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write a story for me using the following songs...
1. Walk Right Back
2. You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
3. Stupid Boy
4. I Can't Stop Loving You

2007-06-14 06:54:55 · 5 answers · asked by sarge 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

Add one more song
5. Amazed and Confused


2007-06-14 06:56:56 · update #1

5 answers

Dodge City, Kansas
Circa 1876


Kevin Dunbar, http://www.fanlistings.org/kevin_costner/images_new/openrange/gallery/tns/kevin_costner_open_range21.jpg
an old flame of Sunshine MacGillicutty, had come to Dodge. Recently widowed, he wanted to reclaim her heart. Sunshine's boyfriend, U.S.Marshal Matt Dillon, has left her farm and moved back to his old living quarters, his office. He thinks that Sunshine is still attracted to Kevin.

"Amazed and Confused"

Sunshine was in a tailspin. Matt had left the farm and was back to living in town. kevin had given her a diamond ring and professed his love for her. She was both (5) amazed and confused by the recent events. She still wasn't aware that Matt had overheard and misconstrued some of her conversation with Kevin . As in most soap operas , Matt had caught a few words.....but not the ENTIRE conversation. Sure Sunshine loved Kevin. He was a very good friend,they had even had a romantic relationship....YEARS ago. And the kiss Matt saw? Well that was Kevin taking advantage of a vulnerable moment.

The scene shifts to Dodge City, Matt waking up.
He instinctively reached for Sunshine. Then he remembered......He lay back on his pillow, dejected.
"Maybe I should (1.) Walk Right Back to her arms and forget all of this ever happened.........(3.) Stupid Boy....She may not WANT you back!" He berated himself for ever doubting her love and respect for him. Sunshine wouldn't just throw away what they had. "Unless of course Kevin has rekindled the love she once felt for him." It turned his stomach to think of her with another man! He loved her so. As Matt dressed and got ready to assume his duties as U.S.Marshal, there was a knock on the door. In walked Miss Kitty Russell, his former girlfriend.
►►(REMEMBER NOW......She had visited his office last night and found a lovenote that was intended for Sunshine.)
Kitty:" Good morning Matt. I was just going to Delmonicos for breakfast. Care to join me?"
Matt:" Yeah,okay. I guess a bowl of cereal would taste good."
Kitty had a coy smile on her face as she put stage one of her plan into action...........To herself....." This man will be mine by midnight! I'll get you, my little pretty!!" Off they went for some breakfast.



All through breafast Kitty kept up a steady flow of useless prattle......"And so I told HER that the ONLY decent dresses come from St Louis! She only wears those half-priced rags from the Mercantile, you know!" Matt could not have cared LESS about Kitty's dress story.
Kitty:"Matt! Are you listening?!"
Matt:" Huh? Oh, sure, Kitty. Sorry."
Kitty:"Listen, Matt. It's obvious why you're here in town,wearing that long face. (2.) You've Got to Hide Your Love Away. Show a little pride, man!"
Matt stood up and excused himself......"I need to get going, Kitty. Nice seeing you again."
Kitty: "Matt Dillon (1.) Walk Right Back and eat your cereal ! "
Matt tipped his hat and was gone.
Kitty smiled and finished her coffee.......
"PLan A, step #1 accomplished. Get some alone time with Matt. Now it's time to visit little Miss Sunshine. Maybe show her the lovenote.....That she'll think Matt wrote ME!!!
Muawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !!"

No sooner had she spoke that Sunshine rode into town.
She got off her horse and looked around for Matt.
Kitty:"Plan A, step #2......Ready to launch!!"......"Well, good morning Sunshine. Looking for loverboy, hmmmmmm? My,my, you look a bit strange this morning....even for YOU! What clown's trashcan did you get those clothes from?!"
Sunshine looked her straight in the eye.
Sunshine:"Where's Matt?"
Kitty lied....."Oh , he rode out of town an hour ago. Won't be back until tonight.......for our date."
Sunshine looked at her with open mouth.
Kitty:"That's right, sugar britches. Matt has come back to me. Why ...Just this morning he wrote me this little note......I found it on the pillow."

