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sometimes i think im being
lied toand everything goes wrong!!!!

2007-06-14 07:05:39 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Trivia

30 answers

If it's a man, it's easy to tell . If their lips are moving, they're lying.

2007-06-14 07:19:35 · answer #1 · answered by Pangloss-OccupyR 4 · 1 1

It's very difficult, often impossible, to tell if a person is lying. Some people can hide the fact that they're lying, while others blush, perspire, or even tremble. Unfortunately, this doesn't get easier with time. Even adults with many years' worth of experience can't always pinpoint a lie. However, if this person has told you many lies, I would suspect him/her every time he tells me something. Lying can be a crime that sends you to jail. Martha Stewart, the great chef on TV, was sent to jail for 5 months for lying. She served her full time, even though she's a multi-millionaire. Liars destroy their own reputations. Eventually, they'll be caught and then no one will ever believe them.

2007-06-14 14:12:49 · answer #2 · answered by Elaine P...is for Poetry 7 · 0 1

When many people lie they look up and to the LEFT. This indicates that they are using the RIGHT half of their brain (the creative/imaginative side). Usually trying to "create" a story, rather than using the left side which is the more logical/concrete fact side. Remember that either side of body is controlled by the opposite side of the brain. For example: If a person were to have a stroke in the Left side of the brain it is likely that the Right side would be paralyzed.

2007-06-14 16:13:05 · answer #3 · answered by ErinLindsay 5 · 0 1

Below are a list of traits and signs accumulated from a wide variety of sources.
. Liars tend to move their arms, hands, and fingers less and blink less than people telling the truth do, and liars' voices can become more tense or high-pitched. The extra effort needed to remember what they've already said and to keep their stories consistent may cause liars to restrain their movements and fill their speech with pauses. People shading the truth tend to make fewer speech errors than truth tellers do, and they rarely backtrack to fill in forgotten or incorrect details.
. People who lie tend to avoid details in favor of bold facts. Liars tended to string together very simple actions. They tend to avoid details.
. Sadness is very hard to fake. When someone is genuinely sad, the forehead wrinkles with grief and the inner corners of the eyebrows are pulled up. By contrast, the lowering of the eyebrows associated with an angry scowl can be faked by almost everybody. If someone says they are sad and the inner corners of their eyebrows don't go up, they are likely faking it.

. People who are uncomfortable or lying often repeat the question you ask them.
. When we smile genuinely we move more than just our mouth, the orbicularis oculi, the muscle around the eye that gives us ‘crow's-feet’ also moves. Liars tend to just move their mouths. It takes only two muscles, the zygomaticus major muscles that extend from the cheekbones to the corners of the lips produce a grin.
. Liars may also feel fear and guilt or delight at fooling people. Such emotions can trigger a change in facial expression so brief that most observers never notice. These split-second "microexpressions." are emotional clues are as important as gestures, voice, and speech patterns in uncovering deceitfulness.
. Speech Pattern Changes. Liars may mispronounce words, mumble and take longer pauses between a question and a response than honest people. This happens because the liar is not sure where they’re going with the lie or might be having trouble following through with the lie.
. Looking down while talking may indicate someone is embarrassed or does not know.

. Fidgeting may indicate nervousness due to deception.

. Touching the face while talking may be a sign the person is uncomfortable or deceptive. The higher up on the face the worse the lie.

. Shifty Eyes. A liar often will not look you straight in the eye.
. Changing Pupils. A liars pupils may change in size. This happens because when under stress (e.g. lying), adrenaline is released causing the pupils to dilate. Enlarged pupils can also indicate attraction so don't forget always look for patterns of lying.
. Speech Pattern Changes. Liars may mispronounce words, mumble and take longer pauses between a question and a response than honest people. This happens because the liar may be hesitating before they make up a lie, or they are searing for a suitable lie that fits the occasion.
. Fidgeting. Tapping the fingers, nose scratching,, fake coughs and playing with something in their fingers could all be the signs discomfort and lying.
. Heavy breathing, sweating or tight jaw.
. Looking up while talking may indicate someone is lying.
. People who lie tend not to use pronouns like "I" or "me".
. If questioned enough liars often will not be able to remember the lies they have made up and will attack or leave before they are trapped.

. Liars are afraid of getting caught and they might feel guilty so they may express anger or storm around as a show to hide their anxiety. That way the anger or anxiety they show has reasonable explanation, besides the real one, which is - they are lying.

2007-06-14 14:16:18 · answer #4 · answered by Txgirl23 4 · 0 1

1. They will NOT look directly at you
2. Excessive blinking
3. Nervous laughter
4. Wringing of hands, playing with hair or other nervous activity.
5. Longer than normal pauses between thoughts. (it is harder to think of a lie than spout the truth thus they need time to come up with it especially if they are being pressed for some details.)
6. Heightened level of perspiration. (can show up when nervous as well so this is not quite as good)

There are others, but I can't remember all of them off the top of my head.

Hope this helps.

2007-06-14 14:15:54 · answer #5 · answered by Jeff Engr 6 · 0 1

girls have great intuition... almost every time that i've had the feeling that someone was lying to me (especially guys for some reason) i end up being right... and it's not just... but you too... if you have a gut feeling that someone's lying ... they probably are... and some people will just continue to lie when asked... these are the hardest cases... in general you can tell by their past behavior... have they lied before? do they not treat others as well as they should ...do they respect others wishes?
good luck

2007-06-14 14:12:37 · answer #6 · answered by danii 4 · 0 1

Whether you can tell they're lying or not doesn't really matter because unless you ask and they tell you the truth (and if they are lying, then why would they) you won't know from them. Signs can also be wrong, unless of course, you are good at listening to your intuition and you watch very carefully. Yes, I do agree its in their eyes. But its in a flinch or the iris changing or the pupil resizing.

