other sexuality, all it is, is that we don't dislike either gender.

2007-06-14 14:13:36 · answer #4 · answered by §ilver 5 · 6 0

This is a myth. Some people are poly whether or not they identify as bisexual. Some people are monogomous whether or not they identify as bisexual.

Also, there is such a thing as committed poly. ^_~

Not to mention, there are more than two sexes, and certainly more than two genders... I identify as queer sexual (urbandictionary.com) and I also live aware of several more than two sexes, more than two genders (and people who dont' identify as a gender). While I do identify as poly, I am in a monogomous relationship with someone who isn't a man or a woman, a male or a female, and i'm very content.

I'm not bisexual. I am attracted to more than just a single sex, or a single gender.

*sex and gender defined as sepperate in this post.

sex- body dynamic
gender- behavior dynamic

2007-06-14 14:16:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

It depends on the bisexual individual.

There are some who prefer poly (relationships with more than one person at the same time) but there are also some who are (and only want) monogamous relationships.

This is more down to the person rather than the orientation, as some homosexuals and heterosexuals are poly.

2007-06-14 17:26:54 · answer #6 · answered by nemesis 5 · 2 0

Horribly off. It just means you're attracted to members of both genders. I mean, if you're straight, do you have to sleep with EVERYONE of the opposite sex to be completely fulfilled? No. Being bisexual just means that you admit that both genders are attractive to you and you could see yourself being with either.

2007-06-14 14:40:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

It doesn't make it hard to stay commited to one person. I've been pretty commited to one of my "friends" for a while and have no problem with wanting to be with anyone else. =^.^=

2007-06-15 22:59:19 · answer #8 · answered by punkfairie 2 · 0 0

Well if you were married to a blonde but liked brunettes as well, does that mean you couldn't stay faithful to your blonde wife?

2007-06-14 14:22:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

my ex was bi and cheated on me with women then lied about it, he wants a committed relationship but he can't control his sexual urge to be with both sexes. some bi people can commit to one person though

2007-06-14 14:24:42 · answer #10 · answered by TRACER ™ 6 · 1 2

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