As Sunshine stood there, disbelieving and quite rattled, up strode Kevin:http://www.fanlistings.org/kevin_costner/images_new/openrange/gallery/tns/kevin_costner_open_range18.jpg
Kevin:"Morning , Sunshine." He then looked at Kitty.........."Maam." He turned his attention back to Sunshine,"(4.) I Can't Stop Loving You and I'm not going to try!!"
Kitty:"Ahhhhh.....The OTHER man in your life.....My,my Sunshine....You are ONE busy woman! One needs a scorecard to keep up with you!!"


2007-06-14 08:09:36 · answer #1 · answered by I am Sunshine 6 · 5 1

I hope this works for you.

My life is, as some would say, pointless. It is dull and very ordinary. I wear my heart on my sleeves, always open and vulnerable to everything. Then, the perfect day comes around and as I am sitting in my car, waiting for the light to change, I see the perfect girl. The hair, the eyes, the lips, that dress- just perfect. I find myself thinking about her when I am not even aware. It's like she has me Amazed and Confused, at the same time. Can a person be that perfect? As I sit here with my beer and my buddies, I continue to ponder what life would be like. I picture walks on the beach, talks lasting until 3 am, long dinners, and moving into a nice house and filling it with kids. But even in my dreams, I ruin everything by imagining her indiscretions and how I would Walk Right Back to her no matter what she had done. And I know this would make me a Stupid Boy, but I would still walk right up to her and say," I Can't Stop Loving You."
The images fade as I see my friends staring at me with wonder. They have listened to me go on and on about this girl all day, so as I start to tell them my lastest daydream, my friend slapped me on the back of my head and plainly said, "My friend, You've Got to Hide Your Love Away," and with that, I couldn't even picture her anymore. It was like every other good thing in my life- Gone, just like that.

2007-06-14 07:41:58 · answer #2 · answered by chelleighlee 4 · 1 0

Some of these days I'm both amazed AND confused by the sheer gullability of the male population!!!
My boyfriend Johnny is a prime example of this!! Let me explain to you EXACTLY what I mean!
Johnny and I both work at the Sputter and Fizzle Pub. He's a cook and I'm a waitress and.., well, things between us USED to be pretty hot!! Lately, however, he's been more "fizzle" than "sputter" and me being a woman that needs constant,*ahem*, intellectual stimulation, I had started to become, shall we say, restless.
Last night, horror of horrors, Johnny found me and Lenny, the busboy/dishwasher in a "potentially" compromising situation. Lenny and I had just had the longest, hottest kiss you could ever imagine when we suddenly detected movement behind us and stopped cold! * Enter Johnny*!!! He looked from me to Lenny noting our flushed faces. "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!!???" he yelled. I smiled. "Nothing darling" I said. "Lenny was just showing me how to turn on the dish washer". I continued, "It's SO hot in here, let's go out for a breather" I grabbed Johnny's hand and we went out back.
Johnny still looked a little confused and somewhat wary.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, "Come, come now, stupid boy!!!, don't you know I can't stop loving you" I kissed him FULL on the lips. He relaxed. "I saw you two looking kind of.........flustered...and I thought...." his voice trailed off. I smiled up into his eyes, "Don't be ridiculous!!, you're the only man for me and you know it, now walk right back into that kitchen and forget all of this silly nonsense" He looked very relieved!
"I'm sorry for accusing you honey" he said, "I won't ever doubt you again"."Good", I thought, "I certainly hope not".
I walked in after him a few minutes later and Lenny was watching me. Our eyes met for a breif moment and his gaze was sizzling hot!! The promise in my eyes was all he neeeded. He turned toward his duties smiling in anticipation. I started humming "Hey, you've got to hide your love away" as I fantasized about our future encounters!!!!!!!