Really, truly, honestly, the best thing to do is: LISTEN TO YOURSELF. TRUST YOURSELF. ABIDE BY YOUR INTUITION. It will never lie to you and its the one thing in this world you can ALWAYS TRUST!

Once you get in the practice of listening to your intuition it will get easier and easier. You'll see and you'll know beyond a shadow of a doubt!


2007-06-14 14:49:49 · answer #7 · answered by FilArtiste 2 · 0 1

Their are tons of ways to see if people are lying. one you could make them look straight in your eye and say something and say "peanut butter" and if they laff they could be lying.

There are a number of ways to determine whether someone is being truthful or not. The first most recognizable way is related to eye contact. When someone can't look you in the eyes they likely have something to hide or are unsure about what they are saying. The next way is to consider their other body language signals. When people are nervous they tend to fidget. This includes stamping their feet, tapping their fingers, swinging back and forth, putting their hands on their heads, and others.

Often when someone is telling a lie they put one or both hands on or near their facial area. It is as if they don't believe what they are saying so they will inadvertently block their view. Other subtle signs that one is lying includes putting hands over one's mouth, caressing one's chin, scratching one's head, or pulling on the ear. When people know they are lying they need an outlet for their anxiety. This can come in the form of self restraint postures as described above. On the other hand, when someone is telling the truth they are in a much more relaxed state where they exhibit unrestrained normal body language and a calm demeanor.

There are verbal cues to determine whether one is lying or not. Most often when someone is lying their vocal range changes. This range can be very subtle or extreme. A very uncharacteristic voice change is a suspicious sign. A slight voice change may just be due to normal stress, but the observer should watch other cues to see if the person is being truthful or not. The best way to spot a liar is to watch all of their signals; verbal and non-verbal.

Some of the cues that liars give may sound obvious, but many of us forget to watch for them during the normal course of a conversation. When you ask someone a pertinent question and they take an unusually long time to give you an answer, it may mean that their memory is failing them or that they are attempting to construct a false answer. The more slow answers they give the more culpable they are.

A classic trick used by detectives is to tell the person that the lie has already been uncovered. For example, the detective will say, "we know what you did on Johnson street, why don't you just fess up about it." In reality the detective has no clue as to what happened on Johnson street but this trick has made many felons confess to their crime. Likewise, if you feel that a timely answer is crucial you can employ this trick to attempt to get the real information. If it turns out that the person is being honest, you can just say that you were only joking. This way you defuse the situation.

To be a successful liar one has to have a very good memory. The fact is that most people don't have a perfect memory. If they are lying about something the facts will eventually come out in the end. One way to get the facts is to ask the person questions about a string of events surrounding the scenario which you want to gain information about. When you are out of the room write down their response on a note pad. At a later date ask the person the same questions and see if their story has changed. If you notice their story has changed dramatically you can call them on it and see their response. This is also another device used by detectives.

If the situation permits you can be more forceful. This includes strait out saying to the person, "I know you are lying." You repeat this over and over until the person confesses.

Try to determine whether another person's statements add up. If they do add up, add up at a later date, and the person does not exhibit any suspicious communication signals, then there is a good chance they are telling the truth. The one exception would be if the person was professionally trained in the art of lying and avoiding detection. The latter type of person requires more intense analysis which requires a deeper and more abstract observation. One way to find out such a person is to determine whether they fully answered your question. A person who has nothing to hide will divulge more than enough information. On the other hand, someone who is lying will only say as much as necessary to get you off of their case. Pay close attention the quality and quantity of information that they give you.

Liars will want you to assume that they are being truthful. They will give emotional pleas hoping that they will persuade you in some way. They will say things like "I am a very honest person" or "I swear to God." An honest person usually gives the facts in a laid back manner. The truthful person has nothing to prove since they do not feel any sense of guilt. If you sense that the person is going overboard in trying to persuade you then it may be a sign of guilt.

Liars often respond in technicalities. This means that they will say "I am not a felon" because technically they have not been convicted by a court. They may have committed a felonious crime but technically they are not a felon. It is hard for people to lie so they try to stretch the truth into technicalities or they obfuscate the facts.

Stay one step ahead of the person by asking lots of questions. You can ask questions slowly, then launch a flurry of questions. A liar will be disoriented while an honest person will more faster and more comprehensive in his answers.

If someone answers a question with a question then it is a sign of defensiveness. The person may say "why would I do something like that?" or "what do you think happened?" The more questions the person asks you in return the more they are dodging the question. This is just a way for them to buy more time make a false answer. Remember that you are the one doing the interviewing and will not be intimidated.

(i ddint riite that)

2007-06-14 15:09:31 · answer #8 · answered by LALALA 1 · 0 2

Yeah definitely eye contact.. And if you know the person really well and you soon catch them in a lie once, check for little things they do there after like touching certain parts of their face or saying "uhmm" a lot. I dunno...try and learn the person before accusing someone you just met or..you know the drill girl!
;) Good luck!!

2007-06-14 14:12:01 · answer #9 · answered by Amanda L 2 · 1 1

eyes are the usual give away the person may make eye contact but look for eye movement a look down or to the left or right are indicators of lies, people cross their arms and if sitting down they shift away from you.

2007-06-14 15:51:41 · answer #10 · answered by Magster 7 · 0 1

To find out if someone is lying, ask them. If they say no then you know that they are lying. Actually, I stole that from Mark Twain.

2007-06-14 19:53:19 · answer #11 · answered by DaveSFV 7 · 0 1

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