2007-06-14 12:15:31 · answer #3 · answered by Silva 6 · 2 0

Some melanoma deaths may also be anticipated (by way of averaging all different melanoma patents who've died, on the equal degree), however the extra complex and new cancers, as they have not been arround very lengthy theres no longer allot to calculate from. However a health care provider will have to ask earlier than they inform a patent, as a few MIT nit wish to understand there anticipated demise-date (:

2016-09-05 16:35:42 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

When it comes to blind dates, I’m usually amazed and confused at the assortment of guys my friends try to set me up with. It has gotten so bad, that I sometimes think these people either don’t really know me, or quit possibly, the person that they set me up with is a friend of a friend a couple of times removed. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I’m desperate as I really do enjoy living on my own without having to answer to anyone, but I also think it might be nice to have someone that I can count on to be there for me no matter what, especially as I grow older.

I am going to meet another prospective Mr. Wonderful that my friend Rita arranged for me. I have learned from experience to never have them pick you up at your home. It’s best to meet in a very public place, and always make sure you have money and your car, in case you need to make a quick exit.

I was meeting Timmy at a fancy restaurant call Sunset Dreams. It’s a new place that has been getting rave reviews for their menu. I already had bad vibrations regarding this date because there’s something disgusting about addressing an adult by a childish name. In my mind, I see a cute little six year old boy with freckles and a couple of missing teeth when I think of Timmy. I certainly don’t picture an Engineering Professor.

My date was already seated and waiting for me when I arrived. I was shown to his table, I told him who I was, we shook hands and then I sat down. He really wasn’t a bad looking guy, his hair was sandy brown and cut close to his scalp, his eyes were a wonderful pale blue and he had a nice smile. I was actually beginning to relax a bit until he excused himself to go use the bathroom. Timmy was short, maybe around 5 feet tall and he was wearing flip flops with black socks and shorts. I was tempted to say “Walk right back to your momma and learn how to dress for a date”, but something told me she probably dressed just like he did and therefore wouldn’t see anything wrong. I don’t think even a stupid boy would dress this poorly for a date. I could understand if he had had surgery on his feet and needed to wear flip flops, but black socks, flip flops and shorts, not with me!!! I knew there wasn’t going to be a love connection. I could certainly overlook that he was vertically challenged, but his choice of clothing was embarrassing. There’s no way I would ever sing I can’t stop loving you when he looked like this. I figured he already had two strikes against him, his childish name and his lack of grooming skills. I sat there debating if I should end this date but decided to stay as hopefully it wouldn’t get any worse, but boy was I in for a surprise.

Elliot came back and sat down. I tried to make polite conversation as we reviewed the menu. He ordered a salad and a tofu dish, and then tried to convince me to have the same thing that he was eating. Thank you, but NO. I ordered a nice juicy steak. We sat there in silence and although I can’t speak for him, I know I was uncomfortable as hell. I couldn’t seem to find anything to say to him. I finally asked him how he knew Rita and he told me that he has never met her, but her husband was a student in his class last semester.

We continued to struggle to find a common ground for conversation. The waiter brought our food over and just as we started to eat, a short elderly lady came up to our table. I was surprise when Elliot got up and held a chair out for her. She sat down and he then introduced his mother to me. Although I was stunned, I still had a working brain, so I dropped my napkin on the floor, bent down to retrieve it and checked out her foot wear. Yup, momma was wearing flip flops with fluffy socks and she had on a house dress. Momma leaned over to Elliot and said “Kiss me, then you’ve got to hide your love away.” Strike three – YOU’RE OUT!!!

I decided to leave, so when our waiter came by, I asked him to please take my food and put it in a doggy bag. Elliot asked me if there was something wrong. I told him that I wasn’t feeling a connection between us so I wanted to call it a night. He tried to talk me into staying but I was adamant. Momma sat there the whole time with this silly smirk on her face. With doggy bag in hand, I started to walk out of the restaurant, when I heard him call out “I’ll call you tomorrow”. I almost ran out of the front door. Tomorrow bright and early I’ll be calling the phone company to request my phone number be changed.

2007-06-14 13:24:58 · answer #5 · answered by marilynn 5 · 1 0